Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1284: Fanwai, little domineering ghost

"What's the crime please?" Yu Tingting blinked his eyes and pretended to be innocent: "My brother was injured because my father was going to hit me. He was injured in order to protect me. I can't be without a conscience, just to see Just look at him, is this also going to be guilty?"

She looked at Yu Feibai aggrievedly, her mouth pouting like a pacifier.

Although Yu Feibai is still indifferent on the surface, but in fact, her cold heart has been transformed by her daughter, and she sighed: "Then you don't need to check the time, you are too indifferent to do things, and ran to a man at midnight. How bad is the room?"

"Who told Dad you didn't let me watch it before? I'm worried about brother Shangshi," Yu Tingting put his chin in his hands, embarrassed: "I actually listen to Dad."

Yu Feibai couldn't help laughing: "You, how come you don't understand Dad's intentions? It's nothing if a man is hurt. Don't blame Dad for not telling you that you can't spoil this man. Be careful you are spoiled."

Yu Tingting stared at Yu Feibai blankly, and did not respond for a while. It seemed that he was thinking afterwards, the real meaning of these words.

Suddenly, she chuckled, it was all wickedness: "I'm going to tell my mother about this, and I'm going to tell her, don't spoil my dad anymore, lest I spoil my dad, haha."

Yu Feibai was choked.

He hates iron for failing to form a tie, and solemnly said, "How can this be the same? Your mother has married me, and also gave birth to your brother and you, a little monkey."

Yu Tingting bulged his cheeks: "Why is it different? I think it is the same reason. I will marry brother Shangshi in the future, and brother Shangshi treats me well, of course I have to be right. He’s good, if he treats me badly, I won’t be so good to him, Dad, it’s not as stupid as you think."

Yu Feibai couldn't help but chuckled lightly: "You are stupid than I thought."

Yu Listening pretended to be angry, "Dad, you say, I hate you."

Yu Feibai raised his eyebrows: "Oh, you little domineering ghost, you threatened Dad."

Yu Tingting quickly shook his head: "Of course not. I like Dad the most. Don’t worry, Dad. Brother Shangshi treats me very well, and he respects me very much. I slept yesterday and he insisted on sending me back. , I’m just afraid of ruining my reputation, Dad, don’t worry about it anymore. Even if I marry my brother Shangshi, I’m still Dad’s daughter and I still love Dad the most."

Yu Feibai asked casually, "I love you more than my brother when you were up."

It's really not that you want to be jealous with your future son-in-law, but that you have such a big baby and suddenly want to give it to someone else.

Yu Tingting nodded repeatedly: "Of course."

Yu Feibai didn't believe it: "Just coax me, my father is not always confused."

Yu Tinghe got up from the chair and walked to the back of Yu Feibai to circle his neck: "Of course, Dad is not old and confused. Dad is young. He is a beautiful and beautiful uncle. Now in this society, Dad is like you. , You can fascinate the hearts of thousands of young girls when you go out. It's trivial to find many girlfriends.

Yu Feibai laughed and squeezed the face of her baby girl: "Be careful that your mother beats you."

"Confidentiality and confidentiality, I can't let my mother know about it," Yu Tingting stuck out his tongue, then took Yu Feibai's hand and pulled him to his feet: "Let's go, let's have breakfast."

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