Struggling and entangled in the viscous and wet seawater.

Under the vast Yemu, he raised his head and panted.

In the vast beach, wanton indulgence.

A love is like a beast fight, gnawing and biting.

Chu Qing was so dizzy when he was hit, her body and mind could not help her, and her soul seemed to be knocked out.

For a long time, when the feeling of extinction hits, she feels that her body and senses are no longer hers.

Finally, everything has been arrogant!

Chu Qing's body and on the beach were full of viscous white liquid, which all told their madness just now.

Chu Qing panted heavily, her whole body limp and unable to move.

Leng Kuang hugged her to the sea, and then washed the stains on both of them.

The beautiful moonlight shines on her **** body, slender legs, slender willow waist, and proud and delicate...

Looking at, feeling and feeling, Leng Kuang found that his desire to go down just now began to wake up again.

Damn, there seems to be something wrong, there doesn't seem to be that woman who has such a big attraction to him.

Chu Qing recovered a little bit of strength, but he was unwilling to be next to Leng Kuang again, reaching out to push him, trying to stay away from him.

"Don't move, otherwise you will be responsible for what happens again!" Leng Kuang restrained herself, she picked Chu Qing up and put it in the car.

With the help of the car lights, he noticed that Chu Qing's face was super ugly, pale as snow, sweaty, and his brows were deeply locked, looking very painful.

Leng Kuang put his palms around her head and looked at her: "What's wrong with you?"

The two looked at each other like this, one without indifference, the other with a deep evil charm.

Suddenly, Chu Qing yelled, "Get away!"

This dead man was rude to death, she really died in pain.

Leng Kuang ignored her bad words, just asked indifferently: "After that time in the jungle, why didn't you come to me?"

Chu Qing smiled and asked mockingly: "Why should I go to you? Will you be responsible? Please, everyone is an adult, and I don't think you are a responsible man."

Leng Kuang raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

Chu Qing looked at him and said frivolously. "Why, playing once is not enough, still want to play again, still want to do it in the car?"

Leng Kuang narrowed his eyes dangerously and looked at him displeased.

He didn't like her deliberate provocation, he didn't like it very much.

"If you don't want to, stay away from me," Chu Qing said coldly, before closing her eyes.

I'm going to come, but my eyes are not clear.

Leng Kuang took a deep look at her, and glanced out the window: "I thought you would come to me, I admit that I did all this to you with the idea of ​​revenge, but afterwards I realized that you were not Same, but everything is too late! If you come to me, maybe I..."

Chu Qing didn't want to listen anymore, and interrupted him coldly: "No need! If you feel sorry, stay away from me!"

Leng Kuang did not move, looking at her face close at hand, with unpredictable eyes.

For a moment, the space was deadly silent.

After a long time, Leng Kuang suddenly said: "Hey, Qingqing, or let's try it together!"

Try it? What to try?

Chu Qing opened her eyes quickly, and met the cold eyes.

The coldness at this moment is different from the cold and domineering just now, it is extremely soft at this moment, looking at her quietly, and cautiously!

what happened to him?

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