Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 322: Beginning of the Edge (9)

Yu Feibai slowly lifted her head from the newspaper and looked at Gu Youli leisurely, and found that she had only eaten a piece of bread and drank half a cup of milk, and immediately lowered her face and ordered: "Eat all the bread on the plate. , Drank all the milk!"

Gu Youli pouted and looked at him without moving, indicating that he didn't want to eat anymore.

Yu Fei white-bellied black smiled: "After eating, otherwise you will take a taxi!"

Gu Youli was taken aback, and looked at Yu Feibai sadly: "How can you be like you!"

"Stopping breakfast is bad for your health!"

"I've already eaten!"

"Then I can't order it!"

Gu Youli couldn't hold back at Feibai, so he grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth, then looked at Yu Feibai angrily.

Yu Feibai has put down the newspaper, drank his coffee elegantly, and smiled at Gu Youli who was gobbled up by the opposite side: "Eat slowly, no one will grab you!!"

"I'm going to be late, don't you know, I have to leave a good impression on others the first day I went to work!!"

Pat Gu Youli was almost finished, Yu Feibai stood up with an elegant and straight body, "Let's go!!"

Gu Youli quickly dropped the bread in his hand, wiped his hands indiscriminately with a tissue, carrying the bag and leading the way: "Hurry up!"

Yu Feibai's low-key and luxurious Maybach stopped not far from the Emperor International Building.

I don't want to cause too much sensation. After all, Yu Feibai's car is a limited edition, and anyone with a wink can know that, so Gu Youli deliberately told Yu Feibai to stop far, and then walk to the Emperor International, only 50 About meters.

Emperor International Jewelry, located in the center of the Second Ring Road of Beijing, has 68 floors above ground and 3 floors underground. It sits in a double-wing architectural form.

Gu Youli entered the emperor on the hour. Standing on the first floor to pick up Gu Youli was the designer Zhou Lihua who was with Yanqi yesterday.

Zhou Lihua is a charming woman with big dark red curly hair. She has delicate facial features, seductive eyes like silk, and her figure is convex and concave.

At this moment, Zhou Lihua wore a black dress with a big V-neck and a string of precious gemstone necklaces, and her whole body exuded an angry flame.

When he saw Gu Youli appear, he couldn't help but roll his eyes again.

Zhou Lihua feels extremely uncomfortable for Yan Qi to take Gu Youli so much and let her join the company as a designer.

Unexplainable jealousy, envy and hatred.

I don't know why Gu Youli can enjoy such privileges.

It's just an ordinary hollyhock design drawing, but with a moving story. Is it necessary?

Today was even more unprecedented, and Yan Qi actually let her come down to pick up people.

Zhou Lihua was very disapproving, extremely upset!

So when he led Gu Youli to the design department by elevator, Zhou Lihua's face was always covered with contempt.

She criticized Sang Huai and said, "Don’t think that you are a designer when you first entered. No matter who enters the Emperor International, everything must start from scratch. The Emperor International is a very powerful company. The designers inside Whoever did not get the first place, so don’t think that if you get the first place, you think you are invincible in the world."

Gu Youli was very embarrassed, silent!

Although she wants to improve the relationship with her colleagues, she feels completely unnecessary to care about some colleagues who are hostile to her.

Everyone is a designer, and each has his own ability!

When Zhou Lihua saw that Gu Youli didn't say anything, she didn't want to please her predecessor, she even smiled stingly.

Her face stinks suddenly.

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