Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 358: Destroy, keep the meter away (5)

After picking up the phone, she accidentally opened the photo of her wearing a jade pendant while checking where her phone was broken.

In that way, Yang Cai would definitely ask her excitedly: Who are you?

At that time she couldn't admit it, she had to pretend that the other party was inexplicable...

Yang Mengshan, who was thinking about the next plot, suddenly felt a dark shadow enveloped her head.

"Yang Mengshan, return my bracelet to me?" Gu Youli said with red eyes and trembling voice.

Yang Mengshan was shocked, and also very horrified. After a while, he realized: "Sister, why are you here?"

She glanced at Yang Cai nervously, and saw Yang Cai's gaze noticed here.

My heart jumped to my throat instantly.

No, you can't let Yang Cai recognize Gu Youli!

She turned around and was about to go outside the outpatient building, but was held back by Gu Youli.

Gu Youli's voice, with a slight tear, burst out clearly from between his teeth. "I thought you would just plagiarize. You still wanted to push me downstairs, causing my father to fall down the stairs. Why are you so cruel? He has raised you for nineteen years. All this is forgotten. Now you pretend to come to the hospital to visit. , Actually stole my bracelet, do you want to sell it again!"

Yang Mengshan retorted nervously: "What are you talking nonsense!"

Gu Youli's voice was extremely low and cold, full of oppression and chill: "I'm talking nonsense. You don't steal someone else's things once or twice. Not only do you steal things, you steal people! Know that someone else has money." Relatives, you just pretend to confess! You are too bad, fortunately that family still believes in you!"

Now Gu Youli did not know that Yang Cai was her grandmother.

After the death of her previous life, she only knew that Yang Mengshan had harmed her and her father Gu Liangwei.

For other things, I don't know.

So she said these words to Yang Cai deliberately.

I just hope Yang Cai, don't recognize Yang Mengshan!

Yang Mengshan felt it, and the sky fell in general fear.

She was anxious and was going crazy: "You, you talk nonsense! I didn't, don't wrong me!"

At the same time, she was extremely guilty, and her legs were frightened.

She was very uneasy why Gu Youli would say this, whether Gu Youli already knew the plan in her heart.

But if this is the case, how could Gu Youli see Yang Cai without responding?

What is going on, what is going on!

Gu Youli stared at her coldly: "I wronged you, then you open your bag and you let me check to see if you stole my bracelet, so I know if I wronged you!!"

Yang Mengshan pressed her handbag tightly: "I didn't steal your bracelet, why should I search for you? I warn you, don't wrong me!"

"I didn't wrong you, you'll know by searching your bag!" Then, Gu Youli pulled Yang Mengshan's handbag and forced it open.

She took out the bracelet in the bag as quickly as possible: "You said it wasn't you who stole it, what is this? Don't tell me, it has grown feet and ran into your bag!"

Yang Mengshan was shocked, as if being pinched by the neck, unable to breathe, and his face was as white as snow.

what happened?

"This..." Yang Mengshan was speechless.

Yang Cai didn't look at them, and stopped too much on them.

However, Gu Youli's remarks made her mindful, she couldn't help but glanced at Yang Mengshan coldly, and then stepped outside to leave.

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