Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1245: Outside, i want to marry you

Tang Shangshi's words caused Yu Listening to tremble all over.

She was a little bit annoyed, a little bit ashamed, and a little wronged, she broke free from his embrace, panic trying to escape.

However, Tang Shangshi did not want to let go.

If he doesn't let go, she won't be able to make it anyway.

Yu Tingting cruelly gritted his teeth, lowered his head and bit down, not elsewhere, but on Tang Shangshi’s lips.

Tang Shangshi frowned slightly with pain.

But then he relaxed again, with a smile in his eyes, he regained the initiative, put his arm around Yu Tingting's waist, pressed her tightly against his body, and continued The kiss just now was a dimly kiss.

Once you have tasted a good thing and know its wonderful taste, it is difficult to give up, and you always think about it.

This is the Tang Shang, after kissing Yu Tingting for the first time, what he often faced was always.

Sometimes he often wondered, if he didn't care about this little girl, didn't bully her, didn't help her, and let her fend for herself, would the two of them stagger?

Of course, if there is no if, once a concession is made to a person, then he will continue to indulge in this life, as far as his current thinking, no matter what happened in the beginning, he now has to keep her by his side.

If you can, I really want to do it now, eat her whole in my stomach, then it would be perfect.

Especially now, her body is soft and full of fulfillment when he is holding it. He can't restrain himself at all, he presses his lips and kisses harder and harder.

But he also knew how to measure, and never went further.

He hasn't seen each other for so many years, and when they meet too presumptuously, he is afraid that he will scare her, step by step, she will be his sooner or later.

But in fact, Yu Tingting was already scared by him. Everything he did was already vain to her world. At this moment, being kissed by him, only felt that his face was too hot, and the whole person shrank in his arms. The whole body trembled gently.

But in fact, this scene, Yu Tinghe had imagined many times, and now it really came true, she still felt like she was in a fantasy, but it was a little different from the illusion.

In the fantasy, she was excited, even looking at him like a nympho, but now she doesn't even look at him, she doesn't even have the courage to move more, and she feels a little soft and can't move at all.

Feeling her gentleness, feeling her gentleness, Tang Shangshi was no longer eager to prove anything, he loosened her slightly, but his forehead was against hers.

He looked at Yu Tingting with bright eyes, and gently called out her name: "Listen."

Yu Tingting raised his eyes and glanced at him, but then he lowered his head shyly, and his white teeth bit his lips, making the lips that had been ravaged by the Tang Dynasty more attractive.

Tang Shangshi didn't hold back for a while, and gave her a shallow kiss, then gently pushed her away, and then looked like a gentleman with a serious look in her eyes, with a faint smile inside, Qi The lips lightly asked: "Listen, shall we get married?"

Yu Tingting was stunned for a moment, did not speak, but looked at him in a daze, suspecting that he had just heard a hallucination.

Until Tang Shangshi, he said again: "Yu Tingting, I want to marry you!"

This time it was no longer the question just now, but the domineering statement.

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