Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 766: Counter effect, black belly grandpa

The enlightened Gu Youli slowly approached the old man: "Grandpa."

On the loving face of the old man, the cloud of talent was swept away.

He beckoned and motioned to Gu Youli to sit next to him: "Lili, I haven't seen you for a while. You seem to have lost weight again. Haven't you rested during this time?"

Gu Youli sat down next to the old man, then smiled lightly and replied: "Grandpa, I am fat, but you seem to be thin!"

She said that she really didn't know what to say.

Just now such a big thing happened, the old man can be calm and calm in an instant, but she can't do it.

At this moment, my heart is extremely embarrassing.

Looking at Yu Zhihe over there, his eyes became cold and he calmed down, his complexion was as usual, and he couldn't see the slightest abnormality.

I have to say that it is really strong, and Yu's family is invincible and restoring his usual ability.

Father Yu chuckled, "It's still my grandson and daughter-in-law, I know I care about people."

Gu Youli felt more embarrassed and uncomfortable when he heard him say this.

"Hey, unlike some people, I'll have nothing to do to toss," he said dumbly, raising his eyes coldly and staring at the person in front of him.

Yu Zhihe, who seemed expressionless when sitting aside, was actually sulking and stood up quickly.

He said impatiently: "Dad, I know what you want to say, yes, it's all my fault, everything is my fault, are you satisfied!"

After speaking, he gave Gu Youli a hard look, then turned and headed upstairs.

Gu Youli said he was innocent, and opened his lips to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, I think it's better not to say anything.

Father Yu shook his head, his deep eyes were filled with indifferent calmness: "It's not white to chase your mother, Lili, you go upstairs to see your dad!"

A trace of astonishment slowly waved in Gu Youli's heart. Gu Youli's eyes were startled, and he couldn't believe it: "What? I'm going?"

Did Grandpa make a mistake? Knowing that Yu Zhihe hates her the most, he even told her to go upstairs to see him. Isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

"What's the matter?" Father Yu was puzzled and wanted to be honest with her.

This immediately made Gu Youli very ashamed, tears!

She shook her head: "Um...I'll forget it, uncle is so..."

Father Yu interrupted her and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, he and your mother can't be married!"

Please, this is not what she wants to say!

Gu Youli's long eyelashes trembled and his face was very strange.

Her eyebrows frowned slowly, and she said in embarrassment after a long time: ", that...I just wanted to say, uncle, he shouldn't want to see me, and I am not very suitable for it. Appear at this time!"

"The most suitable person to appear is you, because only people he doesn't like can make him calm at this time and let him think carefully," Mr. Yu said very optimistically.

But Gu Youli really wanted to cry.

Is there any mistake? Yu Zhihe didn't like her, so she was allowed to go up, because Yu Zhihe could calm down.

Grandpa, your old man is so black.

Father Yu sighed: "I found that this matter is not as simple as the surface. I believe Jiahui. I think there must be something wrong in the middle. So, you have to help your dad calm down and think about it. Who the **** is in the middle!"

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