Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 759: I've paid off, I don't owe you anymore

Li Meijia sneered repeatedly, obviously just not believing it.

Gu Youli changed his silence just now, with murderous eyes in his eyes, and coldly said: "It's you, Li Meijia, I treat you as a friend, even if you have love for Fei Bai, you can be honest with me. , But why are you doing tricks behind your back?"

Her face froze for a while, and it was obviously softened. Li Meijia said quietly and indifferently: "What kind of trick I did, I just investigated you from behind!"

Gu Youli sneered and asked, "Are you just investigating me? Don't deny that you sent the photos of me and Chen Junrui to Feibai. It's not called a trick!"

"Hahaha..." Li Meijia laughed out loud, tears oozing out of the corners of her eyes: "It's so funny, you are riding two boats on your own, and you are watery, and you are not allowed to let others know!"

"You touched your conscience and said, is that really the case? You didn't want to make us misunderstand it on purpose?" Gu Youli continued to sneer.

"But even so, you can't do such a cruel hand." Li Meijia sneered, tears in her smile.

Gu Youli lowered his eyes and said softly: "Yes, I hit you, he was wrong. Even if you investigate me, even if you post photos, you shouldn't be cruel to you, so when I know something At the time, I had a share of guilt for you, but now I don’t have it, because you have treated me the same way. I owe you nothing, I will pay it off for him!"

A deep-seated hatred made Li Meijia gritted her teeth and squeaked: "Pay it off, can you pay it back? I have no legs now. Can you pay it back to me?"

Gu Youli recovered his calm expression: "This is because I was lucky. Someone saved me, and someone suffered all the sins. Now the person who saved me is lying in the hospital. Li Meijia, we are all cleared. , I’m here today, not wanting to settle accounts with you, just to tell you that you are not alone, you still have a father, you still have Shangpin, a leg is nothing to you,"

As he said, Gu Youli lowered her eyes and glanced at Li Meijia’s legs and said, “In this era, amputation and organ replacement are not uncommon. There is a very advanced place abroad where prostheses can be installed. Yes, it’s really no different after putting on your clothes, you now..."

"You shut up! Gu Youli, this leg is what you and Yu Feibai owe me!" Li Meijia's eyes were scarlet, her body shook because she was too excited to speak.

Gu Youli looked directly at her, with a hint of coldness in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth: "Li Meijia, don't forget, it was you who found someone to investigate me first, and it was you who settled your bad heart and wanted to dismantle it. Me and Yu Feibai, you also killed someone in a car accident for a few days. If you really want to count it, you should owe me, but now it’s useless to say this. I have already said everything I want to say, you Do it yourself, I believe that Shangpin should be more important than anything in your heart."

Li Meijia sneered: "What's wrong? Want me to deal with Yang Mengshan? Do you want to take advantage of the fisherman's profit?"

Gu Youli smiled speechlessly. Just as she was about to say something, a cold voice interrupted her.

"Gu Youli, don't say anything!" Standing in the dark, standing outside the door to control the overall situation, Yu Feibai walked in slowly, watching coldly.

Seeing the person, Li Meijia hurriedly moved into the bed, her face pale, her eyes full of extreme fear.

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