The immortal has to teach Maria anyway, so this is more convenient.

Zofia's home is also a single-family courtyard, and she generously allocates a room to the undead.

She is considered a young rich woman!

The undead man didn't ask for a room because he was worried that the room wouldn't be well ventilated. So I asked for a small room in the backyard. It has good ventilation and is suitable for lighting a bonfire.

"Teacher, who was that sister just now?"

When Maria saw Li leaving, she boldly came over, stood next to the undead man, and asked the undead man.

"a friend."

The undead man was still thinking about the mysterious friend. He raised his head and looked at Maria.

"This is the time to practice by yourself."

"Eh? Why? Is something big going to happen?"

The incident happened so suddenly that Maria didn't react, so she subconsciously asked.

The immortal shook his head, he said.

"I need, quiet."

"Ah, okay!"

After hearing the undead man's explanation, Maria nodded, indicating that she understood.

Zofia noticed something, took a sip of beer, and frowned slightly.

It was night, and the undead man was sitting in the back seat. Maria, who was in the front seat, opened the door and got out of the car. Then she turned around and said goodbye to the undead man and Zofia.

"Aunt and teacher, walk slowly!"

The immortal nodded as a greeting.

"Call me sister!"

Zofia pressed her elegant waistline, stretched out her hand and pinched Maria's face with difficulty.

"Go back early."

"Hey, okay! Sister Zofia!"

Maria walked into the door of Linguang's house, Maena stood at the door to pick up Maria, and waved to Zofia as a greeting from such a distance away.

He probably didn't see the immortal man, otherwise he would have stepped forward to ask what was going on.

Zofia waved her hand to Maena calmly and said hello to this uncle who was not easy to deal with.

When the vehicle officially started, the undead man sat in the back, looking out like a sculpture.

Zofia glanced at the rearview mirror, she wanted to ask Bai Tianli about it.

But just when she was about to speak, the undead man spoke.

"Find a quiet place."

The undead man turned his head and looked from under the helmet to Zofia in the rearview mirror.

"Best, no one."

Zofia was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted.


The vehicle suddenly accelerated and drove towards the most secluded park in the West District.

44. Premeditated assassination

Vehicles are speeding on the road at night.

The street lights outside the window almost formed a line at high speed, like a timer with extremely short intervals.

"Still, follow. Don't, stop."

When the immortal saw Zofia's reaction, he knew that she understood what he meant.

He continued to tell Zofia what he had discovered.

The opponent who was following the undead man also started to speed up after seeing the undead man speeding up, keeping up with the undead man's pace.

As the number of vehicles on the road gradually decreased, Zofia also saw in the mirror a black car following behind.

"There is a car following us, do you know who it is?"

Zofia asked.

"Hired by his old club? Or by the Wuzhou Alliance?"

"It should be, Wuzhou Alliance."

The immortal answered Zofia's confusion, and he continued.

"Not just these people. There are others watching."


Zofia was also startled, and she asked.

"Are you sure you can solve it?"


The Immortal's words are concise and to the point.

"You, protect yourself. Leave the rest to me."

Hearing the undead man's answer, Zofia felt a little relieved. She stepped on the accelerator a little harder and the vehicle continued to accelerate.

The undead man lowered his head and continued to perceive the sight of existence through his keen intuition.

As the number of vehicles on the road decreased again, there were only Zofia's car and the black car behind her.

It was at this time that the undead man lowered his head and rested his upper body on his thighs.


The glass shattered instantly!

With broken glass flying everywhere, a crossbow arrow was inserted into the seat next to the undead man, sinking deeply into it, leaving only a small tail of the arrow quivering slightly outside.

"Are you taking action now?!"

Zofia heard the cracking sound behind her, and she naturally understood that someone had already started to attack the undead.

"Hold on a little longer! We'll be there soon!"

"Ahead! Be careful!"

But the undead man shouted, asking Zofia to pay attention to the front.

