Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1276: I will marry her

For this scene, Yu Feibai and Gu Youli were not surprised.

Yu Feibai did not express his position, but when looking at Tang Shang indifferently, Gu Youli glanced at her husband sideways, and there was no extra expression. When he raised his hand to support Tang Shang, "When you go, you should get up first."

Tang Shangshi didn't want to get up, so he knelt all the time, then fixedly looked at Yu Feibai.

Yu Feibai didn’t look at him any more since he finished speaking. He picked up the teacup set aside, and then squeezed it gently, leaning on the back of the sofa so lazily, with a very serious expression. Cold and indifferent.

"Uncle, I beg you to marry me!" He said firmly again.

Yu listening to the side didn't know why, he felt a little thrilling, and felt that his father was not like his usual father.

She stepped forward, knelt next to Tang Shangshi, and then looked at Yu Feibai and said, "Dad, mother, I agree, I want to marry Shangshi brother!"

Gu Youli looked at her daughter, it was a hatred of iron.

Yu Feibai glanced at her coldly, and smiled with the same thoughts as his wife in his heart, "Yes, now I am happy!"

"Dad, I'm just telling the truth," Yu Tingting looked at Yu Feibai aggrievedly, but bit his head.

Yu Feibai's gaze suddenly narrowed coldly, and the tea cup in his hand immediately hurled towards Yu Tingting.

He was so angry that he was almost spewed out by this daughter.

Can anyone tell him that this is really his daughter Yu Feibai?

How did he and Gu Youli teach such an extroverted daughter? Before they were married, they had already gone out. Are they from his family?

This frightened Tang Shang next to him, immediately reached out and hugged Tingting, blocking everything with his back.

Yu Feibai was not surprised, his eyes turned sharply, and the cup was smashed to try Tang Shangshi.

He has always petted his daughter, how could he be willing to hit her with a cup.

He was certain that Tang Shangshi would block this for listening.

If he miscalculated, Tang didn't block this, then she suffered. Her daughter deserved it, and he didn't know how to recognize the person, and he couldn't see clearly. Then there was no way to marry his daughter during the Tang Dynasty.

When Tang Shang was hit hard, he was clearly hurt, but he didn't even hum. He just let go of it gently to listen, and then squeezed her hand, moved her body to protect her behind her. , "I'm sorry, uncle, everything is my fault, you just have to be angry at me."

Yu Feibai snorted coldly, his face looked like Xuanbing that could not be transformed for a thousand years, and smiled ironically: "Fight for you, you are not my son, how dare I, if this touches you, your dad won't find me Desperately."

Tang Shangshi pressed his lips and was choked by Yu Feibai to speak.

After a long silence, he said seriously and firmly: "Uncle, I know that you didn't tell you the truth last time. You are very angry now, but because I just returned home at that time, I did not officially agree to be with me. So I respect her and dare not tell you the truth, but I really like to listen, love to listen..."

He paused, holding Yu Tingting's hand tightly again, and turning his eyes to Tingting, his eyes light and shallow, but full of smiles, and then he said every word. Slowly and clearly, "So, if I want to marry her, I will definitely marry her."

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