Dayanren's attitude towards him was really a bit beyond the habits of an undead person. Although Wei Yanwu had reminded him long ago, he was still not used to it.

After the immortal said that he did not have a communicator, he went upstairs directly, leaving Yan Di downstairs.

Yan Di was a little dumbfounded. After the undead man's elevator door closed, he murmured a few words in a low voice, and then immediately dialed Liang Xun's communication, intending to tell Liang Xun about the undead man going out in the middle of the night.

As for the undead man, after knocking on the door, Onstein opened the door for him.

"came back?"

Wenstein just said hello to the undead man, then paused, and then frowned.

"This smell..."

"Revitalize humanity."

The undead man came to sit beside the campfire a little eagerly, then took off his mask and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You didn't smell it wrong, it's the smell of the abyss."

Wenstein looked at the undead man's face, and after two or three seconds, he said with some uncertainty.

"Why do I feel that you have become a little younger? After going out, have you alleviated your zombie transformation a little bit?"

"I absorbed humanity."

The undead man raised his right hand, and a golden flame burned quietly in his palm. In Wenstein's sight, the undead man was indeed younger than before he left.

At least his hair isn't that gray.

Even if the change is very small, it may only be the difference of two or three wrinkles.

"Purify the abyss through the First Fire, and then absorb humanity?"

Wengstein was a little shocked, mainly because he had never seen the First Fire, and he didn't know that the First Fire had such an effect on the undead.

Seeing the flame, Wengstein's body subconsciously relaxed.

At the same time, he felt the flames on the undead man's right hand being deeply attracted to him.

"Almost, but if you want relief, turn into a living corpse. Humanity is not enough for this."

The undead man shook his head and put down his right hand. He turned around and saw Onstein staring at his put down right hand intently.

Onstein noticed his gaffe, he closed his eyes and shook his head, saying helplessly.

"In the original soul separation ceremony, the power I received was no less than Artelius's."

The undead man nodded, and King Gwen headed to the initial furnace. Before continuing the flame with your body, give your power to those around you. Anyone who knows the whole story of the dragon-hunting war and the details of the great cause of spreading fire will know this.

The power that King Gwen obtained originally came from the First Fire, and the First Fire is attractive to any creature in the Age of Fire. This is a rule that cannot be changed.

Onstein quickly turned his attention from initial fire to human nature.

"You mean, revitalizing humanity? Is it similar to the monster that appeared in the abyss explosion that destroyed the Kingdom of Gold, Ulasilu?"

"Yes, you can understand that."

The immortal nodded, and when he talked about this, he became serious.

"The human nature activated by the abyss will be attracted by the soul. Moreover, it is very dangerous."

I don't know if it is due to absorbing human nature, but the undead man's brain is very active, and although his speech is intermittent, it is quite clear.

"It will appear in Shang Shu. It is very dangerous in itself."

When the undead man said this, Onstein immediately reacted.

"Do you think Liang Xun leaving you in Shang Shu has something to do with this?"


The immortal nodded.

"I found many corpses in that place. They belong to Shang Shu."

The immortal believes that it is because Shang Shu himself does not have the ability to activate human nature, and the immortal appears at this time. So he had the idea of ​​letting the undead clean up the abyss.

But there is another problem. If this is really the case, then Shang Shu shouldn't simply block the underground port area of ​​​​Wangjingmen, but directly disperse the people?

Does Dayan care so little about his people?

Onstein gave his own answer.

"No, I don't think so."

Onstein shook his head.

"The Great Flame has been able to stand for thousands of years because it has its own way of dealing with natural disasters. And in the past few years in Terra, I believe you have become aware of it to some extent. What is the nature of natural disasters?"

"The abyss explodes."

The undead man paused and added.

"More like, a product of the abyss?"

"I call it, abyss projection."

Onstein nodded and said.

"Let's put it this way, natural disasters will cause the concentration of Source Stone in the area to increase, producing an incalculable amount of uncontrollable Source Stone. The essence of Source Stone is actually the soul mixed with uncontrollable human nature, and it is a concrete energy product. . You must know this because you have come into contact with many infected people and have interacted with Rhode Island."

The immortal nodded.

"Rhodes Island can purify humanity from the Origin Stone. Ore Disease can also enhance the power of Origin Stone skills."

"I think the Source Stone itself is a solidified energy product, perhaps the souls that cannot be driven. The active Source Stone that appears in natural disasters is the souls affected by activated human nature that go berserk, thus affecting and destroying the surroundings. "

Wenstein looked at the undead man and said calmly.

"And I don't regard ore disease as a disease. It's more similar to the curse of immortality... No, the ring of darkness is a prohibition of King Gwen. Hmm... It would be better to transform into a living corpse or into the abyss. Bar."

As a member of the Protoss, Onstein clearly knew the inside story of the Dark Ring.

It is not a disease in itself, but a restriction set by the gods to suppress one of the first four flames born next to the First Fire, the dark soul.

As dwarves with dark souls, they are also more susceptible to being eroded by the abyss.

The reason is that the dark soul itself is the existence closest to the abyss, or in a sense, the dark soul itself is the cause of the abyss.

As long as you are a dwarf, you will have a dark soul, precisely because of the countless dark soul fragments transformed by Manus.

This is a gift, but in another way, it is also a curse.

"Ring of darkness, transformation into living corpse... ore disease?"