After Zofia saw clearly, she suddenly turned around and the vehicle drifted sideways and slid into an uninhabited path.

Another black car hit from the front. If it weren't for Zofia's plan, the two cars would have collided!

With a harsh friction sound, Zofia's vehicle turned into a dead end, and not far ahead was a wall.

"Jump out of the car! Quick!"

Zofia shouted, she grabbed the whip blade on the side with her right hand, pushed open the car door, and flew out.


The undead man also kicked the car door open, lifting the entire side door off and hitting the wall outside. Then he grabbed the sword at his feet and jumped out of the car.

The two black cars behind them showed no intention of stopping.

Instead, the black car at the front continued to accelerate and crashed into Zofia's vehicle in front.

The black car hit directly behind Zofia's vehicle, pushing the vehicle forward, and finally hit the wall deep in the path!


With a loud noise, the two cars collided together. The black car in the rear was obviously reinforced, and Zofia's car in the front was like a compressed spring, rubbing together.

And Zofia and the Immortal jumped out of the car before the crash. After rolling on the ground two or three times, he adjusted his body and stood up from the ground.

The black car behind made a sound of tires rubbing against the ground when it came to an emergency stop.

The side door opened, and the figure inside the car raised his crossbow and pointed it at the undead man.

But the undead man had already been prepared. He didn't even mean to dodge. He took the shield from behind and held it in his left hand to block it in front of him!

Ding ding!

Two crossbow arrows aimed at the head were blocked by the undead man with his shield.

His head hidden behind the shield didn't even poke out to take a look, before he raised the shield and crashed into the back seat of the car that hadn't stopped yet!

Boom! !

The shield hit the rear trunk of the vehicle. But the undead man stood there like a sculpture, motionless!

Instead, the vehicle was suppressed by the forward force of the undead, and even fell back and floated for a while.

The figure sitting in the vehicle was also thrown out of the vehicle due to this violent impact!

The black figure had just landed and completed an impact roll. Before he could raise his head, he heard the sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air from the darkness.


Before he could finish his words, the sword blade passed through the black figure's neck, and blood shot out in an instant, leaving warm traces on the wall and ground.

After the undead man succeeded in one blow, he quickly pulled out his sword, turned around and blocked another crossbow arrow with his shield, and rushed back to the vehicle.

At this moment, a short knife stabbed out from the corner, trying to penetrate the gap between the helmet and breastplate on the back of the undead's neck!


The short knife drew an arc in the air and made a sound when it landed on the ground.

The knife holder was knocked away with great force, creating several gaps in the wall!

He looked in horror at the knight in front of him who was swinging his sword at him.

Who would have thought that when someone was charging forward, he would stop his forward momentum almost instantly, and then, after a brief exertion of force, his shoulder would hit him?

How far has he trained his body? !


The blade split the head in half in the middle, and a mixture of red and white flowed down the wound in the darkness.

The corpse had slid down to the ground weakly against the wall. The head was accurately divided into two halves, and the remaining fear could still be seen on the two cheeks.


Zofia's voice came from behind, and the undead man turned around and raised his sword, blocking the incoming dagger.

Then step forward and raise your left hand.

Shield Bash!


The middle shield hit the man on the head. Without the protection of the helmet, the man's nose collapsed instantly, and the whole face was splashed with blood from the impact of the shield.

The long sword in the undead man's right hand followed closely, with one sword striking his head!

The head was washed up into the sky along with the blood, and fell to the ground in a shower of blood, rolling feebly twice.

He didn't care where these people came from.

Want his life? Then hand over your life first!

In the brief confrontation, the undead man's sword had already killed three people.

Zofia on the other side also shook the whip blade in her hand. She sniffed her small nose and frowned slightly.

I still am not used to the smell of blood.

In front of her, a corpse with its right hand taken off was lying on the ground. The body had been cut into pieces by the whip blade in Zofia's hand.

Yes, Zofia is a famous Whipblade Knight. The weapon she is most accustomed to is a whip rather than a long sword.

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