Tianhuo swung her right hand forward, and the chaotic fireball entrenched in her right hand was immediately thrown towards the Integrated Movements.

Where have these guys seen such a battle? He was so frightened that he turned around and immediately turned into a small alley to carry his companion.

The flames in the sky were originally so powerful that they really smelled like fireballs of chaos. But after traveling for only a dozen meters, it immediately dissipated in the air, leaving no trace at all.

"Eh?! Did you fail?!"

Tianhuo immediately lowered his head unexpectedly and glanced at the spell fire in his palm.

It seems that more time is needed to study before you can use this spell freely.

This is the gift that the teacher left for herself, and it is also the most precious gift she has received in her life.

Originally, she thought it was just a flame that could be used anytime and anywhere.

But the more he studied the flames and the knowledge hidden within them, the more Tianhuo discovered that the mystery of the flames was unfathomable.

Now, she has accumulated many problems, but Tianhuo couldn't bear it anymore and set off to Longmen to find her teacher.

She remembered that the teacher said that she would stay in Longmen for a while. But no matter how she tried to find someone to ask, she was never able to find out where that person was.

"It's strange... I really can't find him. There's no news from the Warlock Association. Where did he go?"


"So, this is probably the situation now. The Integration Movement is looking for a girl, and the Rat King is looking for the Integration Movement and the girl. And what you, Mr. Wei Yanwu, want is just to drive away the Integration Movement and prevent the Integration Movement from harming Longmen. This That’s enough, right?”

The doctor was sitting on a stool, still peeling an orange in his hand. As he spoke, he handed one or two petals to Chen and Lin Yuxia.

"Although it doesn't seem easy now, at least the little girl has a clue."

The doctor immediately told Chen and Lin Yuxia about the appearance of the girl he saw.

Both of them realized that it would not be difficult to find a girl when Longmen was under a ban from the Guards Bureau.

In other words, no matter which party it is now, it is competing for time with the other parties.

"And the news my informant gave me is that as time continues, other leaders from the integration movement will come to Longmen. If we cannot find and protect the little girl as soon as possible, then the integration movement will become worse. Getting more and more arrogant."

Chen said.

"Border security will continue to monitor people entering the city, and..."

She seemed to want to do something, but at this moment, an explosion sounded from a distance and reached everyone's ears.

"What! Why did there be an explosion again?!"

Chen's expression changed drastically, and she quickly got out of the rolling shutter door to take a look. At the same time, a voice appeared from Chen's hidden earphones.

"Old Chen! Something happened. There was a terrorist attack in the shopping mall area of ​​Longmen City, and there were kidnappers taking hostages!"

It's Star Bear.

The three of them looked at each other and immediately realized that this terrorist attack was probably a chain crime.

Just to make the police force of the Guards Bureau more dispersed!

226. Delay time

In the urban area of ​​Longmen, many members of the Integration Movement suddenly appeared who did not know where they came from. They surrounded the largest shopping mall in Longmen, and the police and patrol police waiting nearby also arrived at the scene as soon as possible.

What frightened the people the most was that a massive explosion suddenly occurred inside the mall. This explosion occurred inside the mall. In other words, there were huge casualties inside the mall.

But the problem is that it has been more than ten minutes since the explosion occurred. Except for some civilians, no one ran out from inside, and even the guards and security guards in the mall had no news at all.

For the Longmen Guards Bureau, they had no information about the other party, and they had no idea where to go to carry out the rescue operation.

The only thing they could know was that they remotely accessed the surveillance footage in the mall through the Guard Bureau and saw the civilians being imprisoned by the people of the Integration Movement.

By this time, it was already around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Shi Huaiya and Xing Xiong arrived late, and they had already communicated with Chen.

As early as the first time after the explosion, Chen contacted Shi Huaiya and Xing Xiong. Chen said that he could not leave the slum. Under the analysis of the three people, this was probably a strategy to distract the Guards Bureau. the power to stay out of the slums.

But the trio from the Guards Bureau also had to split into two parties and leave. Because neither side can be given up, and the order of Longmen City is the top priority.

"Who can tell me what happened at the scene? Who among you who arrived first can tell me?"

Shi Huaiya has shown a strong ability to control, which may be related to her origin.

