Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 174: Passionate love, reluctant to give up (5)

When she decided not to go to the next room to sleep, so she would sleep for one night, she had already thought about getting up and going out before Gu Liangwei woke up.

Lest he misunderstand!

Gu Youli opened his eyes and fell unsuspectingly into a pair of bright and deep black eyes. The eyes were like huge vortexes, deeply locking all her attention.

"Good morning!" Yu Feibai said with a low and hoarse voice, softly digging into Gu Youli's ears.

"Morning," Gu Youli curled his lips and smiled, stretching out to get up.

"It's still early, you can sleep a little longer!" Yu Feibai also sat up slowly, hugging Gu Youli tightly.

Gu Youli pushed him away and jumped out of bed, "Don't make trouble, my dad will wake up later!"

She quickly arranged her clothes, opened the door to the living room like a thief.

When he was sure that his father Gu Liangwei hadn't gotten up yet, Gu Youli let out a sigh of relief, then rushed to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth for breakfast.

After breakfast, Yu Feibai got up and said goodbye. Gu Liangwei called him to play often when he had time. Yu Feibai also warmly invited Gu Liangwei to the capital.

Gu Liangwei also went downstairs to send Yu Feibai. In front of the elders, Yu Feibai and Gu Youli could not say goodbye to each other.

Back at home, Gu Liangwei called Gu Youli to sit on the sofa. He did not ask Yu Feibai and Gu Youli what the relationship was, but directly asked Gu Youli where she and Mr. Yu were progressing. ?

Gu Youli was startled at first. Seeing Gu Liangwei's eyebrows seemed to be worried, he hurriedly said, "Dad, you think too much. Although he and I are boyfriends and girlfriends, please believe my dad. I know how to measure. You will not delay your studies because of love."

Hearing this, Gu Liangwei breathed a sigh of relief, and then said something very pertinent: "Mr. Xie is indeed good, but the conditions seem to be too good."

From Yu Feibai's clothes and dress, and the car he drove, he knew that he was not an ordinary person at a glance, and a small family like himself, I am afraid that it is not high enough.

He is a little worried about the future!

But when I change my mind, it's the same. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. They all say that marriage is fixed. Whether they succeed or not depends on whether Lizi and him have such good luck.

After thinking about it, Gu Liangwei didn't say much.

Gu Youli also heard her father's sentence. She didn't know that Yu Feibai's condition was very good, but it was just love for her now.

In the previous life, she only lived 25 years old.

There is a thing called fate. If she is destined to live only twenty-five in this life, then thinking about this is all in vain.

Gu Youli is also very busy during the winter vacation. She follows Gu Liangwei's sports car every day, but no matter how busy she is, she will call and send text messages with Yu Feibai every day.

Towards the middle of the month, Gu Hongfei and Gu Huijun came to look for her at home and warmly invited her to eat at Gu's house.

In fact, it was Luo Chunli's idea. She thought that she could make do with her son and Gu Youli.

Gu Youli was embarrassed to refuse, so he went to Gu's house for a day.

In fact, Gu Youli didn't want to go to the Gu family. She didn't forget that Gu Huijun was a part of those who killed her in her previous life.

But obviously, there is a fate called "evil", and it is destined to be entangled.

Gu Liangwei heard that the Gu family invited Gu Youli to have a meal, so he also asked Gu Youli to invite Gu Hongfei's two brothers and sisters to have a meal at home.

On the day of the treat, Yang Mengshan returned home during the winter vacation. What made Gu Youli speechless was that when Yang Mengshan came back, he took Zhao Mingcheng with him.

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