Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1297: Outside, one step back

The road was washed by heavy rain and muddy. The two came all the way, their feet covered with mud.

Tang Shangshi was okay. After walking for so long, I didn't breathe for a while. I knew it was trained at first glance, but I couldn't listen to it.

Stumbled along the way, if it wasn't for Tang Shangshi to help him, I'm afraid he would have sat on the ground early.

After walking for five long minutes, the rain continued to fall and heavier. The rain poured down mercilessly, hitting them finely, hitting the surrounding trees, making a rustling sound, like a bloodthirsty beast before creeping at them. The same.

The two of them were completely drenched by the rain, and their black hair kept dripping, and their tightly entangled fingers gradually became slippery because of the rain.

"Bang," Yu Tinghe accidentally fell to the ground.

Tang Shangshi's face was heavy and he immediately fished her from the ground.

The rain was so heavy that it washed away the mud stains on her face in a short while.

Tang Shangshi looked at her worriedly, shooting up and down to see if she was injured: "Does it hurt?"

"I'm fine!" Yu Tingting shook his head vigorously.

She struggled to get up, but in the next second, the mountain next to them, softened by the rain, suddenly collapsed like this.

Tang Shangshi's face changed, he hugged Yu Tingting quickly, and slid aside.

The world was spinning, Yu Tingting felt a headache, his forehead seemed to hit a lot, and he felt groggy. The rapid rotation felt very exciting but terrifying.

But the sturdy, cold and warm body that was holding her made her close her eyes again and let her body roll to unknown places with him.


On the other side, Gu Youli, who was suddenly hung up, was about to die at this moment.

"Sorry, the call you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please call again later..."

This was already n times that Gu Youli could not remember, but he couldn't get through.

She looked anxiously at Yu Feibai next to her: "What should I do? What will happen to these two children?"

It’s not just that Yu Feibai was called back from the army, and even Tang Yu and Ye Qingqing were called by her. The three tried to contact Tang Shangshi and Yu Tingting, but they couldn’t get in touch anyway. To.

The low air pressure in the room was extremely serious, and all I felt was cold, which made people breathless.

Yu Feibai pressed his lips tightly and said calmly: "Don't worry, they will be fine."

Tang Yu's eyes were cold, and he comforted Gu Youli: "It's all my fault. I didn't discipline this stinky boy, so that this stinky boy doesn't understand at all, but please rest assured, he will definitely not let anything happen. ."

Yu Fei waved his hand in vain: "Don't talk about Shangshi, this is going to grandfather's house, it must be an idea to listen to, but it hurt Shangshi."

Tang Yu disagreed and said, "Whatever it is, they are going to be engaged. No matter what this woman does, it is the man's fault that it is wrong."

Yu Feibai loves to hear these words, and only feels at ease after love. He raised his eyebrows lightly: "Get engaged, isn't it married?"

Tang Yu pursed his lips, slightly surprised, because he wanted to take a step back because of this accident. He didn't expect Yu Feibai to be like him...

Ye Qingqing hurriedly smiled and said, "Yes, marriage, marriage!"

Then he glanced at Tang Yu with a smile. Although Tang Yu had no expression on his face, his eyes were pleasantly surprised.

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