Someone called the police and called an ambulance.

The injured were taken to the hospital for rescue, while Yang Mengshan and Gu Huijun were taken to the police station by the police as suspects.

Gu Huijun called his brother Gu Hongfei, who was already a lawyer at this time.

And Yang Mengshan called Gu Liangwei. Unless it was necessary, she would not tell Yang Xiaoyun.

Sitting in the interrogation room, Yang Mengshan was quietly in his head, living what happened today.

The more she thought about it, the stranger she became, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Gu Huijun should have carefully designed a good show at Gu Youli's instigation.

If you don't understand why, it will suddenly involve Gu Youli.

Anyway, she just felt that everything was Gu Youli's devil.

After Gu Liangwei's arrival, Yang Mengshan didn't wait to figure out the ins and outs of the matter, and he already guilty of Gu Youli.

She cried to Gu Liangwei so much that she insisted that Gu Youli and Gu Huijun framed her together.

Gu Liangwei really couldn't figure out what was going on.

So he called Gu Youli.

After Gu Youli heard everything, he was extremely ashamed and speechless: "Yang Mengshan, where did you think that I and Huijun framed you together? You know I haven't seen Huijun for many years."

Yang Mengshan held Gu Liangwei's arm pitifully and wept softly: "Except you, no one would harm me like this!"

"I can testify that since your family moved to the capital, you have never seen Huijun in these years." Since Gu Youli's arrival, Gu Hongfei has been watching Gu Youli closely.

His eyes are deep, unmoving for a while.

Yu Feibai glanced at him, his eyes cold, then looked at Gu Youli.

I saw that she smiled at Gu Hongfei, but her politeness was rusty, and she didn't say much.

At this time, a police officer who answered the call looked at everyone after hanging up the phone and said, "Don’t quarrel, the injured person has woken up and everyone in the restaurant can testify. You didn’t intentionally hurt people, but For accidental injuries, as long as you pay enough medical expenses, and the other party does not pursue it, you should not be prosecuted."

If you do not prosecute, it means you will not go to jail.

Yang Mengshan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about how much money he could not lose, and he must not sue her.

Suddenly, she looked cold and looked at the policeman and said, "Comrade police, the reason why I was wounded is because I was framed. Please make sure to investigate and bring that person to justice!"

Without waiting for the police to reply, Gu Huijun gritted his teeth at her bitterly, "Yang Mengshan, you haven’t seen you for so many years, you bite people like a dog, and you have a character that can harm and harm others, but it’s a bit of a thing. It hasn’t changed. Did I force you to take a fruit knife? Didn’t it! Did I hold your hand to stab people? No! People next to you have heard and witnessed everything, obviously you took the fruit knife yourself, and People who have been waving left and right all the time, the police comrades said that if they didn't prosecute, it would be fine. You still have to say in a dashing way, saying that someone framed you and wanted to blame others on others. You are shameless, pitiful and ridiculous! "

Yang Mengshan was taught by Gu Huijun, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time: "You..."

"Okay, don't make any noise. Give me a good night's rest. I will go to the hospital tomorrow to apologize and ask for forgiveness!" Gu Liang yelled.

He is everyone's elder, and naturally no one dares to say anything.

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