Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 132: Love, underground love (8)

Gu Youli was gently rubbed by him, his heart was beating rapidly, and the blood all over his body was like slowly boiling water. .

She took a deep breath, calmed her mind, and struggled slightly: "All right?"

"Okay, you sit down and don't move." Yu Feibai said affectionately in her ear, causing Gu Youli to tremble and feel embarrassed.

Sitting face-to-face like this, the roots of the fragility of men and women are together.

Gu Youli clearly felt that Yu Feibai's scorching heat somewhere against him was extremely hard.

She swallowed, "Well, let me down first?"

"I told you to stop moving and tease me again, I don't care."

"I...I'm not teasing you, I just want to..."

Before Gu Youli finished speaking, Yu Feibai's mouth was blocked.

When Yu Feibai's hungry lips and tongue kissed her, his hands also dipped into the soft palms of her clothes, and her fingertips kept teasing her little cherry, kneading and squeezing.

Gu Youli's face was flushed, and before he could struggle, she was already lying softly on Feibai's body. She instinctively resisted the waves of heat rising in her body, "Yu Feibai..."

She called Yu Feibai softly, but she didn't know exactly what she wanted to call him.

Yu Feibai hugged her tightly, letting her feel her own heat, "Be good, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, don't be afraid..."

The T-shirt was taken off at some point, and a thin kiss fell on her neck with pity from her lips, and then followed the beautiful collarbone to the front of the plump, gently sucking her breast|tip.

In an instant, Gu Youli's body softened, like flowing spring water.

At this moment, his hands no longer support her back waist, Gu Youli's hands are wrapped around his neck, subconsciously arching his body, closing his eyes, and using his whole body to experience the strength of holding his breasts|tips .

"You have to be gentle, I am afraid of the pain..." Gu Youli understood the soft kiss with infinite treasure.

She finally surrendered, holding his neck and whispering in his ear.

The breathing worsened, and Yu Feibai suddenly hugged Gu Youli in an exclamation.

Gu Youli, blushing, raised his hand around his non-white neck, and buried his entire face in his neck.

Yu Feibai tilted his head and kissed her hair lightly, and hugged him to the bedroom.

But only a few steps away, the cell phone Gu Youli put on the coffee table rang frantically.

Yu Feibai's cold eyes suddenly curled up.

"Is it my phone?" Gu Youli looked at Yu Feibai's small face with a trace of desire.

It's like saying, let me answer the phone first!

In Yu Feibai's deep eyes, there was a deep and shallow indifference, and it was obvious that he didn't care about anything at this moment.

"Chu Qing called, so I answered the phone and told her by the way, I won't go back tonight!" Gu Youli said shyly, his red face was so bright that he could bleed instantly.

Yu Feibai's heart was throbbing, and he bowed his head and pecked Gu Youli's lips, which was a gentle default.

Gu Youli slipped off Yu Feibai when she ran over to get the phone.

Yu Feibai also followed her, hugged her tightly from behind, touched her earlobe with the tip of his nose, his voice couldn't be lower, "Hurry up!"

It was obvious that there was a burning heat against her, and Gu Youli felt like he was on fire, and his whole body was weakened.

Blushing, Gu Youli lifted his finger and slid the phone answer button.

Regardless of Youli's voice, Hua Miaomiao's anxious voice came from the other side of the phone, "Lili, it's not good, it's not good, Qingqing was injured and went to the hospital."


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