Finally, the first arrow hit the green ball, and the undead man's scoreboard rose from 0 to 1.

The other knights saw that one of them had already been eliminated, and some began to set their sights on those around them.

There was a heavily armored knight who, after missing many shots in a row, finally got his chance and shot a small blue square, which gained him three points.

With this score, he immediately looked at the longbow knights who were constantly shooting around him.

Since your scores are not up to standard, start with others!

As a result, the knights' confrontation on the field finally appeared. The knights must continue to accumulate their points amidst mutual interference. They cannot leave the high platform, otherwise they will be eliminated immediately!

But strangely, the undead were not affected in any way.

After seeing Vandy's ending, none of the knights had the confidence to take that impressive spear.

The undead were also happy to be free, and kept bending their bows and arrows, shooting small balls in the sky, slowly accumulating points from other knights with superb archery skills, as well as knights who used Originium skills to attack from a distance.

And everyone finally saw his precise shooting skills in addition to the undead shield attack and barrier-like defense. Although the speed is not fast, it can almost always hit the target, and sometimes it will kill two birds with one stone.

The Immortal's points continued to rise and soon stabilized at eighteenth place.

The knights in front had more or less prepared their own bows, arrows and crossbows, and they also received special training based on this competition. The speed of drawing the bows and shooting was definitely guaranteed.

But he is not in a hurry if he doesn't die. His highlight is yet to come, so he just needs to make sure that he doesn't fall behind.

So this strange scene appeared on the field.

Even the crossbow knights and hammer knights on the left and right of the undead were constantly being attacked, but it was quiet on the undead's side.

No one's skills and crossbows dare to cross the border to the undead, just like in paradise.

No one dared to provoke the undead to throw a spear, and that unlucky magician knight was a lesson learned from the past.

Finally, with Mob's speech and the cheers caused by the knight's exit every few minutes, the archery competition ended.

"Let us congratulate the knights who are still present! You have saved your points! You have occupied the advantageous high ground! There will be a half-hour break! I'll see you in the Flame Blade Racing Field in half an hour!"


At this time, distant Victoria.

After more than a year of renovation, Xiacheng District has finally returned to its original appearance.

It's just that the forces here have also been reshuffled. The Glasgow gang, which was sharpened in that disaster, rose rapidly and occupied nearly half of the lower city. At the same time, it established good relations with the merchants in the upper city.

Although the Glasgow Gang is prosperous, it still adheres to the principle of an elite group. The members still maintain the original size, but only a few new people have been recruited.

But at this moment, on a day when the Glasgow Gang was supposed to be guarding the field, the two leading generals were sitting in front of the TV together, watching a game.

After seeing that amazing spear, Hannah couldn't help but slap her thigh.

"Handsome! So handsome! As expected of Mr. Wandering Soul!"

The hair on the big white cat's head is swaying, showing her excitement at the moment.

The two saw this name on advertisements for various major tournaments. Out of curiosity, they watched the game on time.

"Well, it's indeed him."

Vina also nodded, finally confirming that it was the immortal.

On the day of the infected riot in Victoria, Hannah still vividly remembers the feeling of the thunder gun flying past her ear. This spear, like the thunder gun that time, was filled with Mr. Wanderer's violent aesthetics.

"But why did Mr. Wandering Soul go to Casimir?"

Hannah asked her own question.

"Didn't he say he had a heart problem and Victoria couldn't help him?"

Vina shook her head.

"Not sure."


Hannah thought for a while, clapped her hands, and said with enlightenment.

"I know! He has no money to buy firewood! That's why he went to the knight competition!"

"?" A question mark seemed to pop up on Weena's head. She looked at Hannah doubtfully, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt that that was what happened.

Vina was silent, she had to agree with Hannah's point of view.

After all, it sounds like something Mr. Wanderer would do.

49. Racing! Hunter Undead! Eight Thousand

"Okay! The exciting second game is finally here! The moment to show the mobility and skill of the knights! The second game of the top 32 of the Casimir Special Championship to advance to the top 16! Racing match!"

Along with Big Mouth Mobu's speech, the entire venue rose from the ground, and countless models of various shapes emerged from the open window. With the control of the large elevator system below, they slowly came to the ground to take shape and take root.

