Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 201: Paternity, identification (2)

Gu Youli loves sweets, but Yu Feibai doesn't.

She ate a bowl and then served another bowl. Seeing that Yu Feibai was a little disgusted, she didn't even glance at the glutinous rice balls. Gu Youli was playful and delivered the tempting glutinous rice **** to his mouth.

Yu Feibai subconsciously tilted his head aside, "No, you eat yourself!"

"Try it, it's delicious!!" Gu Youli's spoon came to his mouth again.

Can't hide, someone had to take Gu Youli's spoon and eat the dumplings in his mouth.

Seeing Gu Youli smiled smugly, Yu Feibai put his thin lips to Gu Youli's lips, like punishment, and went to her mouth to grab food very naturally.

Gu Youli laughed and stretched out his hand to push him, "What are you doing, isn't the bowl gone!"

"Your mouth is more delicious!!" Yu Feibai leaned over, biting Gu Youli's small mouth.

Gu Youli frowned in pain, and Yu Feibai's lips and tongue immediately drove in, and his body was lowered. He pressed Gu Youli on the chair and couldn't move, and was forced to accept the kiss.

Seeing that Gu Youli didn't push him away, his hands began to wander on her body, holding her **** and kneading her bright breasts.

Gu Youli struggled, and then limp in his arms.

"Have you eaten?" Yu Feibai's thin lips slightly hooked up to Gu Youli's earlobe and asked softly in her ear.

Gu Youli rolled his eyes to the sky, "No, I can eat another sheep!"

Yu Feibai leaned down again, leaning close to her moist lips, and suddenly Gu Youli remembered something very important.

She lifted her finger and placed it on the non-white lips, "Wait, ask something first, I'm afraid I will forget it later, do you know which hospital can do a paternity test?"

Yu Feibai was a little surprised, "You do a paternity test?"

Gu Youli nodded and told the truth: "I want to do a paternity test for my father and my sister. I suspect she may not be my father's daughter."

On the day Luo Chunli slapped Yang Mengshan, she felt from Yang Mengshan's expression that Yang Mengshan knew that she had nothing to do with her father.

Of course, she was just skeptical.

But after being reborn, she seemed to be able to see through those hypocritical people, or to see through people's hearts, so every time her doubts came true.

This time, she also wanted to verify if it was true.

Three years later, her father would die unexpectedly in a car accident, but she had something to do with Yang Mengshan, which was a stalk in her heart.

She must investigate clearly and know Yang Mengshan's motives and tricks in advance to change her father's fate.

So when she went home this time, she secretly took the hairs of Yang Mengshan and her father, and then separated them with small plastic bags, thinking about finding time to go to the hospital someday after returning to the capital.

Yu Feibai lowered his head and kissed affectionately, "Tomorrow I am not free, I will call Fei Mo to pick you up, and he will send you there!!"

Gu Youli's eyebrows curled up: "Thank you!!!"

Yu Feibai raised his eyebrows and said playfully, "How do you want to thank me?"

Gu Youli's eyes lightly turned, and he leaned over to peck at the flap of his non-white lips.

Yu Feibai stretched out her hand to wrap her waist tightly: "Can this be called Xie?"

Gu Youli immediately stretched out his hand to hug Feibai's neck, carefully sticking out the tip of his tongue, and swiping on his lips, like seduce or tease.

Although very jerky, the consequences are still quite impressive!

Yu Feibai's eyes darkened, and the kiss was deepened fiercely. It was wild and domineering, and Gu Youli was bitten by the kiss, and there was no room for parry.

The body weakens and instinctively slides downward.

Yu Feibai took advantage of the situation and hugged her sideways and headed to the bedroom...

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