
Big Bear's smile faded a little when he learned that Froststar was fine.

"The Patriot should be in the core city. He is the eldest sister's father."

The undead man looked at the big bear and asked.


Big Bear scratched his head, he didn't know why he was thinking this.

Don't you want the two of them to face each other?

He believed that if the eldest sister was awake, she would not want the two of them to face each other.

"Lord Patriot, he is a true warrior and a good person. He is one of the few sober people in our integration movement. If my eldest sister is awake, she will not want to see you two meet on the battlefield."

The undead man said nothing.

This kind of thing is unavoidable. Since we are on different positions, we cannot use words to make the other party put down their weapons.

Then only the subordinates can see Zhenzhang.

"I also know that at this time, the Patriots are less likely to give up, but...well, can't we just stop fighting? It's not like we have any mortal grudge."

The big bear who took off his mask had a mature face, but this face was also filled with depression at the moment.

The undead man looked at the big bear with his eyes hidden under his helmet.

He spoke.

"If I could, I would not confront him. But if, I have to take action."

The immortal man concentrated and made a promise.

"I will give you the respect that belongs to a warrior."

240.Fight to the death and never retreat

The door of the power furnace was opened, and Patriot, who had completed the core city's orientation and acceleration, walked out of the power furnace. He immediately saw the girl staying next to the power furnace, throwing away the Originium explosive in her hand.

W was leaning against the wall. After she heard the noise, she turned her head and looked at the Patriot.

"Lord Patriot."

Even W would put away his cynical attitude in front of a patriot, bow his head respectfully, and call him "Sir."

For nothing else, simply for what patriots do for the infected, and it has never strayed from the down-to-earth foundation.

All his actions based on ideals ultimately saved more infected people.

Not like someone on top of a tower.


The Patriot took two steps forward and came to W's side.

"Why, you haven't left yet."

"Lord Patriot, I want to ask you something."

W raised her head and looked at the patriot with slight hesitation.

"Must go?"

The patriot lowered his head and glanced at the mercenary leaning against the wall.

He naturally knew what W really wanted to ask.

It's impossible for W not to know that danger is around her. What she asked at this time is actually.

Why, you don't leave.

The Patriot shook his head and continued to move forward.

And W followed Patriot, waiting for his answer.

"Integration movement, and Rhode Island. There will eventually be a battle."

As the Patriot walked, he recalled the information he got from talking to his old friends in Chernobog.

"These are two different concepts. In fact, they have nothing to do with right or wrong."

"Originally, this battle should not have happened now."

W followed closely beside Patriot. She knew that what Patriot said next was very important, so she said nothing and waited quietly.

"But, someone brought it forward. Used to integrate the future of sports."

W immediately realized that the patriot was probably talking about Tallulah.

In this current situation, the Patriots know exactly what is happening. He also clearly understood Tallulah's problem.

But the problem is, it's too late.

"I was fighting in the snowfield, but I couldn't find her in time. Something went wrong."

The Patriots squeezed the spears in their hands, and they were walking on their way to the defensive zone outside the core city of Chernobog.

"That's my problem."

The Patriot does not think Tallulah's change is her own fault, but rather her blind trust in her and her ignorance of those evil beings.

He calculated the threat from within Ursus, but failed to calculate the inherent threat of the land under his feet.

"For this reason, I can't leave."

W glanced at the patriot who didn't look back, and sighed silently in her heart.

In fact, the patriots are unwilling to leave or rebel against Tallulah, and I am afraid it is not just for this reason.

What's more, after Shuangxing's death, he realized that only he and Tallulah were left with real power in the entire integration movement.

In any case, the integrated movement cannot collapse from within.

Furthermore, the patriots who were tortured by the ore disease may have already had the desire to die.

"So, Mr. Patriot, you will stick to the core city, even though this may..."

W paused, and then she said it.

"Is it possible that this will trigger a war between the two countries?"

"No, absolutely not."

The Patriot shook his head.

The two of them kept walking, and now they had reached the edge of the core city. The sun happened to be completely separated from the surface on the horizon, and it was radiating its own heat in the sky.


The patriot stuck his spear into the ground, held a giant shield in his left hand, and stood at the top of the city.

"Until Rhode Island and I decide the winner."

"After that, I will go to the tower in the name of Rhode Island."

The patriot turned around and looked down at W.

But W looked at the Patriot with some hesitation.

It's not that she doesn't believe in the strength of the Patriots.

The difference in numbers between the two sides is not big, not to mention that those currently in the core city are the elites of the integration movement and the Patriots' own shield guards.

However, there is a hidden fighting force on the Rhode Island side.

"Then what if... Mr. Patriot, you lose?"

W felt that he needed to sound the alarm to the patriots.

"To die."

The patriot said calmly.

"This shows that their power is stronger than mine. They should become heroes."

Before he finished speaking, Patriot added.

"Not only the infected, heroes."

A patriot never retreats, he is a warrior who only knows how to advance.

W doesn't know why, she has always been a selfish person, but at this time she cares about someone else who has nothing to do with herself.

Perhaps this is the charm of a heroic warrior.

"You can go tell Rhode Island."

Patriot's words made W's body tense up. She didn't know how Patriot could tell.

"But my attitude will not change."

He said.

"Fight to the death and never retreat."

W was retreating steadily under the eyes of the patriots.

Her gaze, which was still able to meet her, gradually dropped, and finally she lowered her eyes.

"Goodbye, Mr. Patriot."


Before the preparations were completed, W turned around and left the high platform.

Half an hour later, the people from Rhode Island who were heading to the core city of Chernobog were already in vehicles filled with Originium solution.

"Have you had breakfast?"

An operator took out two pieces of bread from his backpack. He looked at his companions and tried to share the bread in his hands with them.

But most people just stayed silent and shook their heads at him, indicating that they didn't need it.

Seeing this, the operator opened the package and took a bite of the bread.

Another operator didn't want to eat it at first, but seeing how delicious it was, he finally couldn't help but say something.

"Well, leave a mouthful for me."

"Ah, here!"

The man generously handed the other piece of bread to his companion.

Ace, who was sitting in the corner, knocked on the car behind him and said aloud.

"Eat less, be careful not to be able to move for a while."

The two operators nodded and chewed the bread slightly faster.

But Ace didn't stop them. After all, everyone was in a hurry and wanted to reach the core city as early as possible to eliminate the threat of this integration movement. They didn't even have time to eat breakfast.

Although Amiya has told everyone to eat well, otherwise they will lose strength in a while. But in order to ensure that their mental state is at its peak, many people choose to sleep instead of eating as soon as they get in the car.

Ace also knew this, and he chose to stay awake by starving himself, at most eating a few sweets before the battle began.

It's still some time before we reach the core city, but everyone has become serious. It's very important to maintain a good fighting attitude.

The scale of this trip to the core city of Chernobog is already the largest battle Rhode Island has experienced in recent years.

Almost all operators from Rhode Island were dispatched, and even many operators who were performing missions outside were recalled to participate in this battle.

Among them are elite operators including Rosemary.

Rosemary is not in Ace's car, but in the command car with Dr. Kelsey.

After all, Rosemary hasn't met the Doctor yet. As for the doctor's news, I only got it through two phone calls with Kelsey during his busy schedule.

"Doctor, my code name is Rosemary, an elite operator of Rhode Island. Although this is our first meeting, Dr. Kelsey and Amiya have told me stories about you many times."

Rosemary is a green-eyed Philin girl with white hair. Her personality is not cheerful, but she still mustered up the courage to say hello to the doctor.

"Ah hello."

The Doctor reached out and tried to shake Rosemary's hand.

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