Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1288: Outside, continue to occupy...

Yu Tingting stayed at home for two days, two days very honest.

Although Yu Feibai agreed that she and Tang Shangshi were together, she still respected Feibai's authority and did not dare to do something extraordinary under his nose, and she didn't even dare to hold hands when meeting every day.

On the third day, Yu Ting Ting did not go home after get off work and went straight to her small apartment.

After having dinner, taking a shower, and preparing to go to the Internet to sleep, the doorbell rang. When Tang Shang stood outside the door, he was dressed in black and black trousers. He was tall and straight, standing at the door to open the door. Come a great sense of oppression.

"Why are you here?" Yu Tingting asked, but his eyes were like washed stars, bright as if they were shining.

In fact, she already knew that if she didn't go back, she would definitely come here to look for her when Tang Shang.

"Why didn't you go home today?" Tang Shangshi didn't answer her. When she asked her, she walked into the house with long legs and closed the door.

Yu Ting Ting Nene: "I have to get up early to work tomorrow, I live too far away."

Tang Shangshi looked down at her, and took her into his arms: "Is it tired from work?"

Yu Tingting pouted and looked at him with some annoyance: "If I said, I want to be alone with you for a while, believe it or not."

Tang Shangshi was almost overflowing with honey, but on the surface he was calm, watching and listening jokingly: "What if I don't believe it?"

"..." Yu Tingting was stunned, and then stared at him bitterly, "If you don't believe it, don't believe it. It's not early. I have to rest. I will walk slowly."

Tang Shangshi smiled lightly, and clasped her waist tighter, with her forehead touching her forehead, "Is that angry? You can't afford to make any jokes."

"You really hate you." Yu Tingting muttered in a low voice, reached out to push him to hold her hand, looked up at him, and pouted: "I don't like you anymore, you go for a walk!"

Tang Shangshi immediately hugged Yu Tingting's waist again and looked down at her: "It's too late to hate it, and it's too late to dislike it. Yu Tingting is destined to be unable to escape me in your life!"

"What a bad guy." Yu Tingting scolded, but smiled sweetly.

"But you like this big villain!" Tang Shangshi pressed her little head against his chest, lowered her head to her ear, sniffing the fragrance in her hair.

The two hugged quietly for a while, Tang Shangshi raised his eyes and looked at the wall clock opposite, frowning: "It's all so late, you rest early."

"What about you?" Yu Tingting reluctantly took his hand.

"I'm going back, you don't want to get up early and go to bed." Tang Shangshi gently raised his hand to smooth the broken hair on her forehead.

"It's not like you haven't lived here anyway, or don't leave, and live here tonight."

Tang Shangshi's gaze immediately darkened, and it was very meaningful: "Listen, do you know what you are talking about?"

Yu Listening blinked and stayed for a while. This suddenly understood, she blushed, and immediately raised her hand to punch Tang Shangshi's shoulder: "Where do you want to go, really, you go. I'm going to rest."

"Don't go, or..." Tang Shangshi smiled and turned to look at the sofa, "I sleep here."

Yu Tingting also followed his gaze and glanced toward the sofa, and pouted his mouth: "Whatever you want! It's not me who sleeps anyway."

As soon as the voice fell, she felt a whirlwind of heaven and earth, and when she reacted, she was already hugged by Tang Shangshi: "It's really hateful. It doesn't matter whether I live or die, I decided to continue to occupy your bed tonight."

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