As soon as she arrived at the scene, Shi Huaiya immediately strode to the front line of defense. She said as she walked over.

"What is the situation at the scene? How many citizens are still inside, and how many enemies are nearby?"

Before Xing Xiong and Shi Huaiya arrived at the scene, a police officer who was temporarily in charge of on-site mobilization came to Shi Huaiya and began to report the situation.

"Sir Shihuaiya, there are about 200 to 300 civilians still detained inside the mall. The enemies are currently hiding inside the mall, and there are some snipers at the top of the exterior. In the previous negotiation, they said they would wait for your arrival. Only then will they be willing to carry out further negotiations. As for the number of enemies, there is no accurate estimate yet. "

The police officer paused, then continued.

"But external investigators have discovered more than a dozen crossbowmen in at least four directions, and the number of enemies is estimated to be at least a hundred."

"There are hundreds of people, where did so many people come from?"

Shi Huaiya also frowned. She knew that there were problems with Longmen's entry and exit records during the recent period. But I didn’t expect to be quietly sneaked into so many integration movements.

Xingxiong's expression wasn't very good either. She was the person in charge of entry and exit records, and she had discussed this issue with Chen and Shi Huaiya before.

At that time, they thought it was the annual trading season of Longmen again, but a few days later, the Chernobog incident occurred again. Longmen did not prevent refugees from entering, which resulted in the current situation.

"In short, take all precautions first and evacuate all civilians within one kilometer of the area. Raise the security cord and don't let anyone enter the scene. We should still use the excuse of anti-terrorism rehearsal to deal with it externally."

Shi Huaiya was still very decisive and immediately made his own arrangements for the situation.

"Let the special operations team be ready at any time. Find someone to go to the Construction Bureau and ask for the construction drawings from the beginning of the mall's construction. Electronic files will also work. Arrange two more groups of drones. Quick, quick, quick! Get moving!"

Shi Huaiya arrived at the scene and immediately mobilized all the waiting police officers. Under her arrangement, everyone began to act in an orderly manner. However, the problem is still obvious. The Guards Bureau runs in both directions and is already somewhat short of manpower.

You know, this is not an ordinary security issue, not a robbery or something like that, but something further, a major incident of a terrorist attack.

Coupled with the search warrant in the slum, it was impossible for just a few or a dozen police officers to go over and take charge of the scene.

Fortunately, there were people from Rhode Island who helped fill the slums. Otherwise, the Guard Bureau will really be in a panic this time and not know what to do.

A few minutes later, Shi Huaiya controlled a drone and held a loudspeaker in her hand. Under the protection of several police officers, she crossed the cordon for about ten meters and arrived at the entrance of the mall.

"Terrorists of the Integration Movement! I am Shi Huaiya, Superintendent of the Longmen Guards Bureau. You have been completely surrounded by our people! Put down your weapons immediately. We accept surrender!"

Shi Huaiya still expressed her confidence in her first sentence. After all, if you want to give everyone an impression, the Guards Bureau is not a soft persimmon.

I saw a man walking out of the mall wearing a gas mask, only about 1.5 meters tall, and wearing a black and red jacket. I couldn't see his face clearly, but I could only hear his angry voice.

"People from the Guards Bureau! Let your boss come over! That person named Wei Yanwu, let him come over. You are just a superintendent, and you are not qualified to decide the life or death of more than two hundred civilians!"

"Can you represent the Integration Movement? People from the Integration Movement are just talking a lot!"

Shi Huaiya finally heard it. The other party initially said that they wanted someone from a high level to come forward, but now that Shi Huaiya actually showed up, they asked Wei Yanwu to come forward. If things continue like this, Emperor Dayan may eventually be present.

But the problem is that they probably don't want to talk about it, but are deliberately stalling for time.

"My words are the words of the Konoe Bureau. I can represent the Konoe Bureau, but can you represent the Integration Movement?!"

"I am one of the leaders of the Integration Movement, Broken Bone... Broken Bone! Of course I have the right to make decisions about all the Integration Movement companions present!"

I saw the man raising what looked like a grenade gun in his hands and speaking eloquently.

"You, on the other hand, are just a superintendent. Your lofty words can represent the entire Guard Bureau. Did someone in the family deliberately arrange a position for you to do nothing?!"

