Onstein stared at the Shining for a moment.

"A believer in the Goddess of Sin?"

Linguang was stunned for a moment. What Wenstein said was really similar to what the undead man said back then.

"Mr. Immortal Man asked Shining this before. Shining was also curious about how Mr. Immortal Man knew about the belief of their Sin Absolver."

"Is her name Shining?"

Onstein nodded slightly, but he didn't pay much attention. I just saw it and it felt a bit like it, so I asked a question.

"The Absolver...is she from Kazdaele?"

"They left Kazdaele during the civil strife, and I met them during their wandering."

Linguang and his teacher naturally talked about everything they knew.

“Without The Shining and The Nightingale, I might not have been able to figure out the path I wanted to take, and I wouldn’t be in Rhode Island.”

Onstein did not comment on the path his students chose.

He remembered that Linguang wrote him a letter before leaving Casimir.

Wengstein is his teacher, and Linguang believes that he needs to give his teacher a reasonable explanation.

In the letter, Lin Guang stated in detail why she wanted to leave Casimir, and why she chose to throw away the honor bestowed upon her and do something that had nothing to do with her.

This is Linguang's own choice. She must be responsible for her own choice and bear all the consequences.

But in Onstein's view, Linguang is here now. There is no doubt that it is better than before.

Not to mention that Wengstein heard everyone's comments about Linguang during his conversation with the personnel of the personnel department.

Just talking about Linguang's posture and walking posture, Wengstein can tell that Linguang has never slacked off.

She is transforming into a true warrior.

"If you have the chance, you can fight the undead."

Wengstein suddenly spoke, and Linguang was confused by this irrelevant sentence.


Lin Guang asked puzzledly.

Linguang knew that the undead were very strong, but she never thought about having a fight with them.

"See how long you can last in his hands when he doesn't use spells."

Onstein added.

"After fighting him, you will know where your gap is."

Linguang nodded, and she kept this in mind.

Wenstein took a deep breath and finished talking about the business. Only then did he have time to take a good look at his disciple.

The more he looked at it, the more he liked it, and he couldn't help but tap Linguang's head twice with his fingers.

Linguang was already an adult who could stand alone. But in front of Onstein, he still seemed like a little kid.

She winced and was knocked on the head by Onstein while blinking.

"In the blink of an eye, it has become so big."

Onstein said with a sigh.

"You were a child when I last left Casimir."

"People change."

Linguang lowered her head, she was also happy to see the teacher.

"I hope I didn't disappoint the teacher."

"It doesn't matter whether you disappoint me or not, Margaret."

Onstein poked Linguang's hard breastplate with his finger.

"Whether you let yourself down or not, that's the most important thing."

Linguang pursed her lips, and then looked back at the ward. Shining was helping Nightingale take off her clothes, check her clothes, and change into daily clothes, as well as Nightingale, who had just woken up and was cooperating with Shining in changing clothes.

Nightingale felt Lin Guang's gaze and turned her head.

She smiled softly at Linguang.

"I'm happy that I can become what I am now."

Linguang said firmly.

"I'll keep going."

262. Take office, Dayan!

In the next few days, everything seemed to be back to normal.

The undead man still stayed in his room every day, as if he was thinking about something. He sat next to the campfire and stared at the flames without talking.

When Melantha and Kyobe, as well as Skyfire and Skadi sometimes went to see him, the undead didn't leave them much. Unless there is something really important, the undead man will raise his head to say something, otherwise he will just sit like a sculpture.

Melanza felt the way she had gotten along with the undead in Victoria for the first time in a long time.

To her, it was normal for the teacher to be in this situation, that is, he was thinking about something. But for Kiobe Skyfire and Skadi, this state is absolutely abnormal.

Although the immortal doesn't like to talk very much, at least when others ask him, he basically responds.

But in the past few days, I've been acting like I'm stupid, and I'll only talk back to you if I have to.

Tianhuo subconsciously thought that Wenstein had been beaten stupid by the undead, and angrily went to find Wenstein to reason with him, but was stopped by Melanza and Skadi.

Skadi was simply curious about what the undead were thinking. She had been with Melanza for a while and had heard about what the undead were like before.

Kyobe was more direct. He leaned directly against the undead, put his arms around his neck and asked him to take him out for dinner.

The undead would often be obtained by beating her with a gauntlet, or rubbing the dog's head, and Keobei would calm down.

Everyone has their own way of caring about the undead. It's not that the undead don't know that they care about him, but he is really concerned about a very important issue.

How did the Fireproof Girl leave the initial furnace? Or did she never leave at all?

He has been thinking about this question since the fight between the undead and Wenstein. And the more I think about it, the less I can get out.

The undead man's feelings for the fireproof girl are very pure, and they are just colleagues. After all, as the ashes responsible for spreading fire, the duty of the fire-proof girl is to serve the hero who spreads fire. He knows very well that the relationship between the fire-proof girl and him is that of colleagues, and can only be colleagues.

However, if the fire-proof girl really has a different relationship with Chuhuo, then the immortal will have to reconsider the whole thing.

Was his awakening caused by Chu Huo, or was it the fire-prevention girl who woke him up?

Why should there be no trace of the Fireproof Girl? But her presence is always present in the communication with the doctor and in the words spoken by Onstein?

The immortal couldn't figure it out, so he kept thinking.

Some people are thinking about problems, and some are adapting to the environment.

