Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 164: Not in vain, killing and decisive (1)

Gu Youli rushed into the fire exit violently, and saw Yu Feibai, who was standing lazily leaning on the stairs, looking at her blankly, his mouth seemed to be smiling but not smiling, his eyes were slightly squinted, but he seemed to be lonely. Can't get into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, so what... Time is too urgent, I just..."

Yu Feibai was actually not angry. When she saw her rushing in, he wanted to smile at her slightly.

But suddenly he felt that Gu Youli rushed in anxiously, that look of guilt and embarrassment was particularly fun.

Of course, I also know that it is an expression of extreme care.

But Gu Youli was even more anxious when he saw Yu Feibai being silent and silent.

She thought that Yu Feibai was not only angry, but also very angry.

After all, what she did just now was really rude.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it. Don't be angry, okay?" Gu Youli blushed and was all sorry, and his voice was as weak as a mosquito.

Yu Feibai finally couldn't help the smile in his eyes, his eyes flashed slyly, and Gu Youli obviously felt the surrounding space suddenly heat up.

"This place is very artistic, do you think?" His warm breath blew softly in her ear.

Gu Youli looked sideways in puzzlement. Yu Feibai's handsome face was close at hand, and the corner of his mouth was drawn with a small arc, "What artistic conception?"

Yu Feibai looked at him with gloomy eyes, squeezed his lips together lightly, and uttered five words in a soft voice: "The mood of cheating!"

After that, he attached his head with a tendency to overwhelm her at any time.

Gu Youli's moist eyes blinked like a conditioned reflex, and immediately closed.

The kiss, from her white forehead, to her small bridge of nose, and then exploring to her small mouth, sucking lingeringly, and she also responded with passion.

Just as the two kissed more intensely, and when Jane was out of control, suddenly the door of the fire exit rang slightly.

Yu Feibai opened his eyes quickly, and the murderous intent flashed by.

Gu Youli was taken aback, and immediately pushed away Yu Feibai.

Turning his head and looking back, he saw two men in military uniforms all lying on the door of the fire exit, falling from the outside to the inside.

Obviously, it was because of too much force that he fell in with the door opened.

Gu Youli's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. His flushed cheeks instantly burst into red, and he seemed to be bleeding, and he wanted to find a hole to get in.

When Yu Feibai saw the two, he changed his casual laziness just now, and the whole person returned to the coldness as before.

After gently pushing Gu Youli away, he stepped forward and held his hand, majestic and domineering.

The two were stunned for a moment, then ran to Yu Feibai quickly, stood at attention, raised their hands and saluted: "Hello Captain!"

When they approached the two of them, they felt a touch of cold air, and they shivered suddenly!

Yu Feibai's face was as clean as it had been washed with ice water, without any expression.

His voice is also without temperature, and from his thin lips: "Report truthfully!"

Hu Zhifeng and Lu Hongtao still did not squint and paid military salutes: "When I saw a person at the Fahua Temple, I looked like a captain, and I followed him with some curiosity."

The two confessed everything very honestly, and didn't conceal the least of Feibai.

I dare not conceal the slightest.

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