Including the matters in Kalan, in fact, the matters in the picture scroll world have not been completely resolved yet. After all, if something like the dragon head stone is brought out, other people and things will definitely appear. In any case, from the moment I refer to the plot, the background of the game will always stay at that time.

I am actually not very satisfied with the fourth volume, it feels a bit complicated.

Brothers have also reminded me many times. Thank you for your corrections. I have corrected them again and again.

But overall, it was still very enjoyable, at least the last three consecutive chapters were very enjoyable for me to write.

As for Big Daddy, I can only say that he is the same as Brother Suo. It's not over yet. Well, it's not over yet. There will be opportunities to appear in the future. (Maybe it will be the fifth volume.)

The silver treasure chest that was agreed upon is the treasure chest that only the collecting brothers can see. I will send it out in two days. It's just me, as a compensation for my brothers' reading, and by the way, I'm notifying the brothers who keep books that it's almost ready to be slaughtered. The fourth volume has been completed, and it's a staged victory.

Starting from the fifth volume, it is a completely original plot. Although there will be places that connect with the plot of Ark, they won’t involve too much. It’s time to reveal the relationship between Chu Huo and Terra, and bring out many old friends!

Okay, that’s almost it, here comes the exciting trailer for Volume 5! Will start updating tomorrow

Volume 5: A country where the fire is passed down from generation to generation


248. Melanza and Ciobe’s special plan!

"Doctor, you still have a lot of work to do, now is not the time to rest."

The weirdo in the black hood sat up as if he had bounced off the table, his eyes hidden under the mask full of terror.

When he reacted, he found that his right hand was held by another pair of soft palms.

The doctor looked to the right, and it was little Amiya who was sleeping on the table like him.

His cheek rested on the table, and the Carters' iconic rabbit ears drooped down, covering one eye.

The saliva flowing out of the corner of his mouth spread slightly on the table, looking particularly cute.

Only then did the doctor realize that he had just fallen asleep while working and had a nightmare.

After figuring out the situation, the doctor breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in his chair.

It was already the early morning of the third day after returning from Core City, and the doctor still hadn't had a good night's sleep.

There is more paperwork to deal with these days than ever before.

It's not that Kelsey is being lazy on purpose, but Kelsey still has many other things to do, such as receiving envoys from other forces and negotiating terms with them at the conference table. Therefore, Kelsey had to entrust some extra paperwork to the doctor and Amiya.

What are the elite operators doing?

Many elite operators were more or less injured in the last battle, and most of them are slowly recovering.

Ace's physical fitness is quite good. He returned to work after a day's rest. He is in charge of Longmen's supply of goods to Rhode Island. He has almost slept in the warehouse these days. And Scout had other work to do. He had just returned to Rhode Island, and he left Rhode Island without even having time to rest for a day, and he left alone.

Other operators also have their own tasks. Many elite operators who came back temporarily left Rhode Island immediately after participating in the battle in the core city and devoted themselves to their own work.

The paperwork itself is actually not too difficult, but it is a bit boring. For a Ph.D., it means reading and giving advice on your own choices over and over again.

Amiya couldn't escape either. At Kelsey's request, Amiya and the doctor became grasshoppers on the same line.

This period can be said to be the rising period of Rhode Island's career, with contacts sent from all over the world and contacts from various forces coming and going.

You can always see many people from other forces on Rhodes Island, and some of them have even met many elite operators.

Kallan Trade, which represents Kjerag to the outside world, did not appear at this time. They had contacted Rhode Island before the Core City incident and did not choose to disturb Rhode Island's work at this time.

The doctor almost sat in his office for the past two or three days and did not go out.

What I eat every day is the nutritious meal sent by Furong.

Ah, yes, it’s not Fleur’s own formula, it’s the formula given by Kelsey. At least Kelsey won't be too demanding on the doctor when it comes to diet.

The mountains of paperwork and various contracts piled next to him are now almost bottomed out.

Thanks to the words Amiya always whispered in the doctor's ear when he was about to fall asleep.

Doctor, there's still a lot of work to be done, so you can't rest now.

Now this sentence is almost giving the doctor PTSD. As soon as this sentence comes out, his pupils will shrink and his breathing will speed up.

As for Amiya, in the core city, she had just unlocked one of the limitations of her power. Her body suffered a huge energy shock, so she needed to rest during this period.

But just cooperating with the doctor on paperwork. For her, it was a break in another sense.

After all, those physical exercises and combat training have been cancelled. Amiya usually just sits quietly next to the doctor and occasionally provides the doctor with some information that he doesn't know yet.

But even so, Amiya still chose to insist on working with the doctor. She would not sleep unless the doctor slept, and she had stayed up a lot of nights in the past few days.

The doctor took his hand out of Amiya's palm, gently rubbed her hair, grabbed her coat hanging on the chair, and draped it on Amiya.

Amiya twisted her body slightly, then pulled her clothes to move the angle.

The doctor stood up from his seat, stretched, opened his mouth and yawned.

A large amount of oxygen entered the brain, and the doctor's spirits improved slightly.

Having just woken up, the doctor planned to make himself a cup of coffee or see if there was anything to eat.

Limiting his movement, for fear of waking Amiya, the doctor carefully left the office.

After closing the door to his office, the doctor raised his head and glanced at the Source Stone energy supply screen embedded in the wall. The time in the upper right corner showed that it was one o'clock in the morning.

