Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 958: Relationship, denied

But soon, Leng Kuang's uncomfortable touch disappeared without a trace.

After all, nothing happened between him and Ye Qingqing, and Ye Qingqing didn't even know that he was moved by her.

He thought that he didn't need to have a guilty conscience, nor did he need to feel that there was nothing he couldn't explain to Chu Qing.

After thinking about it this way, Leng Kuang's whole person became lazy again in an instant.

He sat down on the beach chair next to Ye Qingqing: "You are not pregnant, why did Brother Yu bring you here to play?"

As he said, he stretched his hand over Chu Qing and sat beside him to squeeze a chair with him.

Ye Qingqing pouted, "Because I was pregnant, I couldn't spend my honeymoon well, so Tang Yu brought me here to make peace with me, ready to lie down here comfortably with me for half a month and go home."

Leng Kuang raised his eyebrows and looked around.

After not seeing the person he wanted to meet, he looked at Ye Qingqing again. The corners of his lips rose naturally, and the arc slightly raised was very charming, "Where has Brother Yu gone, why didn't I see him?"

Ye Qingqing smiled sweetly: "I want to eat fruit, he cut the fruit and went."

Leng Kuang joked: "Oh, Brother Yu is about to become a good man of twenty-four filial piety!"

"That's not the case. I don't look at anyone else's man," Ye Qingqing said triumphantly, and then looked at Chu Qing: "You have to study hard, and you will become a good husband of twenty-four filial piety in the future!"

"Forget it, these twenty-four filial piety should be left to Brother Yu." Leng frenzied and smiled.

The two of them were in harmony, chatting nonchalantly.

Chu Qing looked at it, feeling quite uneasy in her heart.

I don't know what Ye Qingqing is like, or what happened between Ye Qingqing and Leng Kuang, or what kind of feelings still existed between them.

But knowing Leng Kuang's thoughts on Ye Qingqing, and her feelings for Leng Kuang, she really made it impossible for her to get close to Ye Qingqing.

Now that it's the twenty-four husband, Ye Qingqing asked casually: "When will you two get married?"

"..." Leng Kuang only smiled faintly and shrugged his shoulders.

It seems that I do not want to answer this question directly.

Chu Qing raised her eyes, looked at Ye Qingqing and smiled slightly: "Miss Ye, you probably misunderstood, we are not the kind of relationship you thought!"

She could see it, Ye Qingqing should be at all, and she didn't know that Leng Kuang liked her.

Otherwise, they would not ask such questions.

The cold mad who had been smiling all the time, his face turned black in an instant.

He looked at Chu Qing with a calm face, his face tense tight, his deep eyes stared at Chu Qing coldly, his eyes sharp like two sharp blades.

Ye Qingqing was also embarrassed. Did she say the wrong thing?

It's not that you introduced your girlfriend, so why is it not wrong to ask? !

Could it be that the two people had quarreled about their marriage before and were a little unpleasant, so this became their sensitive area.

Ye Qingqing discovered that this small problem is so tangled, so tangled!

Different from Ye Qingqing's and cold-hearted heaviness, Chu Qing's expression was calm and even grinned.

It really made Leng Kuang in an instant, there was an urge to strangle her.

Fortunately, Tang Yu was here at this moment, dressed in off-white casual clothes with a plate of fruits in his hand, and walked gracefully and calmly.

"Tang Yu~~" Ye Qingqing saw Tang Yu as if he had seen a savior.

She immediately yelled softly, and beckoned to Tang Yu to ease the tense atmosphere at this moment: "Hurry up, the coldness is here!"

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