Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1252: Outside, are you shy?

Hearing this, Yu Hearing his whole heart jumped to his throat.

She didn’t know what kind of reaction she should have next, or what she should have in her senses, that is, a heart that went up and down, afraid that he would say that his girlfriend is someone else, after all, she didn’t seem to admit that she was him. Your girlfriend.

But she also knew that in his heart she was his girlfriend. After all, she had already proposed to her, but she was afraid that he would tell her parents all the things between them.

Just tonight, in front of Mo Qian, just according to her parents' temperament, she would definitely feel sorry for Mo Qian, so for a long time, she would not stop.

Yu Feibai narrowed her eyes sharply, "Oh, do you have a girlfriend? Which girl? So blessed!"

In front of his future father-in-law, Tang Shang was very gentle and elegant. He could see that Yu Feibai should already know his thoughts. Even between the lines of the conversation tonight, there was a taste of scrutiny.

So whether to recognize it or not is another matter.

It's a test right now. I can't say that. Mo Qian is here today. Of course he can't point to the face of Lao Zhangren, but he can't help but say that once this matter is concealed today, he will fall into trouble in the future. , Confidently said that he would marry his daughter home.

Thinking about this, Tang Shangshi came up with an ambiguous answer, "She is very shy, saying that she will not make it public for the time being, and that underground romances are interesting."

As he said, he changed the subject: "Uncle, I heard my dad say that when you were young, you had a wasteful underground relationship with your aunt. I wonder if you can pass on some experience?"

Yu Feibai was taken aback for a moment, then smiled meaningfully, looked at Gu Youli affectionately, and then when he returned to Tang, "Okay, I'll talk to you someday."

After a pause, he added: "You have to work hard. We heard that Mo Qian is getting engaged. You have been in love since childhood. If you can get married on the same day, it would be a great thing."

A little bit, let the atmosphere of the whole restaurant plummet in an instant, and everyone stopped moving, as if time had frozen.

No one spoke first in the silence of the room.

In the end, Tang Shang broke the awkward silence: "If that is the case, then congratulations, listen!"

His expression looked like a smile but not a smile. The next two words "listen", when he shouted out, the bite bite particularly hard, he said that he did not turn his head, and he looked at Yulisten meaningfully, the warning in his eyes was so strong, It's hard to let Yu listen and ignore it.

Yu Tingting swallowed hard, bit his lip, bowed his head and pretended to be dead, without saying anything, sandwiched a piece of chicken, and ate absently.

Lest it is not a mess at this moment, Mo Qianxie added, "I'm shy to hear. When you go, don't look at her anymore."

Yu Tingting raised his eyes in horror and looked at Mo Qian, his face was pale, and when he looked at Tang Shang next to him, he no longer looked at Yu Tingting, but his face was dark and dark.

But the other people at the table all laughed happily, as if they didn't know the ambiguity of these two.

Why, why, she will feel that she has been calculated, and Yu Tingting bit her chicken bones, and she will die! !

What should I do? My brother must have misunderstood this moment. It's not like this, it's obviously not like this!

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