Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 776: Quarrel, endless

Yu Zhihe sneered, his eyes burst out with a cold light, "I drank too much and didn't go home, then where did you go?"

The voice was calm, but it was like depression before the storm.

"I, I went to Yin Li's house..." Wang Jiahui was frightened by the sharp and gloomy flashing in Yu Zhihe's eyes.

She dared not lie anymore and answered honestly.

But when I answered, I could feel a kind of creepy cold.

"What did you say? You went to Yin Li's house!" Yu Zhihe grabbed her hand, firmly and roughly.

It hurts, Wang Jiahui couldn't help screaming, "You hurt me!"

"You actually went to his house. Tell me, what have you done?" At this moment, Yu Zhihe couldn't wait to break Wang Jiahui's hand.

Did she even think of him as her husband and actually ran to her first love for the night?

What did they do all night.

All kinds of ambiguous and **** images kept trembling in his mind, and Yu Zhi went mad with anger: "Are you going to bed!"

Wang Jiahui widened her eyes and explained in a hurry: "No, don't get me wrong, we didn't do anything, I slept in the guest room!"

"Give you one last chance, are you going to bed?" Yu Zhihe growled.

When Wang Jiahui lifted her eyes, she saw Yu Zhihe Rutian Miedi's eyes, scarlet scarlet.

She trembled inexplicably, shook her head, trembling in her voice, and yelled: "What are you thinking about! We didn't do anything, don't you think it is insulting my personality to ask?!"

"Ah! You lied!" Yu Zhihe roared.

"I didn't!!" Wang Jiahui lost her voice and shouted sternly!

After the great quarrel, there was a suffocating silence, and Yu Zhihe's eyes were covered with red blood and suddenly ran out.

At this moment, he admitted that he was jealous, a jealousy that felt extremely tired and terrified.

The heart was so heavy and heavy, as uncomfortable as being pressed by a huge rock, almost suffocated.

He didn't go home for a long time. Wang Jiahui called in the middle, but he didn't answer it. He asked the woman next to him to answer it.

There is no other woman around, so I asked his secret assistant to pick him up.

He also wanted Wang Jiahui to try that suffocating jealousy like him, and also wanted to try whether Wang Jiahui continued to pretend to love him, or fell in love with her just like him.

what? What was he thinking about, he thought he fell in love with her?


It turns out that if you pretend to love someone for too long, whether it is physical or emotional, you will become addicted without knowing it.

Like taking drugs, fall!

But pretending is always pretending, just like clinging to a pillow of drunken life, dreaming of death, and having a beautiful dream of yellow beams, tossing and turning in a mirage, and finally returning to reality, there is nothing.

This realization made Yu Zhihe even more frightened, and even wanted to know Wang Jiahui's thoughts.

But what is waiting for him is that Wang Jiahui and Yin Li are in the right place again.

Yu Zhihe Ning is too heavy or cares too much.

Therefore, he conducted a detailed investigation on Wang Jiahui and Yin Li.

He discovered that not long after he and Wang Jiahui got married, Wang Jiahui also went out to meet with Yin Li once, and that day did not return.

It's just that at that time, he didn't take Wang Jiahui to heart.

So naturally, I would not pay attention to these, but now think about it, the date of meeting seems to be very close to the date of Wang Jiahui's pregnancy.

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