Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 648: Heartbeat cooperation, answer or not?

Li Meijia's face was painful, and her heart pierced: "Yang Yun must have been in contact with Yang Mengshan, but because of my grandfather, she did not dare to take Yang Mengshan home. Now my grandfather has passed away, no one can control her, she I immediately brought Yang Mengshan back to our house. I hate how I didn’t see her face earlier, and my father, who actually helped the mother and daughter, why, why is it like this, how could that Yang Mengshan be Yang? Yun's daughter!"

With that, her emotions became more and more excited.

Her eyes were red, and her voice was choked: "I really always thought she treated me as a daughter, and thought she was a good woman, but everything turned out to be fake. This woman is really cruel, in order to marry me. Our family, in order to let the people in our family, can completely trust her, can actually abandon her own daughter mercilessly. She is so cruel. Now I think my grandfather has passed away, and my dad was deceived by her again. Does she have the final say in the entire Li family? See how I drive the two mother and daughter out of the Li family!!"

Speaking of the back, her voice was filled with hopeful hatred.

Gu Youli raised his eyes to look at Li Meijia, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to comfort you!"

"Is there any point in comfort? If I am not comforting!" Li Meijia held the corner of her lips without a smile.

Her eyes were deep, her voice softened: "You Li...I know you don't like Yang Mengshan very much, now I want to work with you."

Gu Youli's eyes trembled.

She sat quietly, with a calm face facing Li Meijia, and whispered: "I'm sorry, I won't cooperate with you!"

Li Meijia was surprised: "Why? Don't you like Yang Mengshan very much? Are you and Yang Mengshan not enemies? Isn't she your father who almost killed you? Didn't you send her to prison? Don't you want to avenge her Didn’t you always want to hit her? Don’t you want her to be in our Li family now, so you can deal with you?”

Gu Youli raised his eyebrows, his tone of voice was flat, and there was no turbulence: "Yes, I don't like her, but it does not mean that I want to cooperate with you!"

Li Meijia was a little surprised: "Why? I don't believe you are willing to watch Yang Mengshan come to you and show off your power."

When asked, she was actually a little nervous in her heart. Could it be that Gu Youli already knew everything she did later.

Therefore, I was reluctant to cooperate with her.

Gu Youli answered without hesitation, "Remember what you said last time when you rejected me and were not willing to let us buy out Shangpin's franchise? You said that you are responsible for the whole Shangpin, so you can't talk to me. Personal relations, shopping malls are like battlefields, there are no fathers and sons on the battlefield, let alone friends, you say you have to think about the company, not because I am your friend, and there is no favoritism, after all, the entire board of directors is staring at you. I am like this now. The board of directors of the Lu's Group is staring at me. I can't get involved in the private fight of your Li family because of people's grievances."

Li Meijia was full of anger, and immediately all of her hair was on Gu Youli: "You are damaging me!"

Gu Youli smiled and said: "Your idiom is wrong! I didn't throw a stone on you. I just won't save you from the well on purpose. On the contrary, you threw a stone on me last time. I raised the price when it was difficult, so I didn’t give it any convenience!"

Li Meijia sneered: "So you didn't cooperate with me, in fact, because of the last time, you wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate against me for lowering the price, and you didn't agree with you joining the buyout."

Gu Youli's face was cold, and he smiled sarcastically: "Your original choice was based on your own considerations. In business, of course, you must make the best choice for your company. I will not retaliate against you for this. of."

"Then why are you cooperating!" Li Meijia said aggressively.

In Gu Youli's faint eyes, a cold smile flashed: "Once, there was a good friend who grew up from childhood. She also said this to me. She said that it is okay to deal with Yang Mengshan with me, just because I and Gu Mengshan is not at odds, and she also has enemies with Yang Mengshan, so naturally I feel that we should deal with Yang Mengshan together!!"

After a pause, she continued: "But I didn't agree. I told her that I don't want revenge for revenge. There are more important things in my life, but the most important thing is that I don't want to become her **** to avenge Yang Mengshan. , Mika, what idea you have in your heart, of course you know it, and I know it very well."

Li Meijia was choked and couldn't find anything to say.

"I will tell her later, don't think of revenge, stay away from Yang Mengshan, now she..."

Without waiting for Youli to finish speaking, Li Meijia interrupted her: "I tell you I won't let Yang Mengshan go. If I don't do anything, I'm afraid I won't wait for my dad to discover everything. The two murders are dead, I'm cruel to these two mother and daughter!

Li Meijia probably was really irritated by this incident. The fierce eyes and words were unprecedented.

Later, Gu Youli learned that Li Meijia had cursed Yang Yun's mother out of control and was beaten by her father.

Li Meijia is a princess who has always been held in the palm of his hand, envied by others, and lacks everything.

Of course it would be reluctant to be beaten because of Yang Mengshan and her illegitimate daughter!

Li Meijia glanced lightly, then looked at Gu Youli and said: "If I say, I will cooperate with you, even if I am using you to attack Yang Mengshan, I want my father to see the faces of the mother and daughter, but I can give You want the benefits, so are you willing to cooperate?!!!"

Gu Youli didn't speak, but looked at her firmly, waiting for her next words.

"Sacred Land International is a good place. Transportation, logistics, and all aspects of conditions will be the best in the future. It just happens that Shangpin has no sales points in that area, and all sales points of Emperor Wang have the best performance in that area. So We have taken a fancy to Holy Land International, which has just started, and I also know where your Lushi is also fancy, but no one can tell who will win the bidding. It doesn’t matter whether Shangpin or not, anyway, there are many sales points in Beijing. But Lu's seems to be indispensable there. In fact, I can give you Holy Land International on the condition that you agree to work with me against Yang Mengshan."

Gu Youli curled his lips and smiled, with a deep meaning!

Li Meijia thought she was moved, and raised her eyebrows: "How is it?"

Gu Youli stood up slowly, and said in a condescending manner: "It's not very good. I will not mix things up between you and Yang Mengshan. As for the shops at the point of sale, it's really hard to say who will let who. ."

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