"Melanza, do you want to go watch a play at a nearby theater after school? I heard that a new theater group came today, and the performance should be great!"

The classmates sent an invitation to themselves.

Melanza was stunned for a moment, and after some hesitation, she shook her head.

"Yes...I'm sorry, Lisa, I have something else to do."

"Eh? That's such a pity!" A classmate named Lisa also said regretfully, but then she put on an elegant smile. "Let's make an appointment to play next time? Melanza must take care of her health!"

"Okay, thank you for your concern, Lisa."

Lisa and other classmates left together. Melantha lowered her head to pack her small backpack. After putting all the information into the cabinet, Melantha gently closed the cabinet door and locked it with a small key.

The small bell hanging behind the key knocked on the iron cabinet door, making a pleasant sound and emitting a refreshing fragrance.

In the middle of the small bell, there is a small iron ball wrapped, and the small iron ball is also hollowed out and wrapped with a small fragrant pill, which is the fragrant pill made by Melanza herself using spices.

Putting away the keys, Melanza put on gloves made of black gauze to protect her flawless white hands, then picked up her small shoulder bag and walked towards the school gate.

Although classes at school have ended, classes outside of school have just begun.

In order to become a perfect member of upper class society, Melantha's parents arranged a series of extracurricular tutoring for her, including art, literature, poetry and other art-related courses. And Melantha understands that this is all her parents laying the foundation for her future life, and the teachers she hired are also very caring for Melantha and do not put too much burden on her. There will only be one lesson of the same kind every week. courses. For Melanza, this was no burden.

However, today's course is relatively special, it is a fencing course.

Fencing is a traditional sport originating from Victoria, and such an elegant competitive sport as fencing has indeed gained popularity among the public in Victoria.

Returning to her mansion, Melanza changed into the clothes she had prepared in advance, had an hour of fencing training with the newly arrived teacher, washed her body well in the bathroom, and then put on her daily clothes. Clothing, come to the hall.

"In terms of fencing skills, your lady learns very quickly. Many moves have reached an astonishing level after several practices, and her physical strength has also been improved accordingly. In the past, I would be out of breath just picking up the sword, but now I can do it all the time. Swinging the rapier for several minutes.”

My fencing teacher is giving a presentation on today’s lesson to my mother.

"Miss Melanza's performance was also very good today. I believe that she will be able to fully master the first part of the course soon."

"Thank you so much for your teaching, Mr. Vic."

With a sincere smile on her face, her mother saluted Vic, the fencing teacher.

"This is what I should do, madam. It is an honor for me to have a student like Miss Melantha."

The fencing teacher took off the hat on his head and gave a slight salute to Melanza's mother.

"Today's class is over, I'm leaving first."

"Why don't you stay for a supper?"

"Thank you for the invitation, ma'am. But I have a dinner party to attend today, so I'm afraid I can't accept your invitation."

"That's a shame, Mr. Vick."

After her mother sent the teacher away, she looked back and saw Melanza walking towards her from a corner of the garden.

The mother walked up and gently stroked the child's head with her hands, and her two furry ears twitched comfortably.

"Melanza, your performance is very good. The teacher is very satisfied. He said you are an excellent student. I am also proud of you."

"I feel stronger physically, mother."

Melanza hugged her mother's arm and leaned on it affectionately.

"Tomorrow is the weekend, and all classes for this week are over. Can I go out and play tomorrow?"

"Who made an appointment with our little cutie?" Mother asked curiously.

Melanza's face turned red, perhaps because her mother's praise made her a little shy.

"My classmates said that there is a new troupe in the theater near the school. Their performance is very interesting. I want to go and see it."

"Art is an important part of life, honey. I'm glad your weekend will be so fulfilling." Mother smiled and touched Melantha's blushing cheek. "Go ahead, your father and I are leaving the house tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday. Stay safe, my dear."

"Praise mom!" Melanza coquettishly, an innocent girl, just like a girl of this age.

"Okay, it's time to eat, my good boy." Mother led Melanza to the restaurant. "Guess what I asked the maid to do today?"

"Is it fish steak? Mom."

"By the way, there are also French fries, special tartar sauce, and sweet and sour ketchup, you will like it."

“Sounds delicious!”


Early the next morning, mother and father took care of everything. Before leaving, mother hugged the lovely Melantha.

"Enjoy your weekend, baby. Stay safe and take the hint and go home!"

"Okay mother." Melanza smiled implicitly. "Have a nice trip, Mom, and Dad!"

"We will, sweetheart."

After the father smiled and stroked his well-behaved daughter's hair, he put on his high hat and took his mother into the carriage.

After watching her parents go away, Melanza breathed a sigh of relief, and then patted her small chest.

Back in the room, I changed into clothes suitable for action and sprayed a little elegant perfume on my body.

Melanza took the small bag, greeted the maid, and walked out of the house.

She first went to the cake shop on the corner and bought two exquisite small cakes.

After putting it in a paper bag, we headed to Xiacheng District.

After walking through two large blocks, Melantha turned and walked into a deep alley.

Obviously, this well-behaved daughter is not as obedient as her parents think.

She told her parents a little lie.

Because she really values ​​an agreement.

As she walked past the people who were staring at her, Melanza's head lowered lower and lower, and even her tail behind her curled up shyly around her waist.

However, the people she passed by also glanced at the deepest part of the alley with some fear. Then they looked away, they were afraid of something.

When Melanza finally reached the end of the alley, she knocked on the wooden door of the house located at the deepest part of the alley.

