Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 194: Yu Family, Distinguished Family (1)

After receiving the safety message there, Yu Feibai's eyes left the scope.

Hu Zhifeng next to him laughed, "Captain, that's amazing, and you are the only one who dare to be confident in this situation!!"

Yu Feibai took the sniper rifle back, closed the insurance and put it into the gun bag: "Retreat!"

When boarding the helicopter, the special fighters of the yacht led He Jintong to the warship safely.

Seeing Yu Feibai who was about to board the plane over there, He Jintong trembled and immediately chased after him.

She ran in front of Yu Feibai, raised her eyes to meet Yu Feibai's Hanbing gaze, and looked at Yu Feibai's perfect handsome face. A beautiful face instantly blushed, like a charming little woman who was about to get married in ancient times.

"Not white!" He Jintong smiled softly and said excitedly, "Thank you for saving me!"

Yu Feibai glanced at her with Wuwen's eyes, ignored her, and went straight into the helicopter.

He Jintong opened his lips slightly, seeming a little surprised by Feibai's indifferent attitude.

She was so embarrassed that she bit her lip and turned around, and shouted at Yu Feibai: "Feibai, Yu Feibai, don't you remember me? I am Jintong, the daughter of the He family, He Jintong!"

The cabin door of the helicopter was closed, isolating He Jintong, who was frustrated and embarrassed.

In the briefing room of the special brigade base, Yu Feibai was sitting in the main seat, listening to the team members making a summary of the battle. The metallic epaulettes exuded a charming light, and the strong and perfect figure lined the set of navy blue suits. It is stretched, flat and majestic and cruel!

After the battle summary was completed, when Yu Feibai was about to disband, Political Commissar Chen quickly walked into the briefing room.

He took a piece of deciphered material, put it in front of Yu Feibai, and whispered: "The burned yacht, we have salvaged the hard disk of the computer on the yacht, and cracked a picture, which is very vague, but still compares it. It's Beijing University!"

The special fighters expressed surprise and disbelieved: "This is too weird, why did Jing Xia aim at a design university?"

When Yu Feibai's cold and deep eyes raised, they were also full of shock.

Political commissar Li analyzed: "Captain, do you think this has something to do with the spy case that we detected in half a year? The female spy finally committed suicide, but for what purpose she would be lurking in a university. Until now, we also Did not find out!"

Between Fei Bai Junyi's eyebrows, there was an unpredictable coldness, his thin lips pressed tighter, and his fingers did not tap the tabletop for a while, making people unable to guess what he was thinking at the moment.

The strangeness in his eyes flashed by, he looked at the Li Political Commissar's command and said: "Investigate whether relevant political activities have been held at or near Beijing University in the past six months!!"


Yu Feibai stood up slowly, the cold and elegant aura dispersed, and looked at the people: "Today's battle summary is over here, and the Lantern Festival, except for the preparation team, the rest are on holiday!"

Immediately, all the special forces members cheered and got up and went out, except for Political Commissar Li and Yu Feibai.

"The old man just called the special line to let you go home for the Lantern Festival!" Political commissar Li collected the information and reported another matter softly.

Yu Feibai nodded faintly, and before leaving, he ordered another one: "I'll call out all the relevant files on the espionage case of Beijing University in half a year, and I will come back tomorrow morning!"


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