Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 462: Homebrew, self acceptance (1)

Although Yang Mengshan changed her cell, because she offended the elder sister L, she still lives in dire straits every day, and her life is miserable.

For a few days, there were crowds beating her every day. I didn't know whether I was jealous of her or could not understand her. When I beat her, they all liked to greet her on the face.

Yang Mengshan's face is covered with scratches and nail marks, and new ones are added every day.

Those scars are all deep and shallow.

Even if everything is healed, it will leave serious scars. Yang Mengshan's beautiful and delicate face, lips like cherries, and white as snow, like a perfect picture scroll face, will no longer exist.

Being bullied was very miserable. Yang Mengshan began to recite Fu Jiasheng's goodness. Fu Jiasheng has always treated her very well, unconditionally.

She has been waiting for news from Fu Jiasheng, waiting for Fu Jiasheng to rescue her, but after that day, there has been no news from Fu Jiasheng.

Yang Mengshan was anxious to die, and kept cursing Fu Jiasheng in his heart.

Swearing at her, she became scared again, and she was scared as Gu Youli said, and Fu Jiasheng would not care about her anymore.

But she also believed that Fu Jiasheng loved her too much and absolutely couldn't do without her. With such a fluke mentality, Yang Mengshan kept waiting.

But Fu Jiasheng was still there, and never appeared again.

On this day, Yang Mengshan was besieged by several people again, fists and feet, Yang Mengshan was beaten to vomit blood, and fainted on the spot.

After returning from the hospital, Yang Mengshan's whole person changed, becoming demented, her eyes sloppy, and when others hit her for further studies, she would no longer resist, or jumped up and yelled while laughing.

Let her remove the grass, she graze on the ground, let her clean, she brushed her face with the toilet brush.

Everyone has a bad feeling: Yang Mengshan seems to be crazy? !

Sister L didn't believe that she was so crazy. When Yang Mengshan was lying on the ground again to eat grass, she spat on the pile of grass Yang Mengshan wanted to eat.

Yang Mengshan turned a blind eye, the expression on her face did not change at all, she continued to pull the pile of grass and stuffed her mouth.

Sister L frowned, turned her eyes slightly, and motioned to the woman standing next to her.

The woman immediately poured some black **** liquid on the grass. It was dirty and smelly. The onlookers felt nauseous when they looked at it. She frowned and turned her head away.

Unexpectedly, Yang Mengshan still kept his eyes unblinking and continued to stuff the grass into his mouth, completely ignoring the black filth.

Everyone was shocked.

Sister L was also unbelievable. She quickly glanced at the girls, then stepped towards Yang Mengshan, reaching out to grab the grass Yang Mengshan was about to put into her mouth.

When something was robbed, Yang Mengshan immediately launched a rush.

She jumped up abruptly, but the grass was snatched away, but she was as if hundreds of thousands were snatched away. Her eyes were full of bloodthirsty and fierce, and she rushed towards Sister L with a shout. .

On the way, a foot suddenly stretched out halfway and tripped her on purpose.

But after Yang Mengshan fell, he quickly got up again.

Sister L stepped forward and slapped Yang Mengshan's face with a slap.

Many people cheered, and others rushed to Sister L and shouted, "Sister L, kill her!"

Another voice echoed: "That is, kill this neurosis!"

But Yang Mengshan was not angry or crying or shouting, but he laughed.

When Sister L was aware of it, she quickly rushed to Sister L with lightning speed.

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