Suddenly, she heard the sound of "help" coming from deep in the woods.

Gu Youli was suddenly alert, stood up subconsciously, then put on his raincoat and walked out of the tent.

When I came out, I found that other people had all come out.

The call for help is getting closer, but it is getting weaker, and I don't know if it is because the person is going further and further, or because he has no strength, he can no longer call for help.

"Is this voice from Xiao Xu?" Gu Youli asked softly.

Xiao Xu is a soldier Wu Zi **** went to the side trail to inquire about the road conditions.

"Let's take a look first!" Wu Zijiang said, leaving two soldiers guarding the material, and then leading the other soldier to the direction of the call for help.

Gu Youli followed, and went together.

Under the silent night in the mountains, the icy rain has never stopped.

As their feet got closer and closer, the call for help became more and more clear. It was Xiao Xu who Wu Zi **** went to investigate the road.

The army flashlight in Gu Youli's hand kept shooting around, looking for Xiao Xu.

"Come on, help!"

The voice sounded again, and the three hurried forward, the military torches in their hands finally swept two dark shadows.

"Xiao Xu!" everyone called Xiao Xu, and then ran up.

It was only then that Xiao Xu was not alone. He was holding a soldier in his hand, who seemed to be in a coma!

All of his body was muddy water, and his original appearance was almost invisible.

The weight of his whole body was on Xiao Xu's body, and Xiao Xu's legs, as if cut by something sharp, shed blood.

"Hurry up!" Wu Zijiang hurried over, helped the soldier up, and put his back on him.

The other soldier helped Xiao Xu up.

Gu Youli took all the flashlights and illuminated them behind, and everyone went to rest together.

Seeing Wu Zijiang, he returned with the injured Xiao Xu.

The two soldiers quickly took out the first aid kit and checked Xiao Xu and the other soldier.

Gu Youli helped everyone clean up Xiao Xu's wounds in the tent.

She heard Wu Zijiang rushing, and the two soldiers over there who helped to treat another wounded asked: "How about? Is he seriously injured?"

"He was seriously injured and must be sent back to the camp as soon as possible for professional care." One of the soldiers raised his head and spoke.

Hearing the sound, Gu Youli turned to look at the wounded soldier.

It was too dark outside, and the muddy person couldn't see clearly.

The more I look at him now, the more familiar I feel.

"So Xiao Zhang, you stay to take care of Miss Gu and wait for us where we are. Xiao Zheng and I will send the two injured back to the camp." Wu Zijiang quickly allocated the number of people, and then prepared to move all the materials into a car. in.

Gu Youli took a towel and soaked it in the rain, and wiped the mud off the wounded soldier's face.

"Hu...Hu Zhifeng, it's you!" Gu Youli's voice changed suddenly because of surprise.

When everyone heard that Gu Youli actually knew this soldier, they immediately stopped.

At this moment, the wounded soldier also slowly woke up.

His face was slightly distorted, as if he was immersed in great pain, and it took a long time before he was relieved.

Gu Youli was excited and grabbed his hand: "Hu Zhifeng, where is Yu Feibai, tell me where is Yu Feibai?"

Hu Zhifeng is Yu Feibai's hand, the most elite special forces, and the first-moving elite troops cannot do without him.

Wu Zijiang heard Gu Youli's excited voice and immediately looked at the pattern on the wounded soldier's clothes.

Reach out and remove the mud as much as possible.

The embroidered totem above silently revealed the identity of the other party. He was indeed a member of the special brigade in Beijing.

Hu Zhifeng was in a daze, finally found a trace of reason.

He looked at Gu Youli in disbelief and was astonished: "Gu...Miss Gu, is"

Gu Youli nodded repeatedly, and his voice became extremely rapid: "I am me, Yu Feibai, where is Yu Feibai now!"

"Head..." Hu Zhifeng seemed to be at the limit, and he seemed to faint without saying a few words.

Gu Youli was anxious, and quickly reached out and shook him: "Hu Zhifeng, don't faint, tell me where Yu Feibai is? Hu Zhifeng..."

"Re... shake... really... dizzy!" Hu Zhifeng finally squeezed out these words with golden eyes.

Gu Youli hurriedly retracted his hand, and then laid Hu Zhifeng flat on the ground: "I won't shake, you can rest for a while, take a breath, but don't faint!"

Hu Zhifeng trembled and murmured his lips, and opened his mouth with difficulty and slowly, "I said to the side...the red clothes mark the road, one mile to the right, there is a...village, many...people, everyone...trapped there, I come out... …Find a rescuer!"

The voice was hoarse and shabby, but he tried to amplify the voice so that everyone could hear it clearly.

After speaking this not a long paragraph, Hu Zhifeng really couldn't hold on any longer, and finally fainted.

Gu Youli opened his eyes wide, puzzled, shocked, and couldn't believe it.

Yu Feibai said on the side, a young man with a red dress as a mark, heading to the village one mile to the right!

The joy in the depths of the eyes, like the waves rolling at the bottom of the sea, instantly swept the entire sea level.

"Great, I finally found Chief Yu. Xiao Zheng, you are responsible for sending He Xiao Xu and Comrade Hu back to the camp. You must ensure the safety of Comrade Hu as quickly as possible and tell the camp's additional reinforcements to come to us. Xiao Zhang, Xiao Lin, I will send the material to the mountain with you."

Wu Zijiang came back to his senses in consternation, his tight face redistributed work.

"Yes!!" everyone responded loudly.

Then, rush out of the tent to move the material on the cart.

Gu Youli pressed his whole body, shaking fiercely.

She never knew that her heart could be so excited, completely indifferent to Zhi's control, and throbbing violently.

As if the next second, she would jump out of her chest.

She was startled, and then rushed out to help everyone move the material together.

Thinking of seeing Yu Feibai right away, a voice called ecstasy kept yelling in her blood, as if it was about to burn at any time.

But she couldn't believe it again. She was worried that her full of joy would fail in the end and burn into ashes.

Hu Zhifeng and Xiao Xu were sent to the camp. Gu Youli followed Wu Zijiang and drove to the side under the rainy night.

After traveling for about twenty minutes, they saw the marked road mentioned by Hu Zhifeng.

But the road was too narrow, and the painting couldn't get in at all.

The surrounding mountain landslides were also very serious. One of the mountain tops was broken, and solid stones blocked the road ahead.

In this case, let alone the car, even people can't get in.

(PS: Only four thousand words were changed yesterday, so today I will add two thousand words, and there will be four thousand words later, two thousand words for a chapter, the next chapter Xiaobai will reunite with Lili. ?)

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