Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 330: Plagiarism, defendant (7)

Gu Youli knew that Yanqi was right, and Tianfu's designer would not admit it.

If she takes the initiative to stand up and admit to the public that her design is bought from others, it is tantamount to taking the initiative to stand up and admit to the public that her work is plagiarism.

For designers, this is the most taboo thing.

How could she be so stupid, knowing that the other party has no evidence, and still stand up and admit that she bought the work, that does not mean she is self-defeating.

Yan Qi's meeting was held for a long time, and it was already nine o'clock in the evening after the meeting ended.

After Gu Youli came out of the company, she went to the old Liu's house in the archives room. In any case, she had to get the key to the archives room and find out the two female classmates who hit her.

On the way, Gu Youli received a call from Yu Feibai.

Seeing the word'Xiaobai' displayed on the top of the phone screen, Gu Youli's eyes trembled.

There was an inexplicable soreness at the end of her nose. Her lips opened slightly, and her voice trembled: "Yu Feibai!"

With a soft voice, Yu Feibai clearly noticed something different from usual.

He pursed his thin lips, lowered his voice and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

When Yu Feibai asked, Gu Youli's heart was suddenly filled with aggrieved pain.

She was very upset and said: "I was framed!!"

"Framed?" In Yu Feibai's cold eyes, a bloodthirsty murderous intent passed slowly.

Gu Youli's extremely tired face was pale, and he said dumbly: "A Tianfu company copied my Hollyhock series, but it launched it a day earlier than me. Now the competition organizing committee says I am plagiarizing, not only will it be taken back. Bonus, and said to block me."

Yu Feibai quietly listened to her saying these words, and for a moment, his heart hurts.

His thin lips pressed tightly to the earpiece, and his soft voice came with a touch of comfort: "Don't worry, the work is yours, and no one will sue you for plagiarism."

Gu Youli nodded and curled his lips: "Well, I think so too. I am not afraid of the shadow leaning."

Yu Feibai whispered softly with a full of affection, "It's fine if you know, then you go home and rest and sleep well. Maybe you wake up tomorrow and the matter will be solved perfectly."

Of course Gu Youli knew that Yu Feibai was comforting her.

How could it be possible that the matter would be resolved after sleeping and waking up.

She smiled faintly: "Yeah, you should rest earlier, I'll go home after I eat something!"

After eating, Gu Youli certainly wouldn't go back.

As originally planned, she went to the old Liu in the archives.

Old Liu opened the door, and when he saw that the girl standing outside was Gu Youli, he immediately closed it again.

Gu Youli's slender, white wrists with the cuffs rolled up, pushed the door quickly, and squeezed one foot in the crack of the door. After opening the door, he revealed a small face with a large palm, and said anxiously: "Liu Uncle, please help!"

Old Liu was very angry: "You classmate is really annoying. I have said it many times. You can't enter the archives room without the principal's instructions."

"I know I know, but the principal will not return to school until three days later. It will be too late at that time, Uncle Liu, please help. I really need to enter the archives room now."

Old Liu still refused: "No way, no way!"

At this time, Lao Liu's wife came out: "What's the matter, what happened?"

Gu Youli glanced slyly, rushed in and took the old wife Liu's hand: "Aunt Liu, please let Uncle Liu help me!"

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