As soon as these words came out, there was no change in Shi Huaiya's face, but the expression of Xing Xiong next to him changed.

Shi Huaiya's family is indeed very powerful, but she was able to become the superintendent of the Guards Bureau entirely because of her own ability.

Many people outside regard her as a paper tiger, but only a few people know how powerful this paper tiger really is.

"Wait! Let's discuss it for a while!"

Shi Huaiya's mood did not change. She just informed the people above, and then was escorted by the police back to the outside of the cordon. She came to Xing Xiong.

Xing Xiong came up and looked at Shi Huaiya, and found that she had no emotional fluctuations, and he was relieved.

"What do you want to do now? If it were me, I would just rush in."

Xingxiong clenched her fists, but considering that there were so many civilians inside, her words were just words and she would not really rush in.

If the integration movement is really pushed into a situation where civilians are attacked to vent their anger, none of the police officers present will be able to escape.

After all, it is their responsibility to protect citizens.

"Obviously, the other party wants to delay time, and they deliberately pulled our hands and wanted to drag us all here."

Shi Huaiya put down the speaker in her hand and took the terminal handed over from the police officer next to her.

"This is a drawing left behind when this shopping mall was built. Although I really don't want to admit it, we must take action. Otherwise, this will not just be a matter of a shopping mall and hundreds of civilians, but a danger to the entire Gantry. ”

Shi Huaiya put the terminal on the front hood of the car and said.

"Let the special operations team do it. I will attract attention from the front in a moment. Xingxiong, you can lead the special operations team through the passage on the second underground floor. The civilians in the mall should be concentrated on the first floor. If there is no problem, just fight directly. .”

Shi Huaiya looked at Xingxiong with questioning eyes.


"I accept your arrangement, I understand."

Xing Xiong nodded, she turned back and spoke to the police officers behind her.

"The sniper team remains in place, and the investigation team continues to move, observe the situation in the mall, and keep in touch with me and Officer Shuaiya at any time. If there is any abnormality, report it directly to the channel. Do you understand?"


The police officers accepted the dispatch and immediately entered into their working state.

Shi Huaiya looked back at the broken bones that had disappeared at the entrance of the shopping mall.

She always felt a little strange. That kind of person was also the leader of the integration movement?

On the other side, just inside the mall, "Broken Bones" just walked in from the door. He took off his gas mask and threw aside the two grenade launchers in his hands.

In fact, there are no source stone bullets inside at all, including this broken bone, which is also fake.

The one who really controls the situation here is not Broken Bones.

But it was W who came belatedly as ordered.

"Chief, was your performance okay just now?"

The integrated movement pretending to be Broken Bones chuckled twice. From the looks of it, he was just a teenager. He only volunteered to play this role because he admired Broken Bones.

Even though he knew that standing at the entrance of the shopping mall, he would be targeted by many sniper crossbowmen. Maybe in the next second he would face a situation where several crossbow arrows were stuck in his body.

"You're very courageous. You can still shout like that to those two people. I really deserve you."

W also looked at this guy in surprise, it really showed her a good trick.

"But why are we here? And we won't be able to escape in a while."

The boy asked as he took off his jacket and put on his own clothes.

"Besides, these people from the Guards Bureau seem to be hard to mess with. I just saw a group of people leaving quietly. Are they trying to come in from somewhere else?"

"Don't think too much, and don't ask too many questions. Our mission here is to hold off these people from the Guards Bureau so that we can help the other two leaders who are still in the slums."

W chuckled. She looked back at the civilians squatting on the ground on the first floor. After thinking for a while, she waved.

Immediately, other integrated movement personnel came over.

"Have the Origin Stone bombs upstairs been arranged?"

W asked in a low voice.

"Brothers are still installing it, but it should not take long, at least before the next negotiation, it will be all installed."

This member of the Integration Movement lowered his head and glanced at the time on the watch he grabbed, then raised his head and said.

W nodded.

"Very good. After one more negotiation at most, we will prepare to break out. Some of our troops will remain behind, disguised as civilians, and go out together."


Members of the integration movement responded one after another, then dispersed, preparing to leave.

The urban area of ​​Longmen is bustling with activity, and the slums are not bad either.

Lin Yuxia's men and some of Chen's men were still pretending to fight on the street while slowly moving towards the slums.

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