Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 134: Love, underground love (10)

Hua Miaomiao is a trendy man. Today, a silk-net T-shirt is matched with a pair of checked pants and a satchel. This dress makes people think he is a rich second-generation.

He held Lanhua's finger and walked out of the mall with Chu Qing and was about to head to the subway station when a short shadow suddenly ran past Hua Miaomiao quickly.

Hua Miaomiao paused, only to realize that his bag had been taken away. He shoved his orchid finger and shouted, "Robbery, someone robbed..."

Chu Qing has always regarded herself as a chivalrous girl, how can she not chase after this situation.

As soon as Hua Miaomiao's voice sounded, Chu Qing had already stepped forward to chase the short figure.

The short robbed man, holding Hua Miaomiao's bag, quickly plunged into the crowded street.

He has the advantage of being short in stature, sprinting from left to right in the crowd, coupled with his habit of robbery, his actions are flexible and quick.

Chu Qing couldn't let go of her skills to chase him. It was a little troublesome to chase him. After chasing for two blocks, she found that the short man was missing.

Damn, let him run away! Chu Qing was very angry and depressed!

When she was wondering if she hadn't been trained recently, and she could even chase after a robbery, she saw a man walking out of the famous Shili Xiangsha nearby.

The man was very handsome, tall and straight, and he felt cold and arrogant. He exuded the inherent coldness and aggressiveness.

This seems to be inconsistent with the slightly younger face.

He is wearing a military T-shirt with camouflage uniform, and his feet are on military boots.

But there was a bag hanging on his body, and that bag was exactly the same as the bag that Hua Miaomiao had just been robbed.

Chu Qing's eyes lit up: "You are a group committing crimes!"

When he made such a sound, Chu Qing had already attacked the man like a tiger, and the cold and arrogant man quickly avoided like lightning when his eyes were cold.

As if it is a kind of fateful coercion, some people are destined to sink into the entanglement of a lifetime.

Chu Qing raised her jaw, arrogantly and arrogantly, and sneered: "Oh, good skill, with your appearance, with your skill, you have a bad job, and you actually become a robber!"

The man's eyes shrank, and an unconscious anger rose in an instant.

"Give me the bag!"

The man didn't move, but just looked at her coldly, thinking, who is the robber?

Seeing that the man was indifferent, when Chu Qing narrowed her eyes, she reached out to the bag on the man and quickly plundered it.

Murderous aura was like a bloodthirsty cold front, instantly spraying out of the sheath, and the man's arm stretched out and hit Chu Qing directly.

Chu Qing didn't grab the bag, and the lower abdomen received a heavy blow.

When the body quaked slightly, she felt her internal organs tremble.

With Chu Qing's hot temperament, if you suffer a loss, you can not pay it back.

Even after the two fights, after knowing that this person's skill is not under her, he still swept over.

The man retreated back to Shili Xiangsha, and Chu Qing immediately followed in. Seeing there was a fight inside, he immediately screamed, and all backed away collectively.

When the two played against each other, Chu Qing was obviously at a disadvantage, fighting in close hands, Chu Qing could not find any weakness in the other party.

In a few rounds, the two fought from the first floor to the second floor.

Chu Qing's lower abdomen was extremely numb, and all his internal organs were trembling like a river.

Of course, the handsome face of the man is also decorated with a lot of color, and Chu Qing maliciously hits the handsome face of the man.

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