Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 171: Passionate love, reluctant to give up (2)

Yu Feibai looked ahead, his cold expression sullen.

This made Gu Youli feel extremely stressed. Her gaze turned slyly, her soft arms wrapped around Fei Bai's neck, "Don't be angry, I know it's wrong!"

With a good attitude and the beautiful woman's embrace, the frost in Yu Feibai's eyes faded.

"To express my apologies, can I sing a song to you, OK?" Gu Youli said flatly and cheerfully.

Upon hearing this, Yu Feibai's always calm and steady heart trembled like a conditioned reflex.

"I sing, it should be... not bad!" Gu Youli didn't really want to sing either, she just wanted to coax Yu Feibai.

If he agrees, and if she really wants her to sing, she will turn on the music in the car and hum along.

When I heard Gu Youli, Yu Feibai, who actually said that he was good at singing, recalled the sound of Guan Ermo that night, and suddenly started to have a headache.

"Which one do you want to hear?" Gu Youli asked again.

In order not to be accustomed to the ears of the magic sound, Yu Feibai gave Gu Youli a cold and glamorous look and seriously taught him: "Don't tell me about him. This was not a trivial matter just now. If you were driving alone today, If it’s not me sitting next to you today, have you ever thought about the consequences!"

"I admitted it wrong, and I won't do it anymore!" Gu Youli's scalp was numb.

Didn't she avoid the topic just now, why did she come back again! This is called a game of chess, who told you to go around singing?

Mistakes, missteps!

Yu Feibai clearly felt the resentment emanating from Gu Youli's body. He looked sideways and watched her sitting obediently, no longer talking about singing, and immediately softened a handsome face.

He held the steering wheel and said lightly: "Girl, I'm thirsty."

Gu Youli, who was worried about how to let Yu Feibai calm down, immediately handed the water to Yu Feibai after hearing this, and opened the bottle cap very carefully, "Come on, I'll feed you!"

Yu Feibai took two sips of Gu Youli's water and stole a fragrant kiss on Gu Youli's face: "Thank you!"

The two began to chat again, sweet and sweet, you are strong and I am strong.

Lover, that's not it!

After driving for five hours, I finally reached the downstairs of Gu Youli's house. At six o'clock in winter, it was dark all around, and only the car lights reflected the curled trees around.

Holding the lever of the gift box in his hand, Gu Youli looked at Yu Feibai reluctantly, "That's quite late, and driving is very tired, do you want to go back tomorrow!"

The corners of Yu Feibai's mouth were curved like a spring breeze, "Do you want me to stay with you for one more night?"

Gu Youli's small face turned red, and he glared at Yu Feibai, "Smelly!"

The voice hadn't fallen yet, and there was still something to be said afterwards, and a thick voice suddenly came from behind, "You Li..."

Gu Youli looked back subconsciously and saw his father Gu Liangwei, "Dad, why are you down?"

Gu Liangwei smiled and walked over, setting his eyes on Fei Bai's complexly.

Gu Youli was at a loss and hurriedly introduced: "Dad, this is Yu Feibai, a friend I met in Beijing. He just came here today to do something, and then I took his ride."

"Mr. Yu, hello." Gu Liangwei stretched out his hand, and Yu Feibai also respectfully stretched out his hand, politely saying hello, "Hello, uncle."

Gu Liangwei smiled kindly, and invited Yu Feibai hospitably: "Thank you for sending your lizi back. If you don't dislike it, you can have a light meal at home before leaving."

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