Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 913: Scream, break everything

Azhi believed that Milo could see that he was not interested in her, and believed she would no longer be boring.

However, this is not the case.

After Gu Youli took Mi Luo to visit the factory, it was getting late. After discussion, everyone decided to stay in the mine staff dormitory for one night and go back tomorrow morning.

After dinner, the workers in the mine lit a small bonfire in the dam to show their welcome to Gu Youli.

There is no host for this small bonfire party. It is just that the workers in the mine sing together, dance and play games together.

Gu Youli and Mi Luo also laughed with everyone, sang and danced together, and the atmosphere was very lively.

There was only Ah Zhi, who had always been serious and a cold face, sitting on the side with a serious face, his eyes swept back and forth with alertness.

No matter when, he will never forget that his mission here is to protect Gu Youli.

Suddenly, Milo came to him and stretched out his hand, trying to lead him into the dance circle: "Come on, let's go!"

However, Ah Zhi, coldly thrown away: "Not interested!"

Miluo shrugged, returned to Gu Youli with a helpless expression, took her hand and continued dancing.

After dancing around the bonfire with everyone, Miluo came to Ah Zhi again.

She covered her belly with her right hand, and said in a bit of pain: "It seems that things are not clean. I want to make it convenient, but I am afraid of it alone. Yuri said let you accompany me!"

Azhi glanced at her, not like a lie.

Then, he looked at Gu Youli, who was dancing with everyone there.

Without speaking, she just got up and took a step, leading Milo to the bathroom.

Not long after they left, there was a middle-aged woman who hurried over to look for Gu Youli.

She pointed her finger to the front right and said anxiously to Gu Youli: "The two guests quarreled over there. The man seemed to be hitting the woman!"

"What? Stand up and hit a woman? Is it Miluo and Azhi?" When Gu Youli asked eagerly, his eyes swept across the venue.

Indeed, I did not see Milo and Azhi.

When I thought of being in the car, Miluo's expression on A Zhi's face was so cruel, and A Zhi's expression on his face was impatient. Gu Youli didn't think much about it, and immediately ran in the direction pointed by the woman. go with.

But in fact, Ah Zhi took Miluo in another direction.

"Azhi, do you have a girlfriend?" Milo asked Azhi with a smile.

Ah Zhi didn't say anything, didn't even glance at him, and continued to walk forward, making it clear that he would not care about her.

Milo wasn't angry, and said with a grin.

She said in English: "Iloveyou, Iwanttomakelovetoyou!"

Ah Zhi paused quickly and looked at Milo incredulously, his mouth wide open to fit an egg.

He understands English, so he understands the meaning of that sentence: "I like you, I want to do || love with you."

Seeing Ah Zhi who seemed to be frightened, Milo hugged Ah Zhi and actively kissed Ah Zhi's lips.

Ah Zhi was stunned, standing still and completely unable to react.

Miluo exudes a faint fragrance of perfume, bewitching Ah Zhi, a little confused, some panting, and from a purely male point of view, it is really...

Seeing the dim and quiet space, when the ambiguous cause seemed to explode, a scream in the distance suddenly sounded in the ear.


He opened his eyes quickly, and when he screamed badly, he had already pushed Milo away and rushed toward the direction of the sound.

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