This place is not as exquisite and beautiful as the upper-class aristocratic houses in the upper city. Instead, it smells of dilapidation and poverty everywhere.

But Melanza still held out her hand with great respect and knocked on the door three times.


The wooden door was opened by one hand, revealing the space inside.

It was a minimalist decoration, so simple that there was nothing. Only in the center of the house, on the stone floor, was a bonfire burning quietly, with a pile of chopped firewood beside it.

What is strange is that a sword is inserted in the center of the fire, and the blade is twisted twice by a special tool, forming two regular spirals. But because it was ordinary steel, it had been burned a little red by the bonfire.

The man who opened the door was wearing heavy armor. He walked back to the bonfire and sat down amidst the heart-wrenching sound of steel clashing from the armor. Then he selected a piece of firewood next to him and threw it into the bonfire to let the bonfire grow. Keep burning.

Melanza walked in smartly, closed the wooden door obediently, came to sit next to the man in the somewhat burnt air, and didn't care about the dust on the floor.

"No... Mr. Immortal, I prepared... a delicious cake."

Melanza plucked up the courage to take out the beautifully packaged small cake from the paper bag and placed it next to her and the man who was wrapped in armor.

"Would...want to...eat some with me?"

The voice was small but very pleasant. Melanza was not used to communicating with others. But her desire to speak to the undead made her speak anyway.

The man known as the Immortal turned his head and seemed to glance at Melantha through the slit in his helmet, and then glanced at the cake placed next to Melantha.

He moved slowly, but nodded.

"You, eat first. I'm not hungry."

Then he turned back and stared at the burning bonfire without saying a word, as if someone had neatly arranged humanoid armor.

Melanza was a little disappointed that she couldn't eat cake with Mr. Undead, and she pouted slightly. But she was quickly corrected by her excellent etiquette, and then took out another small cake and ate it by herself.

She hadn't had breakfast yet, and Melanza herself was still very hungry.

But in fact, Melanza didn't want to eat with the undead, but wanted to see whether Mr. Immortal would eat or not.

She had never seen him take off his helmet. Melanza was very curious. What kind of warrior was hidden under this armor?

After finishing the cake in small bites, Melanza took out the water in the carved glass bottle from the small bag, drank a little, and then put the water back into the small bag.

The two sat in silence for a while, and Melanza finally stood up.

She put the small bag in her hand on the corner, then came to the undead man and bowed gracefully.

"Please begin today's instruction, teacher."

The undead man finally made a move. He stood up in front of the bonfire and picked up a slender long knife beside the bonfire. Surprisingly, this long knife was not curved, but straight, with a single edge. The tip and edge of the sword are very sharp.

He reached out, held the blade near the handle with a few fingers, and handed it to Melanza.

Melanza held the straight knife in the undead man's hand respectfully and took the specially crafted weapon from his hand.

The undead man picked up a bent sword from the ground that had begun to rust.

The two of them stood away from the bonfire and took up positions on either side of the room.

"What's today's class?" Melanza asked curiously.


The immortal man spoke concisely and to the point, he said to the fragile-looking girl in front of him.

"Swing the knife at me."

Yes, the sweet little Melanza lied for the first time just to learn swordsmanship.

And this armored weirdo who calls himself an immortal.

2. Usually pass by the armored weirdo

Not all people have the confidence to let students slash themselves with real swords, but the undead obviously have such confidence.

When Melantha struck with her first sword, the undead man had already taken a step to the right, and easily dodged Melantha's attack which clearly raised her hand and had a clear trajectory.

He took the rusty sword in his hand, gently moved it forward, and pressed it against Melanza's chest.

The blade is too dull and not sharp at all.

After Melanza's slashing action ended, she felt a small pressure coming from her chest, and immediately understood that her attack was completely seen through by the teacher in front of her.

Melanza took two steps back and regained control of the straight knife in her hand.


Like the sound of trees drying and cracking, the undead man uttered two words. Then, like Melanza, she stood back to her original position and held the sword in her hand.

Melanza nodded slightly. She knew what the undead man meant, which meant that the trajectory of her slash this time was wrong.

Long before she slashed hard at the raised straight knife, the undead man had already seen her gaze and the direction of her wrist deflection. As long as he could understand the direction of these two things, he could avoid Melanza's slashing blow. , as simple as drinking water.

After Melanza adjusted her breathing, she held the straight knife, raised her hand again, stepped forward, and slashed the undead man.

This time, the blade passed from Melanza's left shoulder to the lower right corner.

The armored monster in front of the girl simply took a step to the girl's left side and dodged the large-scale slash.

The blade was less than one centimeter away from the armor on the shoulder, and the coldness of the blade infected the armor itself.

The undead man raised his hand again and sent out a knife. This knife firmly touched the ribs of Melantha's left side.

Melanza's face turned red. This was the second time she was seen through by the undead.

"The idea is very good." The undead man did not lecture him, but gave him a slight compliment. "Range, great. But, defense."

What the undead meant was that Melanza had a good idea, using a wide range of attacks to try to push back the undead so that he would not have a chance to take action in his own attack.

But the undead still seized the blind spot of the attack.


Melanza responded. She took two steps back again and held the straight knife firmly in her hand.

She had to seize the rare opportunity that came once a week. This was the result of a long time spent convincing the undead to let her teach her fighting skills.

In fact, persuasion is not quite the right word. But for Melanza, once the goal is achieved, it can be called persuasion.

Speaking of the encounter between the two, it was on a damp and rainy day.

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