Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 340: Withdrawal and expulsion (7)

Yang Mengshan lived with Fu Jiasheng for so long, and all the hygiene at home has been entrusted to Fu Jiasheng.

Outside of this moment, as long as Fu Jiasheng is at home, he will definitely make the meal.

In short, in front of Fu Jiasheng, Yang Mengshan was the queen he had to wait on carefully.

Yang Mengshan hadn’t gotten up this day, and Fu Jiasheng, who made breakfast, came to the bed and gently touched Yang Mengshan’s shoulder, "Shanshan~~"

Yang Mengshan did not move and continued to sleep.

"Many, you said yesterday that you are going to participate in the company selection today, and you can't be late!"

Hearing what Fu Jiasheng said, Yang Mengshan slowly sat up, frowning, suppressing the breath of getting up, pushed Fu Jiasheng away, and went to the bathroom.

Fu Jiasheng was not angry, but felt happy.


After more than half an hour of washing, Yang Mengshan finally changed her clothes and came to the table. She picked up the spoon and had just eaten two mouthfuls of porridge, and then threw the spoon.

She threw the spoon into the pickle dish, and the juice splashed onto the back of Fu Jiasheng's hand.

Fu Jiasheng froze for a while, watching Yang Mengshan cautiously, not daring to gasp.

I don't know how she upset her.

Yang Mengshan glared at Fu Jiasheng and said angrily: "Why is the porridge so cold, did you deliberately?"

"I didn't, just..." Fu Jiasheng wanted to speak, to defend himself.

Said that he had the porridge there, because it was a long time, and the temperature in winter, so it would be cold quickly, and it would be too cold for a while.

But Yang Mengshan didn't listen, and interrupted impatiently, "I'm so stupid that I can't make a bowl of porridge for me. I really don't know what else you can do!!"

She was coldly ironic, although Fu Jiasheng was used to it.

But I couldn't help but feel sad.

Fu Jiasheng stood up gently, picked up the porridge in front of Yang Mengshan, and said cautiously: "I'll heat it up for you."

"No, you have enough for yourself!" Yang Mengshan got up and went to work with his bag.

Without looking back, Yu Guang didn't glance at Fu Jiasheng.

Fu Jiasheng looked at her, and finally didn't say what he wanted to say.

He didn't smile until he closed the door: "Shanshan, come on!"

This selection of Shangpin Jewelry is really important to Yang Mengshan.

If successful, then she will be able to jump up and she will no longer be a designer assistant who is inferior to other tasks.

If she is unsuccessful, then she does not know when she will become a real designer of Shangpin International.

On a road where you cannot see the future, you will never feel hope if you go on! !

Yang Mengshan is very confident about the design she submitted.

She feels that this time, she will definitely be able to make a blockbuster in front of everyone, and Director Li of the design department will also look at her with admiration!

"Mengshan!" Sure enough, Director Li of the design department clicked her name.

Yang Mengshan was overjoyed, trying to calm down and look at Director Li: "Yes!"

Director Li looked at Yang Mengshan deeply, "Did you draw this design?"

Yang Mengshan smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Director Li asked again, his eyes darkened: "Has anyone helped you, or pointed you!"

Yang Mengshan shook his head: "No, I did it by myself."

Director Li suddenly sneered, "You can draw such a good design drawing, but it's a rare wizard! I used to think that if you want to become a designer, it seems that you are still in the dark, but now it seems that I underestimated it. For you, I did not expect you to have such a taste and vision to draw such a design that surprised me!"

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