For Onstein, he didn't seem to care whether he joined an organization or not. He came to Rhode Island more like a vacation.

Compared to the undead, Onstein appeared in front of the operators more frequently in the past few days than the undead appeared on Rhode Island in a month.

He is like an old man. When he gets up early in the morning, he will first go to the commercial area next to the deck to get a cup of coffee. Then he will carry the bench and terminal to the deck to watch the reserve team training, and by the way, he will blow the wind from the wilderness. Wind, then stare at the sunrise on the horizon, and slowly enjoy your own coffee and breakfast.

After breakfast, Onstein will also find ways to integrate into the activities of the Rhode Island operators.

First, I applied with Dr. and Kelsey, hoping that I could work in the cafeteria.

Then, with Kelsey looking at a fool, she wrote the application bit by bit and solemnly thanked Kelsey.

It's not that Kelsey doesn't understand that everyone has their own special hobbies. Just like Jiao Feng, who is as strong as Jiao Feng, he also has the ability to cook well, and Kelsey has tried the taste and it is really not bad.

But according to Onstein's physique, the iron pot in his hand is like a big bowl, and the various kitchen utensils in his hand are like spoons and knives. Can he really cook? !

If Onstein is just like this, he will also join many activities organized privately by operators in his free time in the afternoon.

For example, there are exchange meetings for dessert enthusiasts, support meetings for what the doctor is doing today, and magical and changeable small group exchanges like the Undead Army.

The key is that when Wenstein returns, he is not just an invisible person on the edge, he is also very curious and actively participates in the activities of the operators, and seriously asks the seniors for advice on what he should do.

It is said that Miss Blue Poison, who participated in the Dessert Friends Exchange Meeting, very seriously recognized Wengstein’s enterprising spirit and explored the true meaning of desserts afterwards, and invited him to join the afternoon tea party composed of herself and some little sisters.

He also asked Vulcan to help Onstein build a large chair that could withstand his huge pressure and put it in the activity room.

Onstein's performance is completely different from that of a person from the same era as the undead. People who don't know better think that Wengstein is a warm and energetic man. Those who knew about it were so shocked that they couldn't eat for a day or two and didn't understand why things turned out like this.

After Linguang heard these things, her face was calm, but Shining saw that her palms were trembling.

After hearing these reports, Kelsey was also stunned.

The doctor saw Kelsey's rare confused look from the side. He stopped and watched for a while before being beaten out by Kelsey's hand.

In general, Wenstein and the undead are two extremes. One kind shuts himself in the house and rarely communicates with the outside world. The other kind is like a curious baby who has just been born and is very interested in everything. Same.

In less than a week, Wenstein has been recognized by most of the operators on Rhode Island. Some people are even asking when Wenstein will go on a mission next and want to go on a mission with someone with his personality.

But Onstein did not accept any field assignments. Instead, an application was sent to Kelsey on the last day of the week.

This application came out together with another statement.

The undead are leaving Rhode Island.

He temporarily informed Kelsi that he was going to Dayan.

Kelsey had long been prepared to send away the undead, although the undead were indeed very strong and easy to use. But with the undead around, Kelsey always felt uncomfortable doing things. He was an accident, an accident that no one could have predicted.

I couldn't say how happy Kelsey would be if the Immortals left, but she was still relieved.

At least in a short period of time, everything will develop within the scope of one's own cognition.

And Onstein's application is, in a sense, a statement.

He wants to leave Rhodes Island with the undead and go to Great Yan to visit.

The first stop for the undead to leave Rhode Island is not to go directly to Dayan, but to Longmen first.

He still remembered that someone had told him before that Wei Yanwu seemed to have something he wanted to talk to him about.

After all, Wei Yanwu is also the helmsman of Longmen, and the immortal plans to obtain some information from Wei Yanwu to facilitate his trip to Great Yan.

Early in the morning, the undead man carried his belongings and left Rhode Island with Onstein, and arrived at the dock of Longmen through the bridge that was still connected to Longmen.

Both of them had identity certificates from Longmen territory, and they didn't waste much time when crossing the border.

To the regret of the undead, Melanza still failed to leave with the undead.

This was not only Kelsey's decision, but Melantha herself also shook her head and refused to the undead.

Not that Melanza didn't want to leave with the undead. But the current training progress of the reserve team is at a very critical period.

The Immortal didn't take Keobei with him, and he didn't intend to take Skyfire with him either.

Although Tianhuo really wanted to go with the undead, the undead made it clear that his trip to Great Yan would be somewhat dangerous, not to mention the many dangers.

Taking Melantha along is also to hone Melantha's fighting ability, not to take her on a trip.

Since Melanza had something to do in Rhode Island, the immortal didn't force her.

She just quietly put the fixed knife that Vulcan gave him after he finished building it in Melanza's locker.

I hope Melanza can see the gift she gave her after her next training.

In the morning, Longmen Guards Bureau.

Chen was sitting in her office. She looked down at the various documents on the table and annotated the text very seriously. From time to time, she glanced at the police hat and badge placed next to her, with a slight nostalgia in her eyes.

Not long after, she heard a burst of exclamations and greetings coming from outside the office.

Chen frowned and was about to get up and go out to see what these guys were doing. They didn't work when it was time to work and fished quietly.

It was at this time that there was a knock on the door of Chen's office.

"Come in."

Chen said.


As the door was pushed open, a familiar figure reflected in Chen's eyes, and Chen was stunned for a moment.

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