Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 197: Yu Family, Distinguished Family (4)

When his eldest grandson was just born, he was worried for a long time because of boys and girls, and finally bowed down to his grandson's cute and handsome beauty.

Too cute, too cute, too cute, he can't love it or not.

The eldest grandson in the back grew up and became more and more prosperous. He called an old man at ease.

It turned out that the eldest grandson seemed to be something wrong. No matter what happened, he didn't have any expression, neither cold nor hot. For this reason, Mr. Yu was very sad.

But after a long time, I got used to it.

But a bigger problem came. He found that his parents' grandchildren were completely different from other grandchildren. When those children were adolescent, they began to be interested in women, and they didn't know how to make girlfriends at a young age.

Especially Na Yu Feimo, don't think he doesn't know, he started his life when he was about thirteen or fourteen. After a few years, his girlfriends can circle the old house.

But his eldest grandson didn't even have a woman around him.

No, he rushed to find a daughter-in-law for his eldest grandson, wanting to let his eldest grandson get a taste of women, and then fall in love with women and give up on men.

If you know that after Mr. Yu once suspected that Yu Feibai liked Mo Chen, you would not be surprised at Fei Mo, why would you suspect that Yu Feibai liked Tang Yu.

It's nothing more than they would think this way, who made Yu Feibai a virgin in his twenties, which made Old Yu and Yu Feimo have to doubt.

Father Yu has been looking for topics and wants to bring Yu Feibai and He Jintong to talk together.

So while chatting, he talked about the army. He Jintong said: "I have never been to the army, but I have always wanted to be there. When I was studying, I especially wanted to be a special female soldier."

Seizing this opportunity, he smiled and suggested, "Oh what's the matter, next time I call our family to take you to visit!"

"...Really?" He Jintong was a little curious, and looked towards Yu Feibai: "Can you?"

When these words were finished, her heart pounded.

She didn't have much interest in marriage before, but after he saved her today, she knew that she liked him.

And he didn't seem to want to see her, but she also heard that he had always been like this, no matter who was particularly cold.

Yu Feibai took out his mobile phone and seemed to be sending a message, but did not answer He Jintong.

As if he didn't know, He Jintong asked him, after all, He Jintong didn't call him by name.

The atmosphere was slightly embarrassing.

Old man He's face sank, and his brows were slightly frowned.

Father Yu became stiff, and a very bad premonition rose in his heart.

He doesn't even show any response to such a big beauty, and he doesn't even give him any face. Does his grandson really like men?

The thought was like a thorn stuck in his throat, making him very uncomfortable.

Father Yu and He Jintong had a happier conversation, and kept saying that He Jintong's good here and there, and everyone knew that he was talking to Yu Feibai.

After Yu Feibai finished sending the message, he sat there calmly and gracefully, lonely as if he couldn't get anything into his eyes, his slender fingers turned his mobile phone to play, and his gestures were full of extravagance.

I was called, and occasionally nodded politely, um, not much.

On the contrary, Yu Haoyu is particularly interested in He Jintong, and he keeps on agreeing with Mr. Yu who is taking the initiative to speak to He Jintong.

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