He vaguely remembered that the last time he looked at the time soberly, it was probably around ten o'clock in the evening, which meant that he had slept for more than two hours...

I don’t know if the cafeteria is still open at this time.

In any case, there are still shops open 24 hours a day on Rhodes Island, just to provide a place for those operators who come back early in the morning to eat and relax.

The doctor followed the elevator to the deck level.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, the doctor was dazzled by the neon lights still on on the deck.

Taking a closer look, it turns out that at this time, places like bars and convenience stores are still open.

However, the hungry doctor still planned to take a look in the cafeteria.

"It would be nice if there was fried meat."

He muttered twice, who could refuse to eat a fragrant fried meat leg in the early morning?

No one can resist the charm of a fried meat leg, if there is one, then two.

With his dream in mind, the doctor followed the road to the canteen.

The cold moonlight shines on the road through the glass above the head. The doctor breathes the night air of Rhode Island and he can't help but sigh.

I always feel like it’s so peaceful.

Ever since he was awakened from Chernobog, he had been actively involved in preventing the integration movement.

Before she could adapt to everything in Rhode Island, she had already started working in Rhode Island.

I usually don’t have the opportunity to take a good look at Rhodes Island at night, but today I felt a sense of peace that everything was settled.

Although there is still a lot of paperwork to be done, at least you don't have to worry about who you will fight with tomorrow.

Within a period of time, I was able to adapt to it with peace of mind...

Before the doctor's mind could turn around, he heard a sound coming from the grass next to him.

"?" The doctor turned around. He looked at the grass with some confusion. After a while, he heard a small sound coming from the artificially planted grass.

It was the voice of two girls, one of whom said nervously.

"Xiao...Xiao Mo, do you really think this is okay? If you are caught, you will definitely be imprisoned, right?"

"Xiao Mo! I'm hungry! I'll swipe my card tomorrow! That'll be fine!"

"But...why don't we go to the convenience store to buy it? We must come to the cafeteria to find these ingredients? Can't you eat everything?"

"But! The Immortal doesn't like it! He likes to eat raw meat and roast it!"

When the girl named Xiao Ke talked about the immortals, her voice got a little louder and she sounded very excited.

"Xiaomei! I'm talking to you! Keobei uses meat! He follows the undead! He must like roasted meat very much! Although, he doesn't eat it!"

"Huh?? Tell me more?"

Before the little girl named Kiobe had time to speak, the two of them emerged from the grass.

From their perspective, there was an unknown person wearing full-body protective clothing standing in front of them.

The moonlight shone behind him, and his face could not be seen clearly. His figure could only be vaguely seen in the cold moonlight.

And this hooded weirdo was standing in front of them.

"What are you doing?"

The purple kitten and the golden little silly dog ​​looked at the doctor, and the things they were holding fell to the ground.

The purple kitten was stunned, and she couldn't help but open her mouth and murmured.



two minutes later

In the 24-hour convenience store, Melanza and Kiobe had two bottles of orange juice in front of them, and they both lowered their heads.

Even the two ears on Ceobe's head drooped, as if she knew she had done something wrong.

"That's it."

On the other side, the doctor said to the operator on duty at the cashier counter.

"Please heat it up again, thank you."

Taking the heated bread and milk from the operator's hand, the doctor walked to the table and sat down gently.

Looking at the expressions of Melantha and Ciobe, the doctor was a little confused.

"Drink, why don't you drink?"

When Kyobe and Melanza heard the doctor's words, the two little guys looked at each other, picked up the orange juice in front of them and took a sip.

Melanza put it down directly, while Keobei drank it all in one gulp, and then wiped her mouth boldly, looking like she still had something to say.

"anything else?"

Keob's eyes lit up, and then he nodded crazily!

Seeing Kyobe's appearance, the doctor also felt a little funny. However, he went to the counter and bought another bottle of orange juice, brought it back and handed it to Keob.

"Drink slowly this time, my meal card has been used up a bit these days."

The doctor's own nutritional meals also need to be paid for with his own meal card. The doctor is quite economical in terms of spending money.

When Ceob heard this, he just took a big sip and then closed the lid.

From the look of the doctor, he didn't seem to mean to embarrass himself.

Melanza quietly raised her head and looked at the doctor.

"Doctor...are you not angry?"


The doctor didn't understand what Melanza was talking about.

"Why are you angry?"

Melantha turned her head and glanced at the bags of raw meat placed nearby, including leg meat and breast meat.

That's what they took out of the freezer in the homemade section.

Although the supply of ingredients in the homemade area is for operators who cook their own meals, you also need to swipe your card to purchase ingredients.

When the two went there, they found that the canteen's credit card system had lost power, but the freezer was refrigerated 24 hours a day.

So I plan to take the raw meat out of the freezer, and then come back to make up for the night's share after the energy supply is available tomorrow.

"It's not like you don't swipe your cards, right? And the ingredients in the homemade area are originally prepared for operators. Many operators who come back in the middle of the night don't want to eat convenience store food, so they will be like you."

The doctor didn't think there was anything wrong with what Melantha did. Sometimes when Amiya was hungry in the middle of the night, she would go to the canteen to get some ingredients and cook them herself.

"Did you never know this all along?"

"Like this?!"

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