Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 976: Unwilling, crazy decision

Just thinking about it can hit Gu Youli, and Yang Mengshan feels extremely exciting!

Seeing Yu Fei Bai Dingding standing, staring at herself without blinking, as if observing something, she felt even more happy.

Stepping towards Yu Feibai, she whispered: "My sister is true too, it was in the middle of the night, why did you call you up? Shouldn't you be tired?"

"I'm her husband. She should call me if she has something." Yu Feibai's eyes were dark, quiet and indifferent.

When the words fell, he retracted his eyes, no longer looked at Yang Mengshan, stepped forward, and passed by!

Yang Mengshan didn't say a word, turned around, looked at Yu Feibai's indifferent back, and kept walking out of his sight. There was always the most true voice in her heart telling her that she liked this man.

He fulfilled the dream of all women.

The identity of the pride of heaven is as handsome as it is easy to carve out, especially the deep eyes, like the most romantic and moving luster bred in the waves of the Seine.

Before, how could she not realize that this man is so attractive.

I blame Gu Youli for deliberately deceiving her, saying that this man is just a soldier.

At that time, I was afraid that she would also look at this man, and would take this man from her!

Thinking about it, Yang Mengshan's heart was originally injustice and gloom, all came out.

Some unconscious emotions made her feel jealous and hate.

As long as she thinks of this man and Gu Youli, two lingering paintings together, she wants to go to Wu|Shanyun|Rain together with this man on his and Gu Youli's bed!

It is best to let Gu Youli accidentally see it!

This kind of thinking drives her crazy and makes her take risks!

After Gu Liangwei was discharged from the hospital, he called Yang Mengshan and Gu Youli to the house for dinner.

When Yang Mengshan entered the door, he saw this scene. On the simple rectangular coffee table, there was a set of cute pumpkin-shaped fruit trays with cut dragon fruits. The TV in front was playing a program, Gu Youli And Yu Feibai watched TV closely together.

Suddenly Gu Youli opened his mouth and pointed to the fruit plate. Yu Feibai immediately reached out and took a piece of dragon fruit, peeled it and put it in her mouth.

Gu Youli opened his mouth and took a bite, and then grinned to meet Yu Feibai, his smile was like a red snow lotus that suddenly opened in the ice and snow.

As for Yu Feibai's expression, although he was not smiling, there was a mellow smile in his eyes.

The picture is so beautiful, it's particularly unbelievable.

Yang Mengshan forced her face away without saying hello.

He straightened his back and walked towards Gu Liangwei in the kitchen.

When Gu Youli knew she was here, she pretended not to see it. When Gu Liangwei was there, she treated Yang Mengshan as an impeccable person, and when Gu Liangwei was absent, she always treated Yang Mengshan as air.

There was a faint footstep behind him, and Gu Liangwei turned his head subconsciously. After seeing the person coming, he smiled softly: "Mengshan, you are here."

"Good Mengshan!" Aunt Zhang, who was cutting vegetables in the kitchen, also smiled at Yang Mengshan.

Yang Mengshan smiled obediently, and said with a bit of anguish: "Auntie, what are you doing, dad? I'll..."

To Aunt Zhang, Yang Mengshan was still very polite. Although she didn't like it, she was very decent in front of Gu Liangwei.

Gu Liangwei smiled and said, "I will look at your Aunt Zhang, how is the dinner preparation, and then take out the fried juice by the way!"

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