Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 140: The first design, to decide the love (6)

"I'm sorry." Gu Youli had a resigned expression on his face, and after speaking with difficulty, he broke away from Zhao Mingcheng's hand and left.

She deliberately pretended to be sad and gave up, so that Zhao Mingcheng felt that she actually had love for him.

Zhao Mingcheng immediately caught up and stopped in front of Gu Youli: "Listen to me, okay?"

Gu Youli directly ignored him and wanted to go around, but Zhao Mingcheng would easily let her go, and took her arm again.

His eyes stared straight at her, with tender affection, "You Li, I love you?"

The handsome boy, the affectionate confession, the gentle words, and the deep voice are very depressing.

It is a pity that the target is Gu Youli, who has no role at all.

Zhao Mingcheng suddenly entangled in all kinds of ways, and Gu Youli knew exactly what he was making.

Gu Youli bit her lip and looked at him, "I rushed to class. If you stop me, I will be late. It is important to hand in the design homework today. Did you deliberately? Mengshan asked you to come!"

Zhao Mingcheng was shocked, and then quickly let go of Gu Youli's hand: "I'm sorry, I don't know!"

Gu Youli gave him a deep look, passed by, and smiled coldly.

She had spotted Zhao Mingcheng and wanted to get rid of Yang Mengshan's relationship, so she said so deliberately.

It’s just Zhao Mingcheng, can you really have a clear relationship with Yang Mengshan?

Although she hates Yang Mengshan, she has to admit that Yang Mengshan has an irresistible charm.

What Gu Youli and Zhao Mingcheng didn't know was that when the two of them were standing there chatting, there was a pair of jealous eyes behind the big tree in the distance, staring at them coldly.

After the two left, the owner of the eyes walked out from behind the tree.

It is Yang Mengshan!

After she sneered maliciously, she stepped forward to keep up with Gu Youli's pace.

When he came to the classroom, Gu Youli looked around, but did not find Yang Mengshan.

I quickly thought about it. Yang Mengshan often listens to Professor Chen's class. Today is the day to hand in homework. Yang Mengshan knows that it is impossible to come, especially after she stole the design, she should want to come in today's class more. Just watching jokes.

Also, Li Meijia, a classmate who just entered the classroom, saw Gu Youli's face looking weird and looked absent-minded, so she asked with concern: "Youli, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Youli returned to his senses and smiled at Li Meijia, "It's okay, let's go sit there!"

The voice hadn't fallen yet, and a soft and affectionate female voice came from behind: "Sister!"

Sure enough, she is here, I'm afraid she is proud of how she is going to make a fool of herself.

Gu Youli glanced at Yang Mengshan calmly, did not say anything, and was not ready to talk to her, smiled at Li Meijia, and motioned her to sit there together.

Seeing Yang Mengshan, Li Meijia's face became extremely gloomy.

She said to Gu Youli coldly: "Youli, didn't you have a fallout with her, why after a while, you are so affectionate and reconciled?"

The atmosphere fell into the ice cellar, and Yang Mengshan lost face.

If this is replaced by someone else, I am afraid that I will be embarrassed at the moment.

But Yang Mengshan is the most base and invincible, still able to smile freely.

She looked at Li Meijia and smiled sweetly, but her tone was ironic. Li Meijia was nosy: "Mika, my sister and I are biological sisters who are related by blood, and sisters have no overnight hatred."

Li Meijia's eyebrows instantly wrinkled, her tone of contempt could not be concealed: "It's shameless!"

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