Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 794: Natural, destined enemy

Yu Feibai swept his eyes indifferently, then looked at the camera above the corner.

The surface was still calm and there was no wave of waves, but the beautiful eyes hidden under the low hat suddenly flashed a trace of murderous aura.

Standing in the surveillance camera, Yu Haoyu suddenly felt a chill in his back.

His whole heart touched his throat, staring at Yu Feibai in the screen, clenching his fists, and making no secret of killing.

It really didn't happen that Yu Feibai would hit his headquarters.

Did he know everything, or was it just a coincidence that he just came to handle other cases before he came here?

No matter what the reason, his arrival is already in extreme danger.

If he could, he really wanted to kill him with a single shot, but he couldn't kill him. This idea had been there since he was sensible, and he had found a chance to kill him.

However, all failed.

He and Yu Feibai, natural enemies, either you die or I live, one day he will clean him up!

Now this situation seems to be beyond his control!

Have to think of a way to prevent him from discovering the basement.

As soon as this thought fell off, he saw Yu Feibai raising his hand to signal a few special forces soldiers to search in the right direction.

That direction is the entrance to the basement.

Yu Haoyu screamed badly, stood up and said: "Zhou Zhang, prepare flash bombs, smoke bombs, and bombs. We are going to blow up this place."

When he gave the order coldly, he had already stepped towards another underground passage, ready to leave from here.

Zhou Zhang followed the others. After they pulled the door and left, Zhou Zhang threw a flash bomb, a smoke bomb and a small bomb at the basement.

When those special forces members just opened the basement door from the other end, the smoke-disturbed monitoring room was instantly smashed to pieces.

They found something was wrong, and immediately retreated and lay on the ground, but they were still injured.

The explosion sounded like the ground shook the mountain and once again shocked the people in the bar above.

Amidst their panic call, there was the sound of a gun being loaded, and the special forces team quickly aimed at the surroundings.

Yu Feibai raised his hand and gently made a forward gesture, and immediately a small group of people moved towards the side exit.

Yu Haoyu over there used smoke bombs to cover up, all the way forward.

When I walked outside the bar, I saw several corpses lined up on the ground. These were his people, people who kept the bar outside.

Unexpectedly, he would be killed silently by Yu Feibai.

Just when Yu Haoyu thought that he could escape this time, he suddenly rushed out of a pair of people, held guns at them, and shouted, "Stop, raise your hands, or we'll shoot!"

Zhou Zhang was panicked and immediately raised the gun in his hand, wanting to fight back.

But before he pulled the trigger, a bullet hit his arm.

"Ah--" At the same time as he was eating pain, the gun in his hand also fell to the ground.

Yu Haoyu wanted to go back, but saw another team rushing out from behind.

Panicked, he immediately raised his hands upwards, and then raised them above his head together.

More than a dozen special forces team members surrounded them. They subdued Zhou Zhang and Yu Haoyu and took them to different places.

In the largest private room in the world, Yu Feibai stood by the window with his back to hands. Hearing the sound, he slowly turned to look at Yu Haoyu, his eyes as cold as ice, killing the cold.

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