Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 167: Not in vain, kill and decide (4)

But the other party didn’t listen to her apology at all: “You don’t have eyes, and the road is so wide. You can actually hit this young master and soil your clothes. Do you know this? The body and clothes are famous brands, world famous brands, you can't afford to pay for ten years of work!"

After waiting for Yu Feibai in the private room, Gu Youli did not come back for a long time, so he asked Lu Hongtao to go out for a look.

As soon as Lu Hongtao opened the door, he heard the noise coming from the corridor, he looked at it, frowned subconsciously, and quickly retracted.

The arrogant attitude of the other party caused Gu Youli to be astonished.

Why does she feel that it is not like an accident, to the point that the other party is deliberately making trouble?

Seeing Gu Youli's expression, Huang Yuan mistakenly believed that she was nervous and afraid.

He smiled with infinite scorn, pretending to be generous, as if he was giving a gift to Gu Youli: "Forget it, this young master looks at you for being so poor, it is estimated that you have no money to pay, or you can accompany this young master. What if it’s a plea for a good night’s sleep."

As he said, he reached out and touched Gu Youli's face.

Gu Youli frowned, stepped back and avoided his hand: "How much is the clothes?"

Huang Yuan didn't react a bit, and after a pause, he said angrily: "Let you accompany this young master to sleep for a while. That is a great gift from this young master to you, so you don't know what is good or bad."

Before the voice was over, a joking voice suddenly sounded: "Oh, Master Huang is really domineering, I heard your voice from far away!"

Gu Youli heard a familiar voice, raised his eyes subconsciously, and saw the thin and tall Lu Hongtao and Hu Zhifeng walking over together.

Huang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then a hypocritical smile appeared on his face: "Oh, it turns out to be Master Lu,"

He knew Lu Hongtao. The father of the two worked in an agency, and the officials were of the same rank. No one wanted to look at each other's face, but on the surface, he had to be polite.

Lu Hongtao led Hu Zhifeng over and asked with a smile: "I don't know where my sister offended you and caused you to stir such a big fire?"

When Lu Hongtao and Gu Youli met, Huang Yuan suddenly had a bad feeling.

Although he may seem domineering, he is also a good individual, turning extremely fast.

He smiled, with a face that suddenly realized: "It was originally your own person who ran into your own person. You didn't care about Lu Gongzi. I was just kidding."

He said that he was about to leave, but Lu Hongtao held his hand.

Lu Hongtao gave Hu Zhifeng a wink before he said to Huang Yuan: "Young Master Huang, what are you doing in a hurry? Since you met here, then you have to give face and have a drink together!"

When Hu Zhifeng left with Gu Youli who was still a little surprised, he turned his head reluctantly, his eyes were full of regrets about not seeing the good show.

Huang Yuan immediately raised his other hand and swayed: "Lu Gongzi, you are serious, I just have something to do today, another day, another day I will ask you to drink two glasses!"

Lu Hongtao could let him go, grabbed his wrist and pulled into the private room, "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, besides, today, besides me, there is someone who wants you to have a drink!"

"Lu Gongzi, I really have something to do today. Just now, I didn’t know that the little beauty was your girlfriend. If I knew anything about it, I would lend me a hundred courage. I wouldn’t dare to treat her. Mind!" Huang Yuan began to explain, speaking kindly.

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