Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 728: Unexpectedly, accidentally heard

The distance is not very far, Gu Youli can hear their conversation without having to step forward.

Talking about Yu Feibai's injury, Gu Youli subconsciously stopped.

Hearing Yaze talk about Yu Feibai's injury, nothing really happened. Although he was shot twice, his physical fitness would be almost healed as long as he rested for ten and a half days.

Gu Youli really let out a big breath when he heard the words.

When I was about to say hello to them, I heard Yaze ask Tang Yu again: "Yu Shao, didn't Mr. Yu look for someone to monitor the road? How can I let him follow to the island?"

Gu Youli is also very curious about this issue.

Mingming Luxiu was being monitored, so why did he follow him silently.

She swallowed instantly, preparing to speak, waiting for Tang Yu to give Yaze an answer.

"He removed all the people who monitored Lu Suo!" Tang Yu frowned slightly, and the depth of his eyes grew deeper.

"Why?" Yaze asked inexplicably.

Tang Yu replied: "Because he has found out who is behind Lu Zhuo, Lu Zhuo has contacted that person's subordinates, he..."

Tang Yu didn't go on with the next words.

The tall and long figure stood up, black trousers, lavender shirt, open neckline, and cuffs high up on the arms.

He turned around and looked at Gu Youli: "Why did you come out? Did you wake up in vain?"

Gu Youli was stunned, then he smiled, and then nodded: "Yes, Feibai has already woke up, Yaze, can you go and take a look."

"I'm going now!" Yaze also stood up, then stepped away.

Gu Youli did not, and immediately followed Yaze to leave.

She looked at Tang Yu and asked, "Because of what, why did Feibai remove the person monitoring Lu Xiao and give Lu Xiao a chance to come here? He found out who is behind Lu Xiao?"

A series of questions were all thrown to Tang Yu in an instant.

Tang Yu's deep eyes stared at her slightly: "I don't think I should answer you this question. You should ask Yu Feibai and let him tell you that it is more appropriate."

Gu Youli clenched his fists: "He wants to tell me, he told me already! It won't let me without any psychological preparation, suddenly being held hostage by Lu Xiao,"

"The only thing I can tell you is that that person surprised Feibai and didn't know what method should be used to deal with him." Tang Yu finished speaking, and left.

He took a step back to the room where Yu Feibai was.

Yu Feibai slowly sat up from the bed.

He leaned against the head of the bed, his eyes exuding a wise and deep light, and lightly swept Tang Yu's face, and then threw two words: "Thank you!"

Tang Yu shrugged, "I don't like the empty thank you, something practical?"

Yu Feibai leaned lazily, looking despised: "I have given you enough practical help, Tang Fox, take a little bit less, you won't lose a piece of meat."

"Yes, don't talk about it, otherwise, you have to pull out the accounts a few years ago," Tang Yu said, suddenly paused.

He looked at Yu Feibai, and then said casually: "By the way, your woman knows, you remove all the people who monitor Lushu!"

Yu Feibai's eyes were cold, and his face instantly became gloomy, "What did you say?!"

"Sorry, I accidentally heard the conversation between Yaze and me!"

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