Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 180: Yin difference, Yang error (5)

Gu Huijun's mouth fell off, and immediately shouted hoarsely, "Brother..."

This word shocked Gu Youli, Gu Hongfei and Yang Mengshan.

However, Zhao Ming's preconceptions could no longer be covered up, so he had to organize his clothes sneakily, then quickly pulled Gu Huijun up, and then hurriedly stood up.

The quickest response was Gu Hongfei. He walked over quickly and saw Gu Huijun slipping on the ground, untidy and embarrassed, crying into tears.

Gu Youli was also stunned, and rushed over after a moment: "Hui Jun——!!!"

She quickly took off her coat and put it on Gu Huijun.

"You bastard! You actually moved my sister!" Gu Hongfei clenched his fist tightly.

The blue veins on his forehead were exposed, and the murderous aura of anger and haze filled his red eyes!

Gu Hongfei turned around and hit Zhao Mingcheng's face with a strong fist, "Zhao Mingcheng, I will kill you!"

Zhao Mingcheng, who was punched hard, quickly fought back: "Your sister came here by herself!"

Gu Hongfei also received a hard punch on the face and stumbled on the wall.

There was a burst of blood in his mouth, and Gu Hongfei wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his hand, his face was terrifying, his eyes burst into flames, and he immediately rushed towards Zhao Mingcheng.

Zhao Mingcheng couldn't avoid it in time and was pushed to the ground by Gu Hongfei.

Gu Hongfei pressed on him, slapped him in the face and head.

Zhao Mingcheng was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and finally found a chance to turn defeat into victory. He reflexively pressed Gu Hongfei under his body, and began to swing his fists at Gu Hongfei.

"Stop it, you guys stop it!" Gu Youli has been by the side, calling them not to fight.

But no matter how she yelled, both of them refused to stop.

At this moment, when she saw Zhao Mingcheng, she actually pressed on Gu Hongfei, and immediately rushed forward, lifting her leg and kicking Zhao Mingcheng's shoulder.

Immediately Zhao Mingcheng fell to the side.

Gu Hongfei got up and was about to fight, but was caught by Gu Youli.

Gu Youli scolded and suppressed his voice: "Have you had enough trouble, do you want everyone to know!"

The development of the matter was completely unexpected, and Yang Mengshan was caught off guard.

She looked at Gu Huijun with a guilty gaze, and then concealed that she rushed forward and slapped Zhao Mingcheng with her hand.

"Brother Mingcheng, you are too much, how can you **** Sister Huijun!" Yang Mengshan complained with a wounded expression and a shocked and sad expression on his face.

She looks so pitiful and pitiful.

Zhao Mingcheng's face was gloomy, and he said angrily: "Can you blame me? Didn't you tell me to come up? I thought that person was you..."

Yang Mengshan's heart trembled, fearing that Zhao Mingcheng would know that she had taken the medicine, and that the Gu family brothers and sisters would know that she wanted to harm Gu Youli, but indirectly hurt Gu Huijun.

With a cold sweat on her back, she had an idea, and she said wisely: "I asked you to come up, and I also called Brother Hongfei up. I want you two to make it clear. After all, your dispute is because of me, but I I didn't expect... Brother Mingcheng, you are too much!"

With that, she burst into tears.

Gu Youli narrowed her eyes sharply. Why did she think Yang Mengshan was lying.

Yang Mengshan must be lying. She had also sent a message to her just now. If she had just come up, isn't she the one who was pressed by Zhao Mingcheng right now? Therefore, Yang Mengshan wanted to calculate her, because she was not fooled, and ended up harming Gu Huijun by mistake.

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