Moving forward step by step, I finally came to the black figure from the mess of stones and soil.

At this time, under the illumination of several flashlights, they finally saw what it was.

"Jon! Did you see that?"

On the slope, Wei Ke's shouts were heard, and the companions above were still worried about them.

Jon didn't take his eyes off the black figure at all, he just responded.

"I saw it! It's an armor!"

After thinking about it, Jon added another sentence.

"It looks like burnt armor!"


At dusk that day, a group of professional transporters came to this mountain, which is said to have experienced natural disasters.

Jon and Weike stood nearby, watching the transporters carefully move the armor they found out of the newly discovered cave.

A man in a black suit came to Jon. The fat on his belly almost burst his clothes. He stretched out his hand.

"I'm the director of Columbia Jinshan Transportation Company. You can call me Ah Fei."

"Ah, hello, I'm Jon."

Jon reached out hurriedly and shook hands with the director of Jinshan Transportation Company.

The supervisor glanced at the armor being packed and was amazed.

"I really don't know what your luck is. This kind of armor that is glued together cannot be removed alone. Judging from the color, it should be the very early Casimir craftsmanship. To be able to find such armor specimens in Colombia, It’s simply unimaginable.”

Jon asked suspiciously after hearing what his supervisor said.

"Casimir's craftsmanship?"


The supervisor said it as a matter of course.

"Since you chose to sell it to us, don't ask more questions about other things. If you have time, why not go to the library to read more and learn about ancient knowledge."

Jon nodded as if he understood. In fact, he didn't know what it was, he just thought it was very handsome.

However, because the armor was so large and heavy, their accompanying companions could not move it down the mountain at all. They could only notify the nearest antique dealer to see if they could sell it for a good price.

"It's getting late, you should go down the mountain quickly."

The supervisor who called himself Ah Fei waved his hand and turned back to the car.

The entourage following Ah Fei helped Ah Fei open the car door, but he couldn't help it anymore and asked.

"Mr. Fat, is this really Casimir's armor?"

"how could I know?"

Ah Fei rolled his eyes.

"I'm just guessing, but if you want these things to be valuable, you have to put labels on them! Do you understand! This can sell them at a high price!"

"But..." the entourage said hesitantly. "This armor can't be removed at all, and we don't dare to use a saw."

"It's just that you can't take it off! That's why it's valuable!"

Ah Fei said proudly.

"This kind of armor set that is forced together can be understood with your feet. It must be valuable! Then put the Casimir label on it. When the time comes, send it to Casimir and run it a little bit, and you can sell it for anything. Several million Longmen coins!”

He took out a cigarette from his chest pocket, lit it, squinted his eyes, and couldn't help but start thinking about the future.

"This is a work of art. Those old nobles are the most interested in this kind of thing."

Ah Fei was sitting in the front passenger seat, while the transport staff in the back arranged the armor.

The armor was packed into valuable wooden boxes paved with straw. The transporter took another look and closed the vehicle's cargo box.

Next, this thing will be shipped to Casimir!

Ah Fei waved his hand happily and started the vehicle.

As the vehicle bumped, even though the wooden box at the back was firmly fixed, the armor inside was shaking among the soft straw.

But in this case, even if the armor itself moves slightly.

It won't be discovered, right?

20.The armor exploded!

If you think of knights, what do you think of?

It is a suit of exquisite armor, a beautiful long sword in his hand, and a strong shield.

Or is it the holy white horse, the courage that can always defeat evil, and finally kills the flying dragon and embraces the beauty?

Or the Eight Virtues, and the series of familiar stories they bring with them.

But in Casimir, it's none of this.

Casimir, the land of knights.

The special identity preserved from the ancient system is the knight of Casimir.

Now, Casimir has become a knight again. It was brought to the stage as a profession, which led to the booming tourism industry in Casimir.

Knight Athletics, this is an annual competition in Casimir, and it is also the highest stage that all those who register as knights in Casimir want to reach.


Because of the knight competition, you can get something you have never gotten before just after one battle.

Money, honor, any material needs, and the forces standing behind you will also get more benefits because of your honor.

Here, those who crave status can reach the top in one step. People who desire wealth can possess countless treasures overnight.

You will gain people's support and you will become the most popular idol in all of Casimir.

The distinguished Casimir family will also give you a unique title.

