Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 183: Blackening, prologue (2)

Yang Mengshan's calculations can be said to be perfect, the only thing that can be proved is her message.

But because she didn't go, she couldn't prove anything, and Gu Huijun did hit him by herself, and in the end no matter what the hypothesis was, nothing was true.

The Gu family brothers and sisters did not come to the Gu family again. Gu Hongfei just sent a blessing message to Gu Youli on the first day of the new year.

But Gu Huijun has no contact.

Everyone agreed that they would go to each other's homes during the New Year, but now everything has failed.

Gu Youli did not feel guilty about Gu Huijun's accident, nor did she feel that she needed to be guilty.

In the previous life, Gu Huijun had a share in killing her.

If someone had to be responsible for her death that day, Gu Huijun would be the scapegoat for Zhao Mingcheng and Yang Mengshan.

When she was in the hospital, she didn't see Gu Huijun. She didn't know if Gu Huijun was sent to the police station as she thought.

In this life, she has tried her best to keep Gu Huijun away from Yang Mengshan, but they are still tangled together in the end.

Regardless of the previous life and the present life, with Gu Huijun's temperament, she will suffer from Yang Mengshan's hands sooner or later.

On the eleventh day of the new year, Gu Huijun suddenly came to Gu Youli.

At dusk, the dusk was deep, Gu Youli came to the agreed place and saw Gu Huijun sitting alone under the big tree in the park hanging from a distance.

She was pale, and she lit a cigarette in her hand, vomiting mist.

Not knowing that Gu Huijun would smoke, Gu Youli was slightly surprised.

She didn't like the smell of smoke, so she decided to stand there, and when Gu Huijun was almost smoking, she walked over and sat down beside Gu Huijun.

Gu Huijun finished smoking and tidied up his clothes. He did not look at Gu Youli, but said coolly, "Yesterday, I received a call from abroad. That call was from your sister's boyfriend. , Do you know what he said to me?"

Gu Youli didn't reply, but just shifted his gaze to look at her lightly, motioning her to continue.

A scarlet light flashed through Gu Huijun’s eyes, and her voice trembled: "He said that that day, the reason why he treated me that way was all because Mengshan had given him medicine. He couldn’t control himself at all. It is said that the reason why Mengshan gave him the medicine should be you, but it was just because you didn't go and I was unlucky, so I accidentally hit him!"

Gu Youli didn't have much ups and downs in his emotions, just a faint "Oh!"

Gu Huijun let go of his pinched palm full of marks, and stood up suddenly, raising his voice extremely harshly: "You already knew it, right?"

Following Gu Huijun's cold eyes, Gu Youli couldn't stand up slowly.

Her eyes were cold and indifferent, her thin lips pressed into a thin line, and she explained emotionally: "Yes, I know that I received a message from Mengshan that day, and she asked me to go to the rooftop and talk to I said, I knew at that time that she was not at ease, so I didn't go, I answered the phone later, you went out to breathe, and just hit it!"

"So it's my bad luck, it's my bad luck!" Gu Huijun sneered, sneered to the extreme, "but you didn't tell me afterwards?"

Gu Youli's tone was calm and there was no disturbance at all, "If I were there that day, I will prevent you from going to the rooftop, but it has already happened. I don't think I need to tell you?"

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