The entire site is divided into two parts, opening from the middle. To the north is a woodland occupied by forests and highland slopes, while to the south is a miniature town composed of several buildings.

In this circular area with a radius of nearly one hundred meters, such a circular venue was transformed into a combination of woodland and mountain village within a few minutes. The technological strength demonstrated by Casimir in the Flame Blade Arena was simply amazing. People are speechless.

"Wow, isn't this too cool?!"

Maria was dumbfounded. She had seen the structure of the venue changed, but she had never seen such a large-scale scene.

"The scale this time is indeed different from the past. But after this event, it will only become weirder and more outrageous. In the future, there may even be a situation where a building is dedicated to become an arena."

Zofia obviously knew some inside information. She stood up and stood up excitedly, wanting to get closer to watch Maria.

"All in all, drones will help us show the scenes we can't see, so we don't have to worry about the problems we can't see."

The entire field in front of them will become the venue for the second racing event of the Casimir Specials in the next hour.

"Welcome to Casimir in the mountains and forests! This is a venue chosen by the audience through online voting! It also represents the will of the audience!"

Big Mouth Mobu posted a table on the big screen, and it indeed showed that "Casimir Mountain Forest Wind" was the first-ranked venue, and the number of votes behind it exceeded the second place by a large margin.

"Then, let me, Big Mouth Mobu, introduce to you the specific rules of this racing competition!"

"First of all, the race is a game in which thirty-two knights chase the target in this huge field. The reason why it is called a race, not a battle for the target! It is precisely because as long as you touch the target with any part of your body, , you can get three points!”

On the big screen, a blue ball of light appeared, with a sword and shield outlined in gold in the middle of the ball.

"During the entire game, at the same time, three targets will appear randomly at any location on the playing field. After the previous target is touched, the next target will immediately appear and disappear at least thirty meters away from the target. Outside! Appearance location is random."

A diagram appeared on the big screen. A humanoid touched a blue light ball. The light ball was immediately projected in another place, and a +3 sign appeared on the humanoid's head.

"In this game, the knights need to use their flexible body skills! And superhuman speed to stay ahead of other knights! Try your best to compete for the light balls that appear in the field! The game will last for one hour, and the points generated will be accumulated up to In the points after one game!”

"At the same time, the rules of the competition are similar to the previous archery competition. The knights are allowed to attack each other! Once they lose the ability to move, they will be judged to be out! At the same time, all points obtained in this game will be cleared! "

Big Mouth Mobu said with a smile, and then picked up the entry list.

"Then at the same time, I want to tell you some bad news. In the last round of archery competition, a total of four knights left our major tournament! They unfortunately lost their ability to move during the archery competition and were judged to be There is no chance to participate in the rest of today's competition. In other words, there are only twenty-eight knights left to participate in the competition! And now four knights have been eliminated!"

Big Mouth Mobu waved his arms and shouted passionately.

"Next! All knights are invited to enter!"

The large iron gates in the four directions of the southeast, northwest and northwest of the arena opened at the same time. The knights walked out through the corresponding doors, which also aroused a series of cheers and shouts from the audience.

"The Immortal Legend! The Immortal Legend! You are so fierce! I love you so much!"

"Ahhh! Hayate Rila! Show your power, my wife is waiting for me to bring money back for our honeymoon!"

"Let's fight, let's fight! A melee! I want a melee!"

The voices in the audience were overwhelming, and they all shouted the names of the knights they supported.

At this moment, Maria and Zofia were also aroused by the previous game.

The two waved flags with the names of the immortal legends on them and stood up to cheer for the immortals.

They didn't know who handed it to them. Anyway, when Maria went to the bathroom during the intermission, someone gave it to her, and then Maria brought it back to Zofia.

Zofia refused at first, but under Maria's strong request, she agreed to rock with her once.

As a result, Zofia shook the ground harder than Maria.

As the knights arrived, Big Mouth Mobu reached out and slammed the red button on the console in front of him.

"For honor and interests! Fight fiercely on the field! Knights! For Casimir's tomorrow!"


