Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 169: Not in vain, killing and decisive (6)

Lu Hongtao smiled softly, and raised the second cup again: "Come on, let's have another drink!"

With that, he drank it again without giving Huang Yuan a chance to speak.

Of course, Huang Yuan's cup was still urine, and he couldn't wait to grab Zhao Mingcheng over and kick a few feet to relieve his breath.

Ah Zhao Mingcheng, definitely deliberately cheated him! !

With a glimpse from the corner of his eye, he saw Yu Feibai’s fingers over there, and suddenly tapped three times on the table. Huang Yuan trembled all over, and immediately begged for mercy with doglegs: "Master, it's a small one with eyes but no beads, small self-punishment Three cups, please give me a lot!"

After speaking, Huang Yuan trembled, gritted his teeth and poured three cups in a row.

Lu Hongtao could see from the side and yelled three times: "Okay, okay, okay! As expected, it is Young Master Huang, really domineering!"

This is complimenting him. It is obviously hurting him. Huang Yuan has been on the verge of collapse. With a soft foot, he thumped and knelt to the ground, begging Fei Bai for mercy: "Master, I was wrong, please. Just forgive me this time..."

His voice was trembling, and his body was trembling. The fear and despair in his eyes couldn't stop him.

Yu Feibai cast his eyes down, expressionless, holding the teapot and pouring himself a cup of hot tea.

Lu Hongtao subconsciously gave Yu Feibai a glance.

Immediately, as if he had received some instructions, he looked at Huang Yuan and said with a smile: "Master Huang, if I were you, I would shut up quickly, because when our team leader is eating, I hate people crying and calling my mother!"

Huang Yuan, who was on his knees and begging for mercy, was startled and immediately stunned. He just wanted to ask for mercy, but he didn't dare.

Yu Feibai picked up the cup of hot tea. He didn't drink it, still playing with it.

Suddenly, he raised his lips slightly and looked at Huang Yuan with a smile.

Huang Yuan was amazed in an instant. At that moment, his heart also tightened and almost stopped beating.

He first thought that this smile was so beautiful, how could a man smile so beautifully than any woman he had ever seen.

But then he knew the meaning of this smile, this is the smile of destruction, representing disaster!

In the next second when Huang Yuan didn't recover, the teacup that Yu Feibai had just poured hot tea on in his hand, flew towards Huang Yuan's crotch like a bullet.

A man is naturally more sensitive to his position. At that moment, Huang Yuan was terrified and couldn't react. He even felt the teacup flying over, bringing a chilly wind.

But when it hit his crotch, it was hot.

Huang Yuan screamed and passed out in pain.

Yu Feibai is determined to kill, and is cruel and unsparing! If you want to touch my woman, I will make you unable to touch a woman forever!

Now, Huang Yuan, who considers himself romantic and suave, will never be a real **** anymore!

Huang Yuan was quickly sent to the hospital for CT and various examinations.

On the way to the hospital, Huang Yuan was awake for a while. When he saw Yang Mengshan and Zhao Mingcheng, he immediately lost control of his emotions: "The surname is Zhao, you **** calculate Laozi, I won't let you go!"

After Huang Yuan's father knew about this, he directly blamed Zhao Mingcheng for all his mistakes.

He sent all his anger to Zhao Long, and Zhao Long must give him an explanation anyway.

Zhao Long's face turned blue and white when he knew it. He couldn't help but feel angry at Zhao Mingcheng. The last time he made trouble to the police station because of a woman, it would be because of a woman that he almost killed his life. For this reason, Zhao Long was deeply attached to Zhao Mingcheng. Disappointment...

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