Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1273: Fanwai, still jealous?

When Yu Listening looked aggrievedly at the front, he was called a suave Tang Shang in white clothes and white pants, thinking about everything that happened a few days ago, subconsciously struggling, "What are you doing, let me go!"

While at the villa, she reached out and grabbed the railing.

Tang Shangshi couldn't force her forward anymore, so he stopped and looked back at her, "What did you do? Why did you come back so late?"

I couldn't help but make sour bubbles in my heart. If I haven't seen him these days, is she with the man just now?

So I haven’t seen you for a few days, and I questioned her as soon as I met. Yu heard that her heart suddenly became excited and full of rebellion, "What's up with you, you are very busy, greet your Anri."

Tang Shangshi smiled when he heard the words and pushed her against the railing, "Why? Still jealous?"

Yu Listening's little face blushed, "Who is jealous of you, shameless!!"

As she said, she stretched out her hand to push Tang Shangshi away. Tang Shangshi let go. When she turned to run, she hugged her from behind and smiled, but said to her in a heavy tone: " I miss you."

Yu Tinghe felt a little frightened, she looked back at him without saying a word, it was obvious that I didn't believe it.

"I really want to." Tang Shangshi smiled, very black-bellied rogue, "Hidden from me for a few days, do you miss me?"

Yu Listening was expressionless and looked back coldly, "I don't want to think about it.

Tang Shangshi whispered softly in her ear: "But I miss you so much, what should I do?"

Yu Tingting's heart trembled, twitched, and struggled subconsciously, "What's the matter with you, there is no end to it? Let me go."

"Endless, don't let go!!" Tang Shangshi put his hand hard, and put Yu Tingting in his arms.

Yu Listening struggled for a while, and finally gave up, letting him hold it like this.

Tang Shangshi didn't make a sound anymore, and stood at the door holding him like this, holding her tightly, as if rubbing her into the blood.

He leaned his head on her shoulder and slowly rubbed against her sideburns: "Don't be angry, it was my bad day. I didn't think about it well. I just think she is a guest, we are the master, so I don't bother to care about her. "

Yu Tingting shrank in his arms, thinking of what Anri said that day, he was so angry that he wanted to cry, "I am not the Lord, you are nothing, I am a companion, or a contemptuous companion."

"You stupid, I said it was your master, who would dare to say nothing," Tang Shangshi's voice was soft and soft, but his tone was very strong.

"That Anri dare, what can you do to her!" Yu listened to pouting aggrievedly, and the sadness and sorrow of a few days turned into tears.

"That Anri, I swear to you, I will ignore her again, never tell her a word, never give her a single look, don't cry or cry! Listen to me, don't cry!" Tang Shangshi was comforted, since He kissed Yu Tingting's tears softly behind him.

Then, Yu Tinghe felt a whirl of heaven and earth. It turned out that Tang Shangshi had already picked her up.

Yu Tinghe didn't think about it yet, so quickly forgive him for coming, and struggling to get out of his arms: "What are you doing, let me go!"

But where is Tang Shangshi willing to let it go? This made Yu Tingting's heart angry, angry, and angry. He clenched his fist and thumped it up: "Brother Stinky Shangshi, you let me down quickly!"

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