Dozens of drones made huge noises at the same time, covering the entire Flame Blade Arena. He even suppressed the shouts from the audience.

At the same time, inside the venue, three balls of light appeared out of thin air and were scattered around.

The knights also rushed out of their original positions and sprinted towards the light ball in the field.

The undead man's reactions were quick, but he was surrounded by knights who were faster than him.

The light armor on the knight seemed to have the effect of weakening air resistance. At the same time, the speed and jumping bonus brought to him by the power system made him look like he was flying out.

The knight holding two short daggers used the strength of the tree trunk to jump left and right. After two or three jumps, he was already more than five meters above the ground, and this distance continued to increase.

The undead man came running honestly from the ground.

Despite this, the undead man was still not too slow. He was almost two or three positions ahead of the other knights around him, and was the first to get into the building.

The position of the light ball is broadcast in real time to inform all knights of the position of the light ball. And this light ball is in the room on the second floor of the building.

The light-armored knight holding two daggers kicked hard on the last tree trunk and floated in through the window. When the undead man had just crashed into the door of the building, he had already touched the ball of light and successfully captured the third tree trunk. A three pointer.

"Wow! It seems that Rila's performance in the racing competition is really extraordinary. It is consistent with the impression he left on the audience before. As long as it is a competition similar to racing, Rila's performance will stand out from the crowd. His Speed ​​may not give him the power to penetrate the defenses of the heavily armored knights. But it can allow him to reach the target before others!"

Rila heard Mobu's words. His good mood after getting the ball of light immediately turned from sunny to gloomy after Big Mouth Mobu's words.

What does it mean to be unable to penetrate the defense of heavily armored knights?

Those stupid big guys will never catch him!

Gale Wind Rilla didn't stop. After he touched this light ball, he immediately saw the location of another light ball on the ubiquitous small screen.

He swooped out of the window, and at this moment, the undead man arrived on the second floor.

He looked at Gale Rilla's figure flying out of the window, and did not show any frustration. Instead, he moved his lips and whispered something to himself.

The Immortal knows very well that this game is not a place for him to perform properly. He needs to find other ways to increase his chances of reaching the top 16.

In the journey of the immortal, recklessness is always the lowest method. You must use all means to outwit and constantly create opportunities for yourself to win. Instead of stupidly fighting the enemy in the way he is best at.

This racing match is obviously prepared for those knights who are not good at shooting and do not have much offensive ability, but are good at movement and speed.

Most of these knights are armed with close combat weapons and are known for their short-distance dash and fast movement.

Compared to Warlocks and Heavy Crossbowmen, they do not have outstanding long-range attack capabilities.

Compared with heavy armor knights and medium armor knights, they do not have strong frontal one-on-one combat capabilities.

But speed and movement are their most proud strengths.

This temporary venue was chosen by the audience through online voting. It is also obvious that the audience just likes to see the light armored knights leaving those bulky big guys behind.

And the one who suffers the most is not the Cavaliers. Instead, there were warlocks, long-range crossbow users, and cumbersome heavy-armored knights.

After all, it is to balance the difficulty of the game. Otherwise, if everyone is wearing heavy armor, what's the point?

The undead man looked back at the screen in the room.

There is a light ball in the mountain forest area, and the other two light balls are refreshed in the urban area at this moment.

Gale Wind Rila was heading towards another ball of light that appeared in the town.

But not every score will go smoothly. While the lightly armored knights can fully display their strengths, they will also encounter obstacles from other knights.


A crossbow arrow was shot out from nowhere and flew away at Gale Wind Ruila Zhongkong's body.

Even though Gale Rilla knew that she would definitely encounter a blockage, she didn't expect that the blockage would come so quickly.

The dagger in his right hand was in front of him, and he reached out with the dagger in his left hand, hooked it on the outer edge of the building, and pulled himself forward to rush forward.

The arrow flew past his side and left a mark on his armor.

There was a ball of light in the room in front of her. Ruila felt happy and was about to open the door, rush in and score another three points.

But at this moment, a faint blue light came from the side.

The danger alarm in her heart rang loudly, and Ruila jumped back to avoid this faint blue light.

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