However, if you lose, you will pay a heavy price.

Maybe if you lose just one game, your status will fall, and everything you have gained will be gone from you.

Your house, your car, your retinue, your lover, even the sword and shield in your hand.

This is a game, a cruel struggle that can determine class status.

Because of this, Casimir attracts many outsiders to pay attention to this game every year. The tourism industry here has become an important pillar, supporting the development of the entire Casimir Athletic.

It can be said that the knight's competition is the root of Casimir. Without the knight's competition, there would be no Casimir today.

People living in Casimir also regard the knight competition as the biggest festival of the year.


It is precisely because of the accumulation of wealth that knight sports itself brings that this game is firmly in the hands of capital.

It also changed the entire original ecology of Casimir.

Casimir's noble families must participate in this competition every year, otherwise everything they have won in the past will be lost.

And there are families and companies that secretly train newcomers from outside, eager to gain more in knight competition.

There will even be human traffickers who train young people abducted from other places into warriors and send them to the stage of knight competition.

The word knight has completely become synonymous with wealth and status.

The surrounding areas outside the main city of Casimir are surprisingly far from the main city.

It's poor, backward and doesn't even have modern facilities.

Maybe it's because of the limitations of knight competition? But no one cares.

Because in Casimir, the only way to get ahead is to become a knight.

Knight racing is everything to Casimir.

Casimir's East Port is home to many worker groups composed of Casimir's lower class. They stay at the port every day and deliver the handicrafts and knight peripherals produced by Casimir to all parts of Terra.

At the same time, it also receives goods from all over the world to maintain Casimir's own operations.

"Be gentle! Be gentle!"

The foreman directed the workers to move a wooden box like a coffin from the transport truck.

"This thing is a good thing. If there's something wrong with the stuff inside, your month's salary will be gone!"

Under the command of the foreman, six workers moved the coffin-like object steadily into the warehouse with neat steps.

Looking at the fragile labels on the wooden boxes, the workers clapped their hands. While dusting off the dust, I was also very interested in the wooden box in front of me.

This is the last item of goods today, and the most important things are left for last.

"Boss, what is this?"

A worker asked curiously.

"It's a thing sent from Colombia."

The foreman gave each worker a cigarette, and he lit the cigarette himself with a lighter.

The foreman looked at the label on it. The label didn't indicate what was inside, but of course he had other channels.

"Listen to what my brother at the transit station tells me."

The foreman didn't forget to show off his connections at this time.

"What's inside is cultural relics unearthed from a mountain forest in Colombia."


The workers were even more curious. They gathered next to the foreman, lit their cigarettes with the foreman's lighter, and then continued to ask.

"What cultural relics are they? What's the use of sending them to us? Why not send them to Victoria?"

"What do you know? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand." The foreman rolled his eyes at the workers with disdain.

"This cultural relic is a full-body armor that has been burned by fire. Although it has been scorched and even turned black, the patterns on it are unprecedented."

said the foreman in a mocking tone.

"It is very likely that they belong to the ancient Casimir nobles. They left Casimir very early and settled in Colombia! It was destroyed due to natural disasters, but the things inside have been preserved even after natural disasters! "

The workers looked at each other. This thing seems to be valuable, right?

They looked at the foreman and then at the wooden box over there.

"What are you doing! Don't make a bad idea!"

The foreman shouted, waving his hands to the workers around him to stay away.

There was a worker with a flattering smile on his face. He came to the foreman and whispered.

"Boss, look. You don't know what the stuff inside looks like. Can you open the box and let us open our eyes?"

The worker rubbed his hands with a cigarette in his mouth.

"The Kuranta brat in my family wants to find a knight to learn from me every day, saying that he wants to participate in knight competitions in the future. Now that I have no money, I can only tell him these stories to satisfy his craving."

In fact, the foreman also felt a little itchy. He had only heard about it, but he had never seen anything inside.

Including the friend at the transit office, I only told him a few things roughly, and he made up most of them.

"This is not good."

The foreman hesitated.

He does have the authority to open the box, and he is responsible for contacting the lock on the box. He even knows the password on it.

However, this is not something he can move. If the cultural relics inside were damaged in any way after opening it, he couldn't afford to pay for it.

"Oh, isn't it just for a look, and we promise not to do anything!"

As soon as the other workers saw the opportunity, they immediately gathered around him.


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