Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 162: Play, chance encounter (7)

With her eyes down, Yang Mengshan looked at Gu Youli's shopping cart, which was full of food, and she didn't seem to have much doubt.

No, the stuff under the pack of snacks doesn't seem to be eaten.

The little corner seen from the side, how a bit like the Durex that Zhao Mingcheng bought some time ago...

When Yang Mengshan's gaze flashed suspiciously, she came over again pretending to be curious, "Wow, sister, you bought a lot of food? Huh, what kind of food is this? Let me see..."

While talking, she stretched out her hand and wanted to get the bag of snacks on Durex.

Gu Youli was taken aback, without thinking about it, and immediately reached out and patted Yang Mengshan's hand: "What are you doing?"

Yang Mengshan's face darkened, and a sharp expression flashed in her eyes. Gu Youli's movements made her sure of her guess.

If it were Durex, then the person with her would not be Chu Qing, but a man.

So who will it be? Hua Miao Miao?

No, it is unlikely!

In order to be sure, Yang Mengshan said delicately again: "Sister, what is it, show me, don't be so stingy!"

With that, she reached out again.

Gu Youli turned the car, his eyes were as cold as snow: "Why are you so annoying!"

Yang Mengshan was shocked by Gu Youli's eyes.

She froze for a moment, then put on a pitiful look, her eyes flushed, and her tone of voice whimpered: "Sorry, sister, don't be angry, I just want to see it, please, don't be angry with me, don't... …"

With that, she was hiding behind Zhao Mingcheng like a quail.

This action was as if Gu Youli would hit her.

Zhao Mingcheng looked at the two women in front of him who "liked" him, Gu Youli looked aggressive, while Yang Mengshan looked innocent and pitiful.

At this moment someone in the supermarket has noticed this side, and he has to say, "You Li, Mengshan just wants to see, you shouldn't be like this!"

Gu Youli stared, "Shut up!"

In a good mood, all were destroyed by these two scum.

Zhao Mingcheng was yelled at by Gu Youli, and he was suddenly inexplicable.

Yang Mengshan said, "Brother Mingcheng, I'm sorry, don't mind, sister, she just loves you too much, so she..."

Zhao Mingcheng, who was yelled at, only felt that his self-esteem was seriously frustrated.

Listening to Yang Mengshan's words at this moment, she burst into confidence in an instant.

But the two comrades who eavesdropped over there are not calm, what? This girl loves this man named Mingcheng, so what happened to the captain of them just now!

But soon, they felt something was wrong.

Regarding this Zhao Mingcheng, Gu Youli's attitude has always been indifferent, without any restraint.

When I saw my sister coming with this man, I couldn't see a trace of anger and jealousy from her expression, and her expression of disgust.

And all the onlookers who have noticed the movement have expressed how the plot is so bloody.

Do you make a TV series?

They are looking forward to the follow-up, but the story that surprised them is completely beyond speculation.

The secret admirer who was said to not only laughed, but even raised his applause, "It's so beautiful! I will give you a hundred likes!!"

Suddenly, she smiled, her tone wicked and cold: "But Mengshan, my good sister, do you know? Some time ago, your brother Mingcheng ran to me and said he loved me?"

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