Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 211: Seduce, ask for trouble (6)

Originally, what happened that day didn't seem to be anything to Fei Mo, but it seemed a little too appropriate for him to tell Gu Youli.

If it was his elder brother Yu Feibai, he would not tell Gu Youli about this matter.

But Yang Mengshan did such a thing, after all, it was aimed at Gu Youli, his brother ignored Youli's side, he was going back to T city soon, so after thinking about it, Yu Feimo still said it.

Gu Youli's eyes widened in surprise when he heard the words.

She took the USB flash drive. Although she hadn't read the contents yet, she probably knew what had happened when she heard the medicine.

"I'm sorry to drag you into our sister's secret fight." Gu Youli bit her lip and said sorry.

At the same time, I am a little embarrassed, this thing is really ugly, and it's a shame!

Yu Feimo smiled heartily, spreading his shoulders indifferently, and then a little worried: "I'm going back to T city tomorrow, and I won't bother me anymore, but you have to be careful here. My brother is a soldier. He can't be by your side from time to time, you still have to protect yourself."

Gu Youli smiled faintly and nodded in thanks: "I know, thank you Fei Mo!"

Yu Feimo licked his lips and smiled as a ruffian, "I said sister-in-law, why are you polite again!!"

Without waiting, Yu Feimo left.

In the sports car he parked downstairs, there was still a big beauty with a scent of heaven and country. The spring night is worth a lot of money!

After Yu Feimo left, Gu Youli had been sitting on the sofa in the living room. She looked at the information bag sent by Yu Feimo for a long time, then picked it up and opened it slowly.

Take out the test result inside and expand!

When seeing that the RCP value was less than 50% in the test report, and there was no parent-child relationship, Gu Youli seemed to have experienced a brainwashing tsunami.

There was a buzzing in her head, her eyes widened in disbelief, and she looked again.

Although I suspected that Yang Mengshan might not be his father's daughter earlier, when I saw the results, I couldn't help but feel palpitations.

It turns out that Yang Mengshan is really not his father's daughter. ! !

Does Yang Mengshan know? She should have known from her reaction that day, but when did she know it, because she knew that they were not related by blood, so she would cruelly devise one after another poisonous plan?

What about dad? Does Dad know?

Yang Mengshan is not his father's daughter, so whose daughter is it?

After three years, will my father's death have anything to do with this?

A lot of questions filled Gu Youli's mind. Her eyes were filled with incomparable shock. Her slender fingers stubbornly grasped the inspection sheet, and the fingertips clasped the paper tightly.

After a long time, it calmed down.

She picked up the USB flash drive that Yu Feimo gave her, went to the study, and turned on the computer to insert it for viewing.

I saw on the big screen, a man galloping against the naked Yang Mengshan, and Yang Mengshan could be intoxicated and enjoyable, with his hair spread out, his face flushed, and he kept moaning charmingly...

Gu Youli was surprised, his mouth was open enough to fit an egg.

How could Yang Mengshan be so lewd|Is it really because of drugs?

She may not think so!

Gu Youli squinted and leaned against the back of the chair. This man's back was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But who is it?

Gu Youli passed through the people he knew in his mind, but for a moment he did not remember who it was.

When the U disk was pulled down, a thought came to Gu You's mind.

In her eyes, there was a touch of indifferent murderousness. Yang Mengshan was recently going to take an exam and had to transfer to another department. I wonder if the video was revealed at the school. Can she transfer this department?

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