Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 327: Plagiarism, defendant (4)

Yan Qi said coldly: "No thanks, you are still an emperor, and your reputation is also related to the reputation of the emperor. I believe you should. From what you said, you should be calculated by some people. Remind you, you must be careful in the future, especially your design drawings, you must pay attention to confidentiality, trade secrets must be protected in the jewelry industry, leaking half of it may be forever."

Gu Youli nodded: "I understand! I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Now that someone else has launched the Hollyhock series, will the company's Hollyhock series be released? I will compensate for the loss, and I will draw another one as soon as possible. A set of designs to fill!"

Yan Qi fixedly looked at Gu Youli for two seconds before saying: "This matter is not as simple as you think. If your design is just a company and has not yet launched a new product, it is not your competition. Special prize works, then you will only be a dumb loser, and it is a big deal to draw a new set of products. But this is your work during the jewelry competition, and the competition committee already knows about this, before you come in I received a call from them, and they unanimously ruled that your first place was invalid. Not only did they want to withdraw your 200,000 bonus, but also thought that your plagiarism was too bad, and they decided to join the relevant jewelry company to block you!"

"What!!" Gu Youli's fingers trembled, and all his strength seemed to be taken away instantly: "Block me?"

Yan Qi sighed: "Besides, Tianfu Jewelry Company wants to sue you for plagiarism and has officially filed a lawsuit..."

Gu Youli clumped his hands into fists, trying to suppress the indignation in his heart, and tried his best to calm down his tone and said in a slow voice: "How can this be done? If you plagiarize my work, you still have to sue me for plagiarism?"

Yan Qi frowned and said: "So things are not as simple as you think. You must find a way to repay your innocence. If you can't repay your innocence, you will be ruined, don't you know?"

Gu Youli trembled all over, his face turned pale.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Qi continued: “Don’t you like the jewelry design industry very much? I know you like it very much. You must have put in a lot of effort to become a jewelry designer. I believe you will not Willing to be ruined like this?"

Gu Youli bit his lip and looked at Yan Qi: "Yes, I am not reconciled! The design is obviously mine, how could I let myself be ruined by my own things. However, my heart is so chaotic now, I need Be quiet, otherwise I don’t know what to do for a while."

At this moment, her brain's temple was prickling like a needle.

The whole body trembles violently, how can I prove that she is clear, she is really confused now.

Obviously, in the face of this sudden incident, Yan Qi did not find a place to solve it for a while.

It seems that there are seams everywhere, but it seems to be seamless and drillable.

The strong depression slowly filled, and suddenly Gu Youli's eyes lit up: "I'll go find the two girls who bumped into me, and if I find them, I might find the gap!"

Yan Qi nodded and said yes: "At the same time, I will send someone here to investigate the designer to see if he drew the design by himself or bought it with money!"

"Thank you, Director, I'm going back to school!" Gu Youli had quickly stood up after speaking.

Even if the entire Beijing University is turned over, she must find the two female classmates who hit her.

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