As soon as Onstein said this, the undead man suddenly woke up.

Only then did he realize that the essence of ore disease was very similar to that of living corpse.

The Ring of Darkness will cause the dwarf's body to undergo a zombie reaction. The Ring of Darkness gives the undead the ability to absorb souls, allowing him to continuously become stronger by defeating enemies and preventing him from dying.

It will also make the undead gradually lose their reason and humanity until they become living corpses that cannot distinguish themselves.

But the essence of the Ring of Darkness is not the power given to the dwarves by the gods, but the result of the conflict between the seal of fire and the dark soul.

But without the fire seal, once the dark soul begins to run rampant, it cannot be suppressed.

Ore disease is like a weakened version of the ring of darkness, allowing ore disease to spread in a traceable manner, causing people to spend a short life in pain and illness. But it also gives them the ability to use Origin Stone skills without a medium, and even amplify them.

The more infected the warlock, the more powerful the warlock is.

"You must know more about the Abyss, the Circle of Darkness, and the Dark Souls than I do."

Onstein paused and continued.

"Under the influence of natural disasters, ordinary Terrans will be infected with ore disease, but is this change really an infection?"

Changes such as ore disease and zombie transformation. Rather than saying it is an active erosion, it is better to say...


The undead man said after thinking.

"It's not that the Origin Stone is an infection, but that it induces ore disease in the human body."

"Yes, that's right. That's how I understand it."

Onstein said with some seriousness.

"Ore disease is always hidden in the human body, just like the dwarves were more susceptible to being eroded by the abyss."

"Perhaps the process of ore disease is a special kind of zombie transformation?"

The theory thrown out by Onstein gave the undead a moment of horror.

"Right now, mutations are happening all over the continent of Terra frequently. I believe you have discovered some clues. This is exactly what I am worried about."

"At present, it seems that ore disease will not directly cause the emergence of the abyss."

"But I'm worried that ore disease will eventually evolve into something like zombie transformation...or the relationship between dark souls and the abyss."

"The appearance of Shang Shu activates human nature and attracts the souls around him. This kind of thing will only become more frequent in the future, and we must find the reason."

Even the wolf knight Artreus is unable to resist the influence of the abyss, and the destructive power of the abyss is evident.

And ore disease is a weakened form of abyssalization, and there seems to be nothing wrong with this understanding.

At this stage, it seems that the spread of ore disease is not as terrifying as the original abyss. So why is this?

In silence, the undead man broke off a piece of firewood and threw it into the bonfire in front of him, causing a few sparks to fly.

"It's too far, but there is still some connection. At least Dayan has a way to fight against natural disasters, which means they also have some power against the abyss. Maybe it has something to do with the thunder method they talk about."

Wenstein calmed down his mood, sighed, and changed the topic to this time about revitalizing humanity.

"Then since Great Yan has a way to fight against natural disasters, why can't he even activate human nature to solve it?"

Hearing Wenstein talk about this, the immortal suddenly thought of Jin Yiwei.

The undead man has seen three Jinyi guards. They can control the abyss, and they can also rely on the power of the so-called divine beasts to suppress the power of these abyss.

The existence of Jin Yiwei confirms that Dayan is at least capable of handling this activated human nature. Not to mention there are heavenly masters who practice the so-called thunder method, which is actually a miracle. The Heavenly Master even set up talisman restrictions around the activated human nature.

The conclusion seems to have emerged as to why Shang Shu didn't take the initiative.

Seeing the undead man thinking, Onstein continued.

"I'm afraid that Dayan officials are also aware of the threat of activated humanity. But they don't directly solve the threat of activated humanity. Perhaps they are relying on this activated humanity to attract other people."

Ornstein looked at the undead man and asked in a deep voice.

"Have you ever heard of the nameless immortal, Sui?"


"Come in and sit wherever you like. I'll... um, think of a way to get you a glass of water."

Greyhound opened the door, turned on the light, and let the woman behind him enter, while he ran to the back to rummage through things.

He was probably looking for a kettle, after all, he hadn't used it for a long time.

As Nian walked in, he looked at the decoration and situation in the room.

When she saw the appearance in the room, she couldn't help but frown. But I still found a bench that looked pretty clean and sat down.

The Rhode Island branch looked so down and out. This was something I never expected.

If it weren't for the guy called Greyhound in front of him, who still had something on him, Nian probably wouldn't be willing to stay here any longer.

Even the greyhound's scent reminded her of past pain. But this kind of pain has become the best news for seeking change in this era when change cannot occur.

"Uh, um... I took a look and saw that the kettle's cord was broken. Sorry, I'm afraid there's no water left."

The greyhound was holding a kettle in one hand and the plug board below with the other hand. The wire on the plug board was broken into two parts, and there were obvious bite marks on the section.

"It's okay, I'm not thirsty."

Nian shook her head. She leaned back and put her left leg on her right leg, looking at ease.

"You're not thirsty, okay."

Upon hearing this, Greyhound put down the kettle and plugboard in his hands, picked up the chair that had fallen to the ground when he was fighting the undead, and sat on it casually. Then he looked at Nian and looked at it carefully.

Her eyes are beautiful and impressive.

When the dim light reflected from her eyes, Rang Nian's eyes were like shining lavender crystals.

But the Greyhound did not let down its guard at all. Because he had a hunch that the girl in front of him could overthrow him in just one meeting. Their fighting prowess was not on the same level.

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