Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 207: Seduce, ask for trouble (2)

She bit the rose, pinched the skirt with both hands, revealing the white jade legs, and behaved leisurely, then she indulged in her sensuality and danced gracefully...

The upstairs box, on the side of the hall, is all transparent glass, but the glass is so that the people inside can see everything outside, but the people outside cannot see the inside.

At this moment, Yang Mengshan's appearance caused a lot of sensation, and almost all the people in the box focused on her.

This is also included in the private room where Non-Ink is located.

"How is that woman?" A certain alcoholic in the private room pointed to Yang Mengshan who was dancing enchanting outside and asked Yu Feibai.

Another drinker next to him was amazing, "Yes."

Yu Feimo tilted Erlang's legs with a cigarette in his mouth. He was sitting on the sofa with a wine glass in his hand.

Hearing the conversation between the two, he got up and moved his eyes to look at Yang Mengshan, who was highly regarded.

Yang Mengshan put on heavy makeup, and Yu Fei Dao didn't recognize it at first.

However, the more I look at it, the more familiar it becomes. When Yu Feimo thinks of who she is, he is taken aback for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth is involuntarily drawn up, and he smiles inexplicably, "It's actually her!"

With the people around Yufeimo, who didn't want to please him, seeing him smile at the stunning woman below, he immediately smiled and asked: "It seems that we, Yu Shao, think it's good too, or my brother will help you out. "

A smile flashed under Yu Feimo's eyes, without any hurries: "For me, it's not bad that the cup...the cup can't be held."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they all burst into laughter.

When the scene was gone, the drinker who asked Yu Feimo if he wanted to show off, mysteriously lies in Feimo's ear and said: "I hope you will like the second gift!"

Yu Feimo returned to the hotel room with a slightly drunk smell.

Throwing his neatly ironed suit on the sofa, he heard a rustle in the bathroom.

someone here!

Thinking of the drinker's instructions when he left, Yu Feimo leaned lazily on the sofa and stared deeply at the bathroom door.

After a while, a beautiful woman came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Her hair was messy, she wore a loose bathrobe, and her chest was half round.

Yang Mengshan pretended to be surprised when he saw Yu Feimo.

She was taken aback for a moment, then she curled her lips and smiled, "What a coincidence!!"

Yu Feimo ignored Yang Mengshan, his eyes were full of temptation, but his face was serious, "What are you doing here? Does your sister know?"

It seemed that he was not surprised at all, it would be Yang Mengshan who appeared in the bathroom.

Yang Mengshan smiled and did not immediately answer Yu Feimo.

She walked to the bar and poured two glasses of wine, handed a glass to Yu Feimo, and smiled and said, "Do you really think you are my brother-in-law?"

In her mind, Yu Feimo is a playboy. Even if she is with Gu Youli, it is just for fun. At this moment, she pretends to be serious about her, but she just wants to behave.

Yu Feimo took the wine, did not drink it, just looked at her with a deep smile.

Yang Mengshan softened and fell to sit next to Yu Feimo. The bathrobe slid down a shoulder, and she also deliberately stretched one leg and bends slightly.

I didn’t wear anything under the bathrobe, so I used a bathrobe tied with a bath belt. Because of her action, her two white thighs were also exposed, and the two snow-white roundness were exposed, and the cherry red on the plump top was faint visible.

Long hair was scattered, and a mischievous strand leaned into the middle of the cleavage, looking